The structure of modern life makes it almost impossible to enjoy life

Does anyone else feel this? I myself can definitely find appreciation in simple nature, walking outside, etc. But when I do almost anything I find myself thinking "I'm going to have to work tomorrow" and this always greatly hampers my enjoyment and appreciation of the world around me. Maybe its a mental problem I have; but knowing that I will have to go to work in some hours time and wake up for it, almost makes it impossible to TRULY enjoy something. Sometimes I wish I could just lie in a beautiful meadow and take it all in, but my mind will always thinking of work in the near future.

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I think alot of it has to do with the restrictions imposed on being social in your working environment. Before work could be done while talking amongst your fellow workers but at the same time you werent forced to talk or be social either which is on the opposite end of the spectrum in the modern working world. Both hyper and hypo sociality for at least 8 hours a day for most of your week makes it hard to turn it off and function properly when out of work.

I agree with your sentiment entirely. I remember walking to school and enjoying the morning, and then the rush of the day wasnt so bad either. As soon as I started working full time I felt drained even in my free time. Theres a constant time constraint hovering over everything you do and you cant even do it the way you want, theres no time to simply be.

Our brains are still very much tailored to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle where we spend 4 hours getting food and have the rest of the day to kick back, socialise and spend on hobbies. The first few chapters of 'sapiens' are a nice, easy to read reasoning of why you feel the way that you do.

>when I do almost anything I find myself thinking "I'm going to have to work tomorrow"
This is why it felt like "grown ups" were pissed off all the time when we were kids.
This joy stealing thought of a task with no obvious end that we can't ever stop doing.
No satisfaction, just an endless string of duties that makes money for someone somewhere.

If we could just have Little House on the Prairie except with modern medicine and wifi I'd be fine with living like that.

We're trapped in this shithole civilization forever lmao

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I always want to go outside but it's just niggers and buildings so I hide in my room.

What job do you work? I would kill for a job right now. The inactivity is getting to me and I really need money. I wish I lived somewhere that was by nice nature, but I don't. If I walk out my front door it's niggers and buildings.

try being NEET for a change

i honestly believe the only people who can tolerate modern life are simply just psychopaths.

>This is why it felt like "grown ups" were pissed off all the time when we were kids.
It doesn't matter how cheesy it's, but doing a job that you truly enjoy helps a lot.

pretty much no one has a job they enjoy

The true redpill is that feudalism never really went away, it was just repacked into what you call "modern life". We're miserable because we're born as servants. The ultra-rich are enjoying their life for sure.

modern life is too easy and too enjoyable. some percentage of the population is just retarded and needs to create drama for themselves.

And that's the problem.
They don't tolerate their jobs, so they discharge their frustration in other people.

Irrelevant personal anecdote: I worked in a pizzeria, a shitty job I know, but I enjoyed so much being with my coworkers that I still miss them. I left that job 1 year ago and we still talk.

this picture is fucking up my sinuses

>If we could just have Little House on the Prairie except with modern medicine and wifi I'd be fine with living like that.
I swear to God I would love to live like this, with a nice thicc farmer girl who loves to plant, wrench, program, and fuck like no tomorrow. Fucking guy is broke yet living the dream.

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The irony is that they're not. One of my schoolmates was the son of a tremendously wealthy man in Hollywood and his entire life was made miserable by family drama. The ultra-rich spend 99% playing mind-games around who controls money and wasting resources to remind the rest of us that they have money.

take the homestead pill

Same happens when I play Vidya or watch a movie. Ruined by work even eating is shit now. Bought a gun recently prolly just going to die.

Humans evolved to live among nature in tight knit family communities. Everything we live in today is unnatural, and it's making people sick in body mind and spirit.

Bunch of niggers on r9k. Lazy fucks

Modern society was a mistake

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Lmao stop whining, at least you arent this NEET faggot

>The structure of modern life makes it almost impossible to enjoy life
Yeah. It's by design.

Lmao none of you faggots would make it to the end of a week doing farm work

save up and try to buy some decant land to live like a medieval peasant

I am super loving life. Its impossible to love it as much as I want. I would need to be able to draw/playgames/guitar/sing all at the same time 24/7

life is so unfair

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I know what you mean. I dread going to work and that's pretty much what makes me not want to get up in the morning and, on a good day, the only thing that ruins my mood. I probably enjoy Fridays after work, Saturdays and early Sundays a lot better than any other time of the week.

