What do men really want in a relationship?

What do men really want in a relationship?

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enjoyable sex and enjoyable company
stop complicating shit

>What do men really want in a relationship?

feminine bodies with big penises

to feel like i'm genuinely cared for.
and sex.

Could you be a little more specific?

also this

loyal and reassuring and patient
and not fat

Semi-regular sex and occasionally dinner

Please just dress like a slut and be super cute to me and I'll give you anything you want

we want someone that enjoys being around us, doing things for us, we want you to enjoy us doing things for you, and we want you to enjoy jumping on our dick.
if you do not have those things you're not going to have a good relationship. you can have good sex with someone you hate but if you don't want to be around them after you have sex, what is that? some bullshit.
keep it simple and stop complicating it, that's pretty much it

>a surrogate mommy
The sooner females learn this the better off they will be.

Don't shove your opinions down his throat, they are almost guaranteed to be asinine. Same goes with forcing what you want on him. Just go with his goddamn flow and be cool and calm for fucks sake. The worst thing a girl can be is extra.

Loyalty would be a great start.
But asking for loyalty means I have "unrealistic standards" for women.

>dont shove opinions down his throat
>proceeds to shove his opinion down everyone elses

Love, understanding, and not being cheated on. Also sex.

I do not care for sex, i just want to be loved

Someone who's not a massive whore, won't cheat on me, won't abuse me or maliciously employ the legal system against me, and wants to cuddle and watch movies and get married and shit.

Preferably chubby to obese, over 30, and very hairy, but it's not a requirement.

Literally to feel genuine love from a person that isn't obligated to

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Sounds like you want a doormat or a dog, not a gf.

Women have this thing in their brains I like to call "the idiot filter". Every thought they think of passes through this filter and becomes a retarded thought. Your mission as a woman should be to install a second filter called "the analysis" filter so that you can purify your dirty idiot thoughts before they come out of your mouth or result in a retarded action. This is called thinking before you act.

Men have the opposite problem, we have great thoughts but so that we don't ruin anybody's day, we install a filter called the "let's not ruin anybody's day with what we say filter", which is why men don't talk as much as women. We overanalyze what comes out of our mouths to the point that it makes us passive.

So what can you do with all this information? You can shut your fucking mouth, that's what you can do. That's what men want. Just shut that fucking hole in your face that keeps annoying us. Speak only when you have a thought that has been passed through the analysis filter. Consider for yourself "is what I'm about to say fucking nonsense?" and "Am I coming strictly out of my mouth based solely on my batshit crazy female emotion to react?"

Men want you. They don't want your horseshit. Keep it zipped up tight and you'll be married in a year.

That's because I'm a man, you roastie bitch. Men and women aren't the same.

You don't know what the fuck I want.

I want to feel loved.

non oregano comment

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No wonder youre an incel, kek.

Did your parents ever tell you to shut up? Because they should have.

I just want to feel loved. I don't even care that much about sex, even though it is important, I just want to know what it's like to feel that someone actually cares about me.

>Y-y-you don't have sex

Yes, I do. Now what? "No you don't." Lmao the fuck outta here cunt

Quality rebuttal, friend.

imma keep it real with you chief, aint nobody reading all that shit lol

>Yes, I do. Now what? "No you don't." Lmao

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Aight den, got me good with dis one not gonna lie also why we talkin like niggers to sound cool anonymously lmao

Just saying, your lack of self awareness is pretty amusing. Nobody likes a bore. The difference is women are too polite to tell you to shut up when you are busy ranting.

i would not be surprised at all if femanons reading this thread consider us disgusting for putting sex so high up on the requirements for having a good relationship, despite it being a pretty important thing considering how intimate it is.

>. The difference is women are too polite to tell you to shut up when you are busy ranting.

They actually get pretty torn up and emotional. Living like this isn't for faggots who get embarrassed and shut up when a woman argues back.

>disgusting for putting sex so high up on the requirements

What? Women enjoy sex, user.

there are plenty of women, probably on this board, that think it's gross for caring about sex so much

Any ladies willing to verify?

Conversations are give and take. Just giving you the hint that nobody, male or female, is going to hang around a preachy asshole who loves the sound of his own voice but doesnt listen to anyone else.

Am I the only one here that doesn't mind arguing with women? It keeps your mind sharp. It's fun, you have to take what she says into consideration, while at the same time filter out the more emotional reactions on her part. And stand your ground like a man while staying wise and admitting that you may be wrong in some ways.

Idk Ive never had one. Someone to do stuff with, maybe have kids so I can say I tried. I guess like a friend but better cuz love and all that.

i mean yea as a woman sex is definitely intimate but i don't think i could do it more than 2-3 times a week. women value intimacy usually in other forms above sex, like cuddling or other forms of quality time. sex usually isn't as big of a priority and it can really tire us out.

yall selfish think about your partners

What a dipshit, you saw three paragraphs on an online forum post and assumed I don't let anyone get a word in edge wise in real life. This is the exact behavior I'm talking about. Control your retarded thoughts, woman. You're making up a fake person in your head and then attacking the presumed characteristics. Fucking psychotic. No man will want you if you do this shit to him.

