Traveling to another country to relax and take in the scenery is bad and "neo-colonialism" or some other big word...

>traveling to another country to relax and take in the scenery is bad and "neo-colonialism" or some other big word bullshit like that
Literally wtf is wrong with non-whites? Why are they always so hateful about everything? People who are not white are sick in the head, imagine how kind and peaceful the world would be if it was all white.

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OP, they are making fun of people that literally beg their way through Asia. Like, affluent whites that can afford to travel CHOOSE TO beg their way through these countries because they think it makes them more worldly. It's fucking dumb. They deserve mockery

dont bother hes too autistic and racist to understand this

Yeah but it's not colonialism in any way, and the only reason anyone even gives a shit is because they're white. It's only a problem because they're white, anything they do is automatically bad. He's even doing the "white people smile", they're making fun of every facet of our existence (obviously).
Mean non-white who does not want the world to be kind and peaceful DETECTED.

azns get butthurt over everything and there are billions of us, get used to it. unless Corona..

im making the "white people smile" RIGHT NOW as i read this thread. i think its called a "frown"?

its literally just one faggot azn

>tfw do the white person smile because you have a resting bitch face and people ask if you're okay when you aren't making an expression

>Travels to Africa
>Walks out, needlessly, with a couple million natives for slavery
>Travels to Egypt
>Tries to enslave the populace
>Travels to India
>Tries to starve the people to death

This is why people hate the White race and want to keep them out.
They are like ants that chew into everything.

They hate the Oriental because the Oriental is a stronger and superior form of life.

excuse me mister but you dont speak for anyone but yourself. excuse u

And then there was the time the Middle Eastern men had to start killing the White men because the White men started grabbing Middle Eastern women.

Literally and unironically deserving of death for their actions.

>black people didn't start the african slave trade
>white people didn't try to end slavery as a concept before muslims brought it back.

yes are you an accomplished historian? did u get your degree from burger king

>the only reason anyone even gives a shit is because they're white.
no one cares that you're white except for you. nazi filth playing the victim, every time

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who are those people that you are referring to be, your anime figurerines?

Swiggity swooty, get the fuck out of my country, we don't want your jewish degeneracy here.

Even to this day, the White race destabilizes Arab nations, gets thousands of Arab women and children slaughtered, out of a conqueror mentality.

Palestine's ethnic cleansing was backed by the Euro.

And the Native Americans were needlessly murdered and genocided because Whites want to grow and steal. The USA is just a shit-hole that is against its native lands today.

They're not even the same people now.

People want to pretend "everybody lives White people!", but that's a lie. They are hated. Deeply resented in the bulk of the world.

Asian Faggot halloween costume

>Yellow skin
>Bruises from being hit by parents
>Buck teeth
>Tupperware filled with dumplings
>Papers with detailed accounts of massacres commited by chinks

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we already had a war about this and you lost lmao. jews are superipr to you. now either go back to fucking your sister or

why is he LARPING as a White man? Wishes he were White thats why. Wish he could beg for money then bang Azn wimmen later that night, bish

White people practiced slavery in Europe.
You can't blame Muslims for things your people love to do.

white boys are literal beggars and cuckolds now lmao whats next

Babby doesn't know who jews are
How quaint

youre half white you eurasian failure

And Black Africans never collectively practiced chattel slavery (generational slavery forever), the strongest and most morally repugnant form of it.

vikings practiced slavery on Gaelic tribes

then go live in africa if you like them so much

Jews don't have the power to do anything of this caliber. They can shift money around and get white people to build buildings for them, but to go out and collect the slaves and do the shipping and make sure they are enslaved is a no-no

The fact is, the whites were in command of the entire thing.

>imagine how kind and peaceful the world would be if it was all white.
We would only turn our attention inward and draw new lines in the sand to divide us and them.

>muh joos own the wirld!!!11!1
They should just merge Yas Forums and /x/ at this point. Take your meds schizo

I'm too genetically removed from Africans. They would try and kill me the moment they see me.

>Americans now are the same Brits from 400 years ago
It's no wonder the average IQ of blacks is 82. You're all literally stupid.. must be genetics

nah I'm 100% god's chosen person you ugly goyim, now be a good boy and masturbate to bmwf cuck porn

so youre saying that its not a perfect world but given the options you want to live among Whites more than any other group? dam

They may as well be outside of the Euro blood mixing.

do u ever wonder who "God" really is/are?

