Why do men think lust and love are the same thing?
Why do men think lust and love are the same thing?
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It is the same if you are i na good relationship.
They don't, but you do since you're projecting
Why do women think true love is putting zero effort into anything they do and still being unconditionally appreciated for it?
Get to the fucking point instead of your 'le ebin b8'
Love: when you're in the middle of a spontaneous fuck session and you start discussing what you're gonna get for dinner when you're done
The fuck? just because a person is wearing a t-shirt and pajamas doesn't mean you can't lust after them.
i don't think they do, but if you've only been on the receiving end of lust it might be easier to see it that way
this comic is stupid, your statement is generalized and meaningless, and your thread sucks
I started eating out my gf when she had the flu and was in bed being miserable and gave her multiple orgasms to the point where she was on the verge of passing out and couldn't move
is this love?
Same, but in reverse
Sometimes we just want to relax in our own homes and still be treated as an equal.
Does having the flu make girls pussies taste different?
why are women such disgusting slobs?
I list after a girl for all the physical beauty plus how she acts and carries herself
I realize I love someone when I still find myself smitten with them right after cumming, either from masturbation or sex. Im attracted to some pretty gawdy shit, which normally turns me off if I'm not thinking with my dick brain. But if I love someone it doesn't matter anymore and I can enjoy it all the time instead of being ashamed after I cum
not really just tasted stronger because she was too weak to get in the shower for some days
I just whish some girl would even talk to me
Men seriously can't love. Lol. This post is another screen for the anecdotal evidence folder how cancer men are.
The pic and the text are misleading.
Why do women think love and infatuation are the same thing?
Not the user you're responding to.
Personally, I don't have a problem with this. My problem is that sometimes relax means being lazy or a slob.
Good bait, roastie.
True love is about unconditionality in a variety of fields.
Too bad that kind of love is hard to come by.
Love doesn't exist
Every man you've ever had a relationship with only wanted to fuck you.
You only loved them because they were chad or had money.
I cant believe they're are morons in the year 2020 who still actually think love exists.
>Men seriously can't love.
Men do can, in fact "love" is something invented by men. That's why "men's love" is different than "women's love".
The problem is that nobody knows what love is.
>lust -vs- love
More like: just started dating -vs- long term relationship.
My first and only boyfriend refused to fuck me. Kek
Do you want to know how I know he was gay?
Either he was gay or you're incredibly ugly.
:( They don't user.
I always told my ex that she was the most beautiful when she was wearing her baggy shorts and shirts to bed with her makeup off. I love that so much because I felt like that was a part of her that only I got to see. She shared that with me because she was ok being vulnerable with me. I used to watch you sleep sometimes and just kiss her neck. I told her that before we broke up and she didn't believe me. God I miss her so fucking much user
Nah. He's still single to this day. Very autistic too. I think he was sexually abused as a child.
Literally who says that?
It's sad when someone can't develop well because of something like that. I hope he does well.
Why did you even give him a chance in the first place. He couldn't even get his dick hard. I thought fembots only fucked gigachads who cum buckets because muh eugenics.
Men cheat WAY more and this is fake mgtow bullshit written purposely to show the disgusting values of people. Do you know how many men in the Navy during that time cheated on their sweety at home? A majority of them, they fucked gooks, they fucked eachother. Men have the more disgusting values of them all. It's simply evolution. That's why men are the ones with porn addiction problems and fantasize about different girls all the time. Even if they are in a content relationship they'll still fantasize about their gf sister(s), female friends, female family etc. Look up the coolidge effect. Men can't love. They don't crave a single woman for the rest of their life. You were given a cock and balls with endless supply till your body shuts down.
Also reddit screencaps people share on r9k are faked or written on purpose to enrage internet males like you also. Caught many of them being fraudulent. It's disgusting yet sad to see how NPC's will see a post on the top of reddit that triggers their mind and repost it here to share such cherrypicking cancer.
Found your reddit femcel.
This, the latter requires the former to last.
may your inevitable suicide come sooner than later
So is this comic saying love is letting someone eat in your sheets and not be physically attracted to them?