There are still jobs like that. I think I have that kind of environment going in my workplace. Still, the hours and the commuting (especially the commuting) make me dread the routine.

Interesting. Didn't know that the book delved into that kind of stuff in that way, although it seems kind of obvious now that you mention it.


I don't know if I'm right, but I think that if you go crazy in the right way you can live a pretty tolerable life, although it might be a fine line and you would be hypocritical or ignorant in some sense or another.

Agree to disagree. I'm rambling here, but while life may be easier today in terms of survival and comfort, we are living under a much more unsustainable and shit structure, culturally and organizationally, and that results in fucked up situations for a lot of people. Like, we're still disrespecting and killing one another over random bullshit, not to mention the quality of life disparity between countries and countries' socioeconomic strata. One thing that maybe wasn't so pungent in the past but is a common reality nowadays is the fact that society has become a huge exploitation system, from local to geopolitical.

Made me think about how important it is, no matter the job, to create a healthy work environment along with coworkers. A lot of jobs are shit because people do not get along in a healthy way, spending hours together every day without even respecting one another properly. That may be one of the problems with modern work culture.

Hang in there. Maybe try and discover a passion for a creative activity or something akin to that so that you always have something to look forward to.

That makes sense. Although I'm not sure if humans are tightly designed for the kind of environment you described, I think it proved to be a much healthier one than we currently have as the norm.

Shamefully haven't read the entire thing myself, but it's undeniable he has a lot of good points.


Good to see you're enjoying life. Keep it up. Maybe also think about ways to manage your time better so that you at least do most of what's important to you.

>hate life and want to an hero
>quit job
>suddenly start enjoying life and see all the reasons why i want to live
>get job
>want to kill myself again
work is seriously the worst thing ever

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People often glamorize this type of life. I spent six months working on a farm recently. It wasn't really fun but it was in stark contrast to a regular job, in the sense that there was a nice sense of community and at least some of the time it felt less regimented and more free flowing. I rarely dreaded the next day, it all kind of blended together. Barely felt like an actual job at all. Sometimes there's no good options, only less bad ones.

work is more satisfying to me when there is a clear end goal. on the other hand having to be "on the clock" just feels awful regardless of the job

It's impossible for me to enjoy the simple pleasures in life when I know I have to go to work. Like I can't even enjoy the morning cup of coffee because I know I can't really take my time, I have to go to work.

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>Made me think about how important it is, no matter the job, to create a healthy work environment along with coworkers. A lot of jobs are shit because people do not get along in a healthy way, spending hours together every day without even respecting one another properly. That may be one of the problems with modern work culture.
In the kitchen were only 4 persons, me, 2 new people and another that was hired 3 months before us. Maybe this helped to create a healthy work environment, we joke but we also respected each other.

I worked from 11:30 am to 11:00 pm or even 1 am of the next day. I enjoyed being with them, but I left after 6 months of being there because I wasn't what I wanted to do.

Could you elaborate on the setting? Was it more of an industrial farm setting or more local? Also how were the hours, generally? Sometimes I idealize a society where our work would be more focused on the necessary, so we could a way more decentralized population. Think of every region across every country being a hub for agricultural, technological or any other kind of development, with exchanges being made solely based on the geographical incapability of some places reasonably sustaining specific types of resources. Seems logistically infeasible, but in my opinion that's only because we created a shitfest of a society.

I sympathize with this.

I agree with this, but with the addendum that it is only (or maybe especially) more satisfying when there's a clear end goal you personally align yourself with. I think that even when it might not be something we think is good, we might feel more compelled to work towards it, just because that sort of collective strive towards something thing is hard to find nowadays, if ever.

Rough. I wish I had something to tell you, but the most I can do is tell you to try and isolate these moments for yourself, because they're yours anyways, and not let the dread come to you in such quintessential moments of your day. You deserve better.

To me at least that seems like a recipe for a possibly comfy staff. I think a lot about the importance of respect nowadays, but a lighthearted work environment is also very important in my opinion. It's a lot like that where I work actually. People always look to respect one another, but also joke with one another about various things, a lot of times work related. I hear about places where stuff like that simply wouldn't happen, or would be taken as a serious insult or something of the kind. That's a serious problem in my opinion.

>can't enjoy the present because I'm too concerned with the future
>this is society's fault!
nah nigga it's your fault. Our brains developed the capacity to care about the future. That's just part of being human and has nothing to do with modern society. Blame the cavemen if you want

Ted Kaczynski was right about everything and every year that becomes more and more apparent.