It's like saying to a fish,

Would you rather live with sharks, whales, or mackerel?

You are stuck close to the people with your DNA. If you go out of bounds, you are asking for pain.

Ah, so the legends are true. Reddit really did invade this place. Unfortunate
You DO know Jews took African slaves and sold them all over europe, right?
You DO know Jews eventually brought them to america right?
You DO know that 70% of plantation owners were Jewish, right?
You DO know it was the whites who freed them, right?
You DO know it was the whites who gave them rights and equality, right?
Oh... you DON'T know. Or at least, you refuse to know. Babbys first cognitive dissonance

fish? are you retarded, fish dont talk. why are you talking, fish?

Wow that's pretty racist if you see Africans so dangerously. Maybe you should take a diversity awareness class, goyim. Huh? We can get rid of that bigotry real easy

>70% of Slave owners were Jews

Not seeing a lot of Goldstein here.

>you're only Jewish if your name is stereotypical
We've cracked it boys. We know what causes more and more people to flee leftism daily. It's the fact that its filled with people like you
Ok I'm going to laugh

To be fair, these rich backpacker white assholes are really fucking annoying and pretentious.

He's probably mad because we keep fucking all their women, and he most likely got cucked.

Well, If I was a fish, I'd want to live around whales. Whales are bigger than me, but won't eat me. Unless we're talking about killer whales.

Then you can start branding whatever Euro name you see as Jewish. Crypto Jews don't like to be in the shadows. They want to be known to their kind.

Every Odontoceti will hunt you and kill you.

>dah joos control everything >;'(

What are you gonna do about it, little bitch? Face it, the only reason you hate us is because we are better than you, You probably have a family history of inbreeding, therefore your smoothbrain naturally compensates with irrational hatred and jealous envy for anyone who's more successful that you (us jews)

We won, you lost. Seethe harder white trash.

Except american and anglo tourists don't go to other countries to relax and appreciate the scenery, but to trash the place while fucked up on drugs and alcohol, bang hookers and take Instagram pictures. Chink tourists don't really do drugs they just litter and are generally fucking annoying to look at and be around.
Tourists are a fucking plague and anyone who says they "love travelling" should be shot.
>imagine how kind and peaceful the world would be if it was all white.
Can't argue with that

>traveling to another country to relax and take in the scenery is bad and "neo-colonialism"
yet them coming to white countries to live here is "diversity"

makes you think huh
someone must really not want whites to exist at all

>White gentlemen come to Asia
>give and take, enrich the local culture
>some jealous, small dick azn boi with sad boi eyes tries to copy my style

>mutilate ourselves
>even worse social caste system than normies
>undermine any country which gives us a chance
yeah no, fuck off kike. your sort are the reason I'm ashamed to be a member of the tribe

Gook men are angry because even unwashed white hippie gets more gook women than a wealthy gook male.

That's why they keep seething about white tourists. They know that majority of white tourists to Asia are lone men who are there to fuck a village worth of gook whores.

>mutilate ourselves
they mutilate goyim too
every single day a baby goys penis is snipped by a jewish doctor

oof. pls take it easy on us ouch im crying

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Can you debunk his claims about Jewish slave trade of Africans? Or is your "argument" doing a silly voice and acting like a retard?

>oof. pls take it easy on us ouch im crying

I don't fuck gook women but it's true. Don't act like an average white incel couldn't bang your sister, cousin or any other whore in your family.

That's why Asian incels say that whites can't be incel. And they are right. I can literally get 100's of matches if I start looking for gook women.

ok bro thats enough... no more pleasse

What? gentlemen? these assholes never take showers and they all literally look like hobbos.
What the fuck do these assholes contribute to the local culture at all?
Besides, i'm hispanic, not asian,i don't have to worry about dick size at all ;^)

Honestly it is as simple as this: they get a dopamine rush from the validation that being told they are a victim gives them. They WANT to get victims so people have a positive view of them

This. Any European who does something "bad" is a Jew by definition, and Jew who does something "good" isn't really a Jew.