Can incels explain how it is women's fault that men are becoming underachieving pieces of garbage who aren't worth settling down with? Why should women stoop down to your pathetic level? Why can't you get better?
Can incels explain how it is women's fault that men are becoming underachieving pieces of garbage who aren't worth...
idk hun but that sandwich ain't gonna make itself
Because women think they are born valuable and don't put in the work to be good women and exploit their power
Can women explain why the fuck they are in any position to pick and choose or 'settle' for anything?
Women arent worth shit these days. We dont have to earn your pussy.
Get on your back and wet up and shut up. Cuntoid
Because unless men are 10/10 rich Chads even the most disgusting woman won't take us. Seeing as most men can't reach that standard we just give up a fight we could never win and become useless dregs of society.
OP is bait, only reply with a question not an answer to anything these cuntoids say.
>becoming underachieving pieces of garbage
Men aren't becoming anything different.
Forty-five years ago a gas station attendant could buy a house, now he could barely share a room in the bad part of town and would need foodstamps to eat.
We're more educated, harder working, and have better financial understanding than our fathers and grandfathers by and large.
Dude stop. Dont give these cunts the satisfaction. Either insult her or fire back with more ad hom.
Yeah, my bad. OP was just being such a retard I went brain dead for a second. Dumb cunt just needs a good man to knock some sense into her.
I think its fine but the question is is this all sustainable. Our society was built on the foundation of equal parts sacrifice from both sexes, beta males broke their backs as worker bees because a wife and kids were guaranteed, and woman settled for less than they desired because it was more stable and better than being labeled a whore. Only time will tell though, I hope its not a big deal.
There are poor 1/10 men with wives and kids. I think modern white men are just lazy because they had an easy life. Admit that you had a computer and video games growing up and a lot of free time, and I will tell you exactly why you have poor social skills.
You say a man is garbage because he does not want to work 80 hours a week in a stressful job just to make good money. What does money really do in the long run? It won't change me or convince me to be happier.
Father was useless drug addict who had us live around other drug addicts and pedos. Too poor to afford video games and only started playing when I could afford to buy them. Even then, father pawned them for more drug money. Spent most free time outside, was anti-social very young and even when I did have friends they only wanted to hang out at school. Even when I did have friends that hung out with m outside of school I would have to move away because father didn't pay rent.
why do men need to improve when theyre already strong enough to rape you
because they fuck underachieving pieces of garbage who aren't worth settling down with, then expect the productive men to to settle for 35yr old used goods and pay for her 2 bastard children.
This is the most basic board doctrine and would be in the sticky if there was one.
Your father is proof that women will be in a relationship with someone who isnt top tier genetics
Sure, but I'm not going to drug up some whore just so I can be with someone.
1. The 3rd wave feminist movement
They have pushed and pushed for women to go out and get jobs etc. Even if there is a minority of women that *want* to be housewives they are not inclined to settle as you likely are if you even are a female
This has caused at LEAST 40% of the population to enter the workforce who were previously unemployed.
You know how many people that is? It's a LOT of fucking people. The delay of marriage and having children doesn't help either, the further we get into this movement the WORSE it's going to get for you. 10/10 chads will not settle for 6/10 even if she has a shit load of money because guys don't really care about that, they mainly care about looks and if your pussy is tight or not.
2. Diversity quotas
Forcing men out of the workplace to have more women (and less whites), means less successful men and less opportunity for men, as well as it taking longer for men to find a job. This is especially true in places like, portland, seattle, and san francisco.
3. The downward spiral and slippery slope.
As the situation gets worse and worse, the world gets darker, grimmer, and the hopeful turn pityful.
Why even try to get the job with StealFromWorkTyrone is going to get the job every time?
Why even try to better myself when I can just stay at home, NEET, and play video games?
The problem is caused by YOU not us.
Women aren't any special arbiters of who's worthy. They're just humans if you didn't notice. Guys don't need to inpress women anymore that girls need to impress guys. Only people who believe this are megasimps or retarded trad-cons.
