
anons being nice to each other edition

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sore throat / runny nose edition

Wheres Nubs? Getting rather worried

Any big body squad lads in? Remember the one where the fat lad got trapped after a car crash

died of swine flu

>why would he leave one failing club to go to another. he would go to man city or abroad like real madrid/barcelona

none long got back from a gig and fuck me, i handed the barwoman a tenner and she only gave me back what couldn't of been more than four quid back no wonder i don't go very often anymore

after the beating nubs gave poley today, i am now firmly #teamnubs


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*opens the thread letter box*
*in a croaky voice says "herro?"*

Guys, if you destroy your life, you should kill yourself shouldn't you?

Went to free movie showing again today, 'Tokyo Drifter', really enjoyed it. Sat out in the sun and played some Ace Attorney on my phone, then went to another art gallery. Have decided I don't really like modern art...

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Who did you go see and did you have a good time?

There are second chances.

>This Autistic Imperium Is Nihil Reich
Current 93 is /areband/

>Current 93 is /areband/
I'll start blasting them out in the morning.

What if you've already destroyed your second chance, your third chance, and you're probably now on your billionth chance?

People who as pathetic as I've been don't deserve to be in the gene pool

my hair thing tight is so tight

Not sure if you're taking the piss but his song writing is really interesting. He has this obsession with some really obscure gnostic/religious ideas, Hitler being reincarnated, etc.

no that would be telling i did enjoy myself though going to treat myself to a ham shandy and then have a kip

*recognises your plight*
I've stayed around because I don't want to make my family feel bad again.
And it's not easy or fun really but there is such a thing as volcel. And if you don't like yourself it is a good way to punish yourself as the heart wants what the heart wants. Just have to make your mind stronger.
Or maybe it's the other way round.

Well I was trying to be funny but not taking the piss. I will give them a listen in the morning. Got them lined up on jewtube and will pop the PC on snooze as I do the same. My memory's crap so would probably forget.

Getting her beauty sleep.

Thanks lad. Got an interview for customer assistant at Dr Martens. 32 hours a week. It's my first time going back to work in a few years so I'm a little nervous but I think I'll be okay. I usually do pretty well in interviews. I've done a lot of research about the brand, I always lie at interviews that a member of family or a friend worked at their company before (this is a good tip to stand out from the other candidates) I have previous experience in retail and I have a pair of Docs and a nice outfit picked out that I can wear to the interview. Fingers crossed.

Volcel? No, voluntarily suicide would be my choice with no doubts whatsoever.

I don't think pathetic people should be poisoning the gene pool and being voluntarily pathetic is even more pathetic than being involuntarily pathetic.

You're a good lad, most people ignore my youtube links to music. Not that I blame them
Let me know if you like it

went upstairs to check on ceh
need a breather


For me? It's applying for 6 jobs the past week and not hearing from either despite saying they're calling people for interviews this week. Epic!

Chocolatier 2: Secret Ingredient is interesting in that while you're moving the mouse, the screen doesn't update. You have to keep the cursor still for anything to move. Not particularly helpful in a minigame where you have to point and shoot your chocolate ingredients into the production line.

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is tha all?

This is Andrew, my mate.

Say something nice about him.

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Lad, I've applied for hundreds in the past months

Only looking for 8 - 12 hour part time atm to test the waters and there ain't as much of them. Feel like if I jump straight into full-time I'll have a breakdown.

Smart desu, 40h a week is soul destroying

Ah,well, will just have to stick to our own plans then.
Good luck.

Nice, and a discount as well. Hopefully the interview goes well.

Yeah and if I work under 16 hours and earn less than 130 a week I can keep my benefits as well. Of course, my long term goal is to work full time but I'm 24 autistic never had a proper job so want to ease myself in or else I'll crash out. All retail jobs too which I'm anxious about but could manage I think if I make an effort.

Tomorrow I'll be quicker
I'll stare into the strobe light, flickering
And afloat I'll stay...
But I'm quite alright hiding today

cant believe its been a year since kieth flint died

I'm too much of an autist for retail jobs, I can never pass those weird hypothetical tests they have on there websites.

good luck anons. how longs ur commute?

i wish i could work

>NOD is full of gaylords and Kane is a stupid bitch nigga

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Hooligans: Storm Over Europe; a game about gangs of norfs who fight each other over international football matches.

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fuck, i remember that gmae from years and years ago, wish i could play it again now

Yeah Im thinking Im te most based poster on brotfeel

and that looks like micheal ironside!

>wish i could play it again now
You can if you want, lad. I'm downloading it now.

I found a physical pc copy at a carboot sale last week

I'm only looking for stuff in my town but if I don't have luck I will stretch to next city over as its only 15 minutes on the train. Actually not much less than 16 hour part time jobs about, a lot of them are between 16 and 30. Luckily I'm not desperately in need of a job cause I get benefits but it's important I get some experience.

You look like you give good hugs and you've always got a reason to smile

>Wondered why you blamed them and not the pakis/blacks who commit the majority of crime per capita.

sorry lad only just noticed this, the simple fact is that there are very few blacks or pakis in my town, alot of eastern euros though but they have never caused me any trouble

You're sweet lad. I just had a bath, washed my hair and finished some wine. I'm working from home again tomorrow so I thought I'd celebrate my birthday a little early. I'm Feeling a bit drunkies so getting into bed now. Wish someone would brush my hair until I fell asleep
Don't be worried about me, I'm okay. Sorry for not posting much today. Been doing some reflection.

Where do you find all these old games to play?

thanks for the link laddo, downloading now, cant wait to dick around on it for the rest of the night if it works

Watched a lot of tranny porn earlier and felt very comfortable.

love my bf but love my drink and weed equally

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Absolute madlad

He'll probably get a lengthy ban for this

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how often do you go the pub? I'm sicking of spending my nights in my bedroom getting high/drunk by myself. I wanna meet a girl and make some friends. my dad spends every night at the pub but it doesn't look like it does him any good. wtf do I do in this country?

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used to go down the local alot, and a live music place in town, havent stepped foot in a pub for about 18 months now though

anyone live in London?

I've lived here my whole life but literally never use it ya know. apparently there's a lot to do in this city. and people are always talking about how living here is such a great opportunity to meet so many great people and create great things. where? what do I do? how do I meet these great people? I'm on the dole trying to get a job. whsmith and greggs don't reply to me. wtf do I do?

Hes a fucking ox. Wouldnt want him charging at me. Like 6ft 2. Reckon 10 stone lifter still would argue he is stronger than him.

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