The psychology behind the hatred of vegans. pretty interesting read...

the psychology behind the hatred of vegans. pretty interesting read. the reason why people hate vegans is because simply by the vegans EXISTENCE it causes subconscious cognitive dissonance, which the meat eating NPC copes with insulting and harassing the vegan

"People love to moan that vegans are annoying; research has shown that only drug addicts inspire the same degree of loathing. Now psychologists are starting to understand why - and its becoming clear that the reasons arent entirely rational."

"Research has shown that only drug addicts face the same degree of stigma - and the least popular vegans of all are those who cite animal cruelty as their reason. Given that most of us would probably like to see less suffering in the world, why is there such resentment towards those who do something about it?"

"Some psychologists take another view - that far from being driven by factors within our conscious awareness, the widespread resentment we have for vegans is down to deep-seated psychological biases."

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Other urls found in this thread:

"So what Im looking at is, how do people rationalise eating meat, and still feel like theyre a good person?" To continue to eat meat, Rothgerber suggests, requires some serious mental gymnastics. Luckily, our brains are extremely good at protecting us from realities we dont want to face - and there are a number of psychological tricks at our disposal.

"If you bring your cod and chips home to eat in front of your beloved goldfish, or tuck into a rabbit stew mere moments after cooing over various #rabbitsofinstagram, youre likely to encounter "cognitive dissonance", which occurs when a person holds two incompatible views, and acts on one of them. In this case, your affection for animals might just start to clash with the idea that its OK to eat them."

"Some psychologists call this the "meat paradox", though its also been couched in stronger terms - as "moral schizophrenia"

"The tension that results can make us feel stressed, irritated, and unhappy. But instead of resolving it by changing our beliefs or behaviour, its quite normal to blame these feelings on something else entirely - all without realising were doing it."

"In the case of eating meat, Rothgerber suggests we have a number of strategies - around 15 - which allow us to avoid facing up to the meat paradox. These include pretending that meat has no link to animals, imagining that we eat less of it than we really do, wilful ignorance about how its produced - helped by the cartoons of happy farm animals that were exposed to from childhood - and only eating meat from animals which are "humanely" farmed. Unfortunately, most of these are derailed by the presence of vegans".

"But when a vegan turns up at a dinner party, suddenly were bumped out of the comfortable "mainstream diet" category and into the unsettling "meat-eating" category. By their mere existence, vegans force people to confront their cognitive dissonance. And this makes people angry."


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"Theres a lot of research on how we dont like members of groups who are potentially morally inferior, or which society sees as wrong," says Benoit Monin, a psychologist from Stanford University who was also involved in the study. "But its intriguing to me that we also reject members of groups who have made laudable choices on purpose."

"Theres mounting evidence that were particularly threatened by people who have similar morals to us, if theyre prepared to go further than we are in order to stick to them. In the end, our fear of being judged far outstrips any respect we might have for their superior integrity."

In fact, Monin says this fear of reproach is so potent, vegetarians are likely to be more threatened by vegans than non-vegetarians are. "They agree that there is something wrong about raising animals for food, and now theyre faced with someone whos putting their money where their mouth is, more than they do."

"Theyre right to be afraid; research shows that vegans think vegetarians are hypocritical. According to Rothgerber, "do-gooder derogation" might be a way of shifting attention away from our own dubious decisions, to help to soothe the uncomfortable feelings that cognitive dissonance creates."

"The finding also explains why ethical vegans and vegetarians are more irritating to omnivores than those who choose the lifestyle for health reasons."

tldr; meat eaters have vegans because they cause cognitive dissonance in vegans, and simply cannot handle the fact that they are morally superior, so instead these NPC meat eating retards take it out on vegans by hating on them. vegans are literally as discriminated against as minority groups or drug addicts

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Imagine making the argument that meat eaters are irrational and dumb while vegans are morally superior then end it with 'we're discriminated like a minority' like no shit sherlock act like a prick get treated like one

>vegans are literally as discriminated against as minority groups or drug addicts
Good you bunch of fuckin homos

Vegans are retarded and unhealthy. They might as well be women with all the estrogen in them

>be morally superior person who doesnt pay for animals to be enslaved and killed for your taste pleasure

how fucking braindead are you, you mouth breathing npc? god ur stupid

vegans have lower bmi's and highest testosterone out of any dietary group. how's life like as a fat pig?