But women having jobs or an education doesn't make them more attractive. I'll fuck a girl who grunts if she's sexy.
all of those were caused by men though. and what's worse, is that younger generations of men are choosing to be degenerates.
if you spent time off of Yas Forums, and actually talked to men about their feelings you'd know that most of them aren't choosing to be degenerates.
Why do you think trad wife memes are so popular?
If by men you mean Chad then sure. Funny thing about the word Men is that when women say it they really mean Chad, but since Chad is immune from criticism via the halo effect they pass the sins of Chad down to the normie and incels. These men are the least likely to engage in those behaviors because women don't engage with these men or even consider them to be "Men".
And those problems came from women crying about not having those things. Weak men create hard times I guess.
Most degenerates i talk to spend more time alone than socializing or developing relationships.
>halo effect
reverse halo effect is usually stronger. vast majority of people have negative thoughts about the rich and hyper attractive.
Modern women are worthless. Feminism has turned them into harpies and men no longer have a reason to care. In the past men would be good so they could have a good woman. There are no more good women. Why fight for a prize that you don't even want? It's better to stay alone and enjoy the bachelor life.
This. White men need to learn to stay alone. Their place is not with women.
>Women have a huge amount of programs and policies in place to progress them ahead of men
>Women, on average, progress ahead of men (women now work more than men and have higher educations)
>Women refuse to settle for anything they see as beneath them, resulting in a generation of lonely women surrounded by "equal" men they refuse to accept as equals because a woman can only feel turned on by and attracted to her superiors
>This is men's fault
I do agree it's men's fault for letting women have agency.
>"men" needing a "program" to get ahead
we really are past due for correcting our gene pool.
>Being this disingenuous
I get this is bait, but I will humour it. Imagine you go to a marathon to run, but half the runners get motorcycles and just rip off from the start and reach the finish line hours and hours before you. When you get there, they admonish you for not being at the finish line while also claiming YOU are the one on the motorcycle and complain about how lazy runners have gotten these days.
This used to happen via war. Its almost like a natural correction or something. Send some poor peasant off to fight for god, gold, or glory and if they win they get a woman and if they lose they are dead so its a win win. The harsh truth is that some men shouldn't have kids. The solution is probably prostitution. Depending on the type of incel some of these men end up either paying some instathot or twitch thot for attention or being a male feminist.
>retarded analogy that ironically sounds like what male privilege is based on
war & famines.
i think the correction is happening just by virtue of the economy making some young men too scared to go out into the world and dying childless, but if there is a "solution" it's probably more violent.
The difference is we have observable proof that female "privilege" exists, because it does. Women are now have higher education levels than men and work more while also having higher acceptance rates into universities, et cetera, despite men scoring higher and such. Affirmative action is an observable fact. Women have all the advantages. This is observable and even openly promoted by modern states and businesses, are we meant to just ignore it?
scientific proof concludes that male privilege not only exists, but it is detrimental to society.
>Male privilege exists
Men kill themselves more, reproduce less, now work less and have lower educations than women, live shorter lives than women, are poorer than women, receive fewer government/state programs and benefits than women, et cetera. I'm not sure how male privilege can actually exist knowing these things besides that 1% of men are really rich.
What feminists call """male privilege""" has always just been high value male privilege and blindness to the majority of male existence.
>kill themselves
the fact that you start your post with something that affects 0.006% of the population and that's your defense of why male privilege isn't so bad says a lot.
>Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people now, up 200%
>"It's not a big deal"
>Ignoring the rest
Good bait but I am bored. What IS male privilege, anyway? What is it actually? How does it affect modern society more than women having countless programs dedicated to bringing them ahead of men who work harder?
>men are privileged, according to most academic journals and studies on social dynamics
>"oh yeah?? well what about these 12 guys out of every 100,000 on average??"
you're bored because your life is too easy, i suppose.
How are men privileged? You haven't answered this question.