This was a small organic farm in a very rural part of New Mexico, around 50 hours a week usually. I thought of something similar while I was working there, in that I hated the idea of one place producing so much for hundreds of people. I felt individual people should pitch in and not be so dependant on small/large farms for their food. So I moved to a city to (attempt to) work for companies that promote edible landscaping. Every place in the country can do this and in my view it should be mandatory. Still I find it hard to really care and I'm kind of pretending to be passionate about it. But that's me.

Interesting. I don't know if it's conditioning but I think many places can't do a lot of stuff in terms of producing their own shit, so we would need some sort of distribution network, but I think we could be doing way better in that sense, as in more decentralized and more cost beneficial in terms of transportation or whatever. I'm kinda drunk. Sorry.

Same. I was thinking about this for some time now. But I also get stressed before work so it's worse. I can't really enjoy anything with the constant pressure and anxiety. Most of the days now just feel like before some some important test in school or uni. It was manageable when it happened a few times in a year, but now I work and I feel like that every week. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last like this. I handle stress really badly, even with all my efforts. Add to this me being sperg who gets stressed even with walking in to office and you got living nightmare where everyday is struggle. Thank god that I have that one friend with who I can waste time playing LoL so I don't have to think about it too much.

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>Every day is Saturday
>Can do almost any activity I want, have whatever sleep schedule I want and can just take it all one laid-back day at a time

I swear being NEET is like a cheat code or something.

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Godspeed user.


>I myself can definitely find appreciation in simple nature, walking outside, etc.
Same. I'm at the point I need to go hike a whole day at least once every two weeks or I'll feel sick.
I hate urbanism and people.
When the weather is good, I even go to some places remote from the world where you need to walk a few hours to get there and there's a river full of fishes and a forest full of fruits. And I just camp out alone with a book or two for the whole weekend.
It's peak comfy.

Modern society is actually worse than feudalism. The average peasant spent most of his day eating and napping, with a full day's labor being around 6 hours, not to mention the various religious holidays and feast days where the church forbade working at all (at one point in Spain, these holidays took up more than half the year in total).
Today, you're expected to work nearly every single day, even on holidays, for almost the entire day. It's actual slavery at this point when the average illiterate peasant lived a better life than you.

Yep, it's gassin' time

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I don't necessarily like what I do, but I try to stay positive. I think one can enjoy life in the modern world.

I really need to find something I can get neetbux for, short of intentionally crippling myself.

Work in some form has been a basic condition for existence for 99% of all humans since the dawn of time. Alienation from the work he must do is a feature of the industrial society though, and was a major part of Marx' theories.

I don't think that's the argument, the issue is that modern society isn't work anymore, it's borderline slavery. You can't just go out and build a house on some land you found and live there hunting and foraging for what you need free from society, now all land is owned by private corporations or the government and you need to buy or rent everything you need to live or you'll be arrested for trespassing or starve to death.
But if you say any of this, you have faggots coming out of the woodwork saying shit like
And they're almost always bottom dwelling retards who imbibe any bit of propaganda fed to them or part of a privileged wealthy caste that says poor people just need to work harder

Outside of when America had a frontier, I think all land in Western nations has been "owned" for hundreds of years. I still think the change from "man doing work that is immediately and clearly beneficial to himself and his community" to "factory drone creating profit for his corporate overlords" is the defining difference.

>if you're not mad, you're not paying attention

i think i relate, though in my time (2 years or so?) as a neet i found myself in an even deeper state of despair without external purpose, though that could've just been me at the time in my reflective sorrow

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>I find myself thinking "I'm going to have to work tomorrow" and this always greatly hampers my enjoyment

i want to know the feels to waking up in the morning not dreading the day ahead of you. every.fucking.weekday.and.sunday is just a fucking depressing morning.

Welcome to ShekelBurgs fun house user!

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I make nearly 6 figures in a cheap city as a software engineer and think about driving into a divider on the way into the office every morning. At least I have an escape velocity salary and will hopefully only need to do this for 15 years as opposed to the usual 40-55.

>I myself can definitely find appreciation in simple nature, walking outside, etc
i can't there's nothing but cars and buildings where i live

Watch this OP

>I myself can definitely find appreciation in simple nature, walking outside, etc.
shit that quit for me around 10 years old

>shit that quit for me around 10 years old
most people are like you and thats kind of what the problem is, user. no offense.

Let go of your thoughts user.

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