Well sex is so intimate in many people's views that they are willing to do it with whomever or even prostitutes. With that in mind, it can be seen that it is pretty superficial for it to to be given any importance outside of the reproductive context.

dude yikes
even if this is just how you behave online, you act incredibly pretentious on an anonymous weeb image board and have a repulsive track of behavior. i don't know any woman, myself included, that would touch that wih a ten foot pole.

It depends on how reasonable the woman is. When a woman keeps reacting emotionally and ignoring logic then it just makes me want to strangle them. I've only been with one woman that wasn't retarded while arguing.

I just want affection and love
Fuck sex, I don't care about that materialistic bullshit

I hate fighting but I love debating. Most womens arguments are pretty flimsy or they will realize they are losing the argument and resort to tears, but if I could find a high IQ gf that lets me pick her brain and enjoys amicable sparring, that would be awesome.

i mean yea as a guy paying the bills is kind of necessary but i don't think i could do it for more than 2 or 3 months at a time. men value their own value in other forms like sex, cuddling or other forms of quality valuation. working usually isn't as big of a priority and it can really tire us out.

And no one would want a stuck up bitch like you either if you didn't have your holes, so...

we wanna put it in a girls butt

>i want a woman who makes an effort to meet my sexual and emotional needs
>this is selfish
if this is selfishness then fuck being selfless
I'll think about a partner who thinks about me

God I would commit murder for a mommy gf that cooks and cleans for me

in all my years on Yas Forums, this is all the female brain is capable of: switching what you said up word for word, swapping things out as if it isn't a strawman argument lol.

i will never let myself be financially dependent on a man but good cope

at least i have holes that people would want to fuck. what do you have going for you, robot?

Seem reasonable. Arguing with people close to us has always been a part of human life. We should recognize the benefits and try to bring them out while minimizing the negatives. Getting absolutely irritated and livid by arguing is, I would say, an irrational emotional reaction, it's just a part of life.

i was mocking her you idiot, i think you need to re-read all of that
>i will never let myself be financially dependent on a man but good cope
i figured you were a stronk independent female

I want a woman who will be a supportive wife and a good mother to our future children.

a faithful bond with someone to share things and experience life with
cuddles also sound good

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The qualities EVERY man wants, these are the qualities men are biologically predisposed to desire most:
>Young, tattoo-less virgins
>Dresses modestly
>Will cook and clean often
>Enjoys doing things for you and enjoys when you do things for her
>Willing to partake in any fetish you desire
>Is very enthusiastic about sex
>Decent hygiene, will not get fat
>Does not bitch or argue, always submit to you

Bitch, you don't know shit! Just a second ago you were claiming I'm a bore and now you can't stop replying to me! This is what I'm talking about, you just say any stupid shit that pops into your head without even considering that it makes no sense, you just said it because of your womanly emotions. This goes back to my original post, I knew I would draw this out. This is the shit that you can't do when you have a man if you want to keep him.

>Wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole

But you would, this is what you need, your medicine. It tastes sour going down but you'll be better in a few days. And to qualify myself I have a ride or die that I'm engaged to, and she's the most beautiful girl in the world. You want to keep a man happy? Don't do what you're doing right this second. Any time you feel this same way, keep your fucking mouth shut and listen to what the man has to say instead rattling off bullshit name calling when you don't know what you're talking about, such as and I quote "incel" "boring" "asshole" "wouldn't touch you". This is why you can't keep a man.

A woman to physically drag me into bed, and to force me to cuddle in a non-lewd manner.
She must be holding me in a way that I am physically unable to escape.
No handcuffs or rope, she has to be able to actually restrain me
This isn't even a sexual thing, I just want to be held while im asleep.
Pic very much related

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>Fucking psychotic

Lol, projecting hard now. Its not hard to tell from your garbled incel ramblings that you are a mentally unstable bore.

I also love how you insist on being perceived as a special snowflake when you just generalized half the population.

You sound overly emotional and butthurt, go lift some weights or something.

I second what this man said entirely. Affection and love are wonders in life, while sex is just an act.

Nothing but ad hominem.



>What do men really want in a relationship?
Cute face.
Small tits.
Big ass.
Small labia.
Virgin until marriage.
Loves me for who I am and will never cheat. Not abusive. Kind to children and animals. Tolerates my family.

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lel BTFO'd


They want to feel needed and wanted.
If you give your man purpose he will never leave you.

You both should stop. This internet flame war is diminishing your mental health.

Depends on the man, his age, and where he is in life.
What men look for in a future wife is very different than what he looks for in a date. Unfortunately a lot of women remove themselves from "wife" contention with their past behavior.

Spot the women

Women dont deserve rights.

original origjnally

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>also user: proceeds to sperg and shit his pants in rage then writes a full blogpost when someone calmly points out that hes being a dramatic retard

>Teehee youre such a bore lmao incel

Every goddamn time.


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