That's why we need someone like Bernie Sanders to give a fair shake to those who are untalented or unremarkable like myself and everyone else here. Why should I be forced to shit and piss in poverty just because I got the wrong degree or because I didn't study hard to become a brain surgeon or something? Why should I sit back and watch people that patronize me about being a failure when their own parents handed them thousands of dollars at random?
I recently got a Mac book air from my parents. I have a new computer and I even have my own condo and I didn't pay anything for it. I didn't have to take out student loans or anything because of mom and dad. Meanwhile, I have an employee who earns the same as me and is homeless and still has to pay the government every month. Wheres the fairness in his situation? I have gotten to know him and he is a nice guy but just shit out of luck. I won not because I deserved to and he lost for no reason.
The right wing keeps saying that you only make it when you work hard for it. I didn't work hard for my condo or my $1300 computer. We live in an oligarchy.
>Take less jobs
>Have no sense loyalty
>Dull personalities
>Shallow values
>Never invented anything of value
And yet men are supposed to believe the notion that women are equal - superior even. Women get everything on a gold platter and gets the platter as well while men have to bust their asses to even get a silver plate. Women get away with things that men never could. Society treats them as angels, yet we're brainwashed to think they are "oppressed".
that's not what oligarchy means. also you are free to give your macbook to the coworker, and if you give it to the government first in a socialist society i guarantee you that the government will just keep the macbook and buy your friend a dell from the 90s.
all government spending is inherently inefficient compared to private sector spending, unless it is competing with another government. and even in those cases, poor people don't stop being poor, they become dead in order to industrialize faster.
Fuck niggers, fuck jannies, fuck femoids. Brenton Tarrant is a hero and martyr. Don't argue with people who push Feminist and Marxist talking points, it's just a way for retards to waste your time explaining whats obvious to a person with an IQ above room temperature.
>Most degenerates I talk to
You don't talk to any degenerates, youre lying and your cunts full of shit
found the verifiable virgin who isn't even memeing
Because the younger generation are being taught woman values which are destructive for any environment.
More like the programs need to be abolished.
Found the underaged fag. original
>Immediately goes the virgin route of insult
nice big IQ, twat brain
kys bitch noone cares
Apparently 99% of men are 10/10 rich Chads these days. According to you.
You have no argument and those numbers are made up, lol
Less than 1% of men and women die virgins. The only one making stuff up is you. Literally anyone can get laid if he wants to, it's easier than ever.
Doubt that stat but even if its real I'm absolutely gonna be in that 1%
Anyone who is wondering the sauce, it is, "My first girlfriend is a Gal (slut)"
About an incel who attempts to lose his virginity by dating the girl with the worst reputation in class. He later learns she is not what she seems. Kinda cute rom com.
Where do you get that statistic? Do you even have a source?
Well yeah, rape is always an option. I'd just like to avoid getting fucked in prison by some nigger just so I could get pussy once and be part of the 99%
bitch in OP's pic needs a longer skirt and to button her shirt, send her to the girls room to get that unfashionable thing on so she gets shamed and finally learns her lesson for disrupting class.
Going to a prostitute is always an option. As is tinder. Or bars. Or events. Or just talking to girls.
They are arguing in bad faith my dude. They have no real answer. Women only look at the top tier men and then make broad generalization about men. They only consider the top tier men to be "men". Everyone else is just a tool to be used. Apex fallacy. Women got it in their head that every man was making 6+ figures while snorting coke off their secretaries ass when in reality most men lived miserable lives and died in wars for "men". Yes, men are privileged but that privilege isn't equally distributed which is why you two will never really agree.
Everything I know about women I learned from incel forums full of basement-dwelling neckbeards who have never kissed a girl: the post.
Not worth getting STDs
Esu teeu dius
You may like being a pozzed nigger but I prefer being clean
>just talking to girls
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh wait you actually think I'm going to get laid by just talking to a girl? That's just sad. Also, STDs.
>Everything I know about women I learned from incel forums full of basement-dwelling neckbeards who have never kissed a girl: the post.
Fixed that for you