My face when I see a BWC GOD

My face when I see a BWC GOD.

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God isn't real user.

Grow up

My face when I will never suck a BWC

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>My face when I will never suck a BWC

I like dicks dawg

the fuck is a bwc

But why you'll never suck one? What's stopping you?

I'm an ugly tranny
Straight men arent into me because I'm a man, gays don't want me because I'm not man enough

big black cock. it's what women crave.

not with that attitude

just post pics on /soc/ and people thirsty on
girls have it easy :/

/soc/ calls me ugly or ignores my posts completely
Trannies aren't girls

>implying you've ever posted pics of yourself on /soc/
nice try fembot

Stop weirdly validating me . . . .

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big white cock, ignore the turdlover there.

I don't even know what that word means roastie

I can't be a roastie i have a PENIS

I think we're gonna need some proofs

I think I'd rather kill myself yo

Yeah, but you're doing it for all the wrong reasons you thot

Killing myself over having a penis is a valid enough reason

Stop larping as one of us you fucking e-girl

Im literally not a girl

Prove it.
>protip you can't
>so stop larping
>female specimen

Why would i larp about NOT being a woman???? Literally i would die to be one

you still haven't proven anything other than you're a big fat larping THOT

I have no reason to prove anything to you just keep giving me delicious (you)s

I dare you to link the /soc/ posts so I can google image search and expose your thotery.

Dude its been like months since I've posted on soc i cant find them

why are women so stupid?
just post a new one

Im not a women and I have no good pics to post and I'm sick and look like shit

>boohoo I'm so ugly :((
>posts pics proving the opposite
nice bait whore

Here look, I'm a dude

still larping as a robot

>literally just got rated a 3 and called a bro
im full on robot retard

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You're a weeb but not a robot you femcel

i am literally a man

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You're literally a parrot that can't stop pretending it's a robot and not a thot.
now my mom is calling i have to go to bed so BYE

literally shut the fuck up you stupid anime posting faggot whore

>literally shut the fuck up you stupid anime posting faggot whore

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ok roastie

literally just look at the soc pic

i did
>wahwahwah they just rated me a 3
>"lose weight, you would jump 4 points"
>If you lost some weight and cut that hair you could easily go up a few good points
if that isnt roastie behavior i dont know what is

they literally both said bro
I'm a dude

you're overweight

an overweight man

Why not just get on grindr?

I've been on grindr for a year
No one is interested

Why are white robots so gay for Chad? How many white cocks do you have saved on your computers?

Hm, well, I can't speak to what it's like in your area but as I understand it Grindr has preeeetty low standards. You do always have the option of setting up an anonymous glory hole. I've seen those before. Seems gross to me but whatever ya gotta do I guess

Eww, I would rather choke on a BBC


have you considered not being overweight

yes but I will still be a man

I'm just lower than their low standards. It sucks.

doe bwc stands for Big Wooper Combo??????? PROBABLY


i am pwnd

>yes but I will still be a man
you seem slightly dense. I refuse to believe you're a man

literally everyone else agrees i am a man that means you must be a stupid

your gonna have to post cock

im not gonna do that yo

>if everyone says something it's true
now that we've established you're a femoid: get off my board.

i am an (un)proud moid

why not? no one will know irl

because i hate my pp and don't want anyone to see it, not even myself

>Russian troll factory posts another Yas Forums bait meme
>Thread gets hijacked by fat ugly tranny posting anime pictures

retard9k in a nutshell, goys