He is right on the last part though. Disney kikes brought this idea into the world. Men can absolutely not love.
I don't have a reddit account. Eat shit nigger faggot.
Maybe kill yourself because you're a waste of oxygen for not understanding the meaning of this comic. I've never been in a relationship and even I understand it. Maybe you're so delusional and retarded that you just can't view it any other way. Best thing to do then is to end your own life.
Love is letting someone get crumbs and sauce all over your bedsheets and not getting pissed at them because you're a beta cuck and the bull is waiting to be prepped in the corner.
Holy shit kill yourself seriously. Mutt's law.
because it is you intellectually dishonest fool
>Why did you even give him a chance in the first place
Women desire most the things they cant have
If a guy refuses to fuck her and is attractive, she will pursue him endlessly
All that are you saying is from fraudulent statistics that you read and believe it, then you call everyone an NPC for cherrypicking.
Women cheat too, at the same rate as men or way more, why? Because they won't admit they're cheating if they get asked (ex. for statistics) and the cheating partner wouldn't betray her.
That's pretty racist of you to assume that the bull has to be black.
Kek. Women do absolutely not cheat more then men do. Women do cheat but not to the same high frequency as men. It's quite lower by far, differences were even more huge before the 60's. Men are the cheating gender and they are renowned for this. Ask any really old generation woman and most will tell you they just have to accept that a man has it needs and will cheat on you but you may not do the same. They're brainwashed by these values of men in the old society. Grew up with this since a young little girl. Be submissive, be obedient. It's sad to see.
As for your statistics, try not clicking the first link on google to some shitty innacurate buzzfeed tier cancer website.
>eating in bed without a tray or even a plate
what a disgusting slob
also guarantee that the dumbass that drew that pic hasn't had actual loving sex with someone they love
>I'm mentally and I can't grasp any other meaning of this image then my own dumb bitter view
I think I've realized that this life isn't meant for me. Some people get to be born happy, and experience nice thigs like this, while others don't. I guess I was just unlucky. It's the same way some cows are born free in the fields, and others are born into slaughterhouses.
Would killing myself, then, really be so wrong? All that's here for me on earth is pain. Why wait?
>complains of plebbit screencaps
>provides anecdotal evidence
Youre definitely a woman
How do I know?
Youre oblivious to your own hypocrisy
you can never really get an accurate stat on this so its pointless to call it fake news or whatever but women cheat slightly more until around age 30 then the male side fucking skyrockets. boomerchads are the ones rolling in dirty pussy at the end of the day.
The only difference between the guy on either side is he's wearing a shirt.
Men cheat more than women do.
Men generally cheat for sex while women do for emotional reasons.
Men cheat even when they are in happy and satisfying relationships.
Men are just more criminal by nature.
what do you mean by refuse?
i had a girl back in high school who used to say "wtf u never make the move" but when i tried to make the move she'd give stop signals, drove me mad
so maybe it was that kind of scenario? did YOU try and make the first move and he just refused or what?
I feel the same way. I'd love to love and care for a woman, dolled up or not but they just won't have me.
I don't think suicide is the way though. I've personally dedicated myself to making others happy seeing as i'll never be able to.
Get a job you like, donate to charities, volunteer, support whatever cause you beleive in. Im even thinking about adopting a kid once i become a proper lawyer.
You want love, you don't need it. Make the best of life, some happiness is better than no happiness.
as someone who has been around a lot of couples my entire life that is the biggest load of bullshit i've ever read.
women cheat for the same reason men do, women cheat as much as men do, women fuck good relationships up for mindless sex too.
humans are just criminal by nature.
>first panel
>girl looks fondly at her man
>second panel
>girl looks uncaringly at the loving man
This is how it's proven this is a roastie comic.
>Ask any
>Grew up with this
Your personal anecdotes are irrelevant, retard.
But I hope they are enough to fill the made-up statistics that you're feeding yourself.
cope more, retard
because a woman who puts up with our lust and still stays loyal is true love