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I like meat
Prove me wrong

this is literally like muslims who rape and prostitute children saying "i like raping children, prove me wrong"

your taste pleasure has a victim, in the same way that the muslim rapist's sexual preference has a victim

all mammals are sentient and can suffer just as deeply as humans, they are all capable of experiencing fear, love, envy, hunger, boredom, curiosity and pride

dumbass retard. if i said "i love kicking dogs to death because its fun, prove me wrong", youd piss your panties, but you turn around and enjoy killing animals for your taste pleasure. god ur stupid

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I hate meat and I think it's disgusting, not because of where it comes from, but in terms of taste and consistency. But I hate vegans more, so I'll keep eating meat.

>no arguments
Looks like I win again, vegan

how could a human being do such horrible things to corn?

You're hated because unlike vegetarians, you're a bunch of ideologues with a moral superiority complex than can only exist within an environment where you can afford to be picky with what you eat.
It's not about the animals with you, really, if it was then free range eggs and free range milks would be on the table, or you'd be sourcing your products from select farms with a transparent process. But you don't, you're ideologues, that's why no one likes you. So you can fuck off.

I don't care about morals or psychology. I care about proteins, fat and vitamin B12.
But those animals exist only to be eaten, those chickens wouldn't survive 12 hours in the wild

Have any of you heard about this new jewish study from that Darwin guy? Oregano of species or what it was called.

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corn isnt sentient. it cant feel pain. it cant suffer. it has no brain or nervous system, you cock sucker

>you're a bunch of ideologues with a moral superiority complex
but vegans are morally superior to meat eaters. lol

>than can only exist within an environment where you can afford to be picky with what you eat

most of the third world is vegan simply due to neccesity. its very expensive to make animal products. the easiest crops to make are vegan; rice, potatoes, wheat, apples, corn, peanuts, etc. meat is a luxury, the poorest cannot afford it

>It's not about the animals with you
it literally is tho, thats why im vegan. also for health reasons

>if it was then free range eggs and free range milks would be on the table, or you'd be sourcing your products from select farms with a transparent process
i can buy free range eggs and milk, but i dont, because those are still insanely unethical. we dont need to eat animal products, and those cows still get killed at a fraction of their natural lives. its still slavery. we still kill the male baby cows on their 5th day of life because male cows are not financially profitable. stop projecting you cognitive dissonance retard. lol

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most proponents of fad diets are annoying.

people "hate" atkins diet followers the same way. so your logic fails.

corn is alive. murdering corn before it naturally dies is not any different than eating regular foods like meat.

wait a minute

who cares?

the OP is a transgender dude who thinks being vegan gives him a purpose in life. let him have his fun, even though his diet is arguably unhealthy.

Clams are animals but don't have brains or a central nervous system. If I go vegan are they still ok to eat? I live in a seaside town and having some clarification could make switching easier

why would you inhibit yourself further by being a vegan? everything is misery anyway

Unless you show signs of malnutrition you aren't a true vegan

>"i like raping children, prove me wrong"
I mean, he's got a point

a lot of vegans think that oysters and clams are okay to eat because they have no brains, so i do think you can reasonably get away with eating them. personally i dont like them so i avoid them, not to mention they have cholesterol and PCB's, but if you dont care about that, then go for it, i think

but other vegans will contest this topic and say clams are not vegan. its a grey area, but imo its not a big deal

>why would you inhibit yourself further by being a vegan?
but you have better health as a vegan. lower BMI, lower rates of diabetes and cancer and heart attacks. not to mention its fun triggering retarded meat eaters into cognitive dissonance mental breakdowns

low quality ad homs. how does my character invalidate my argument? lets say i self-identified as chris-chan and that i spent my whole life doing everything he does. how does that make my arguments any weaker? dumbass meat eater, character attacks are the only thing you're capable of

but corn cant suffer, and animals and humans can suffer. bacteria cant suffer either, but they are alive and you kill billions every time you wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap, you disingenuous faggot

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Death is natural, animals live an die and are eaten by other animals. Life and death is a cycle.

Now shut the fuck up before I turn you into bacon you vegan faggot

what if I have watched videos of animal slaughter and have even personally killed animals for food with my own hands and still don't feel troubled by it? Sincere question - how does a vegan respond to this? I've reduced my red meat intake and shifted to getting most of my animal protein from fish because I'm worried about colon cancer, but I genuinely just am not upset with killing animals in order to eat them. I can't help but feel that vegans are a touch sheltered if they find animal slaughter so repulsive.

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Why should I care about the suffering of a species that isn't human?

It's safe to assume that other animals would enslave and eat humans if they could.

>he doesn't eat any cholesterol
>make my arguments any weaker
yeah because your only arguments are judgments of character. your own character is far worse than anyone here so it's a weak argument.
>corn can't suffer
it doesn't matter. you murder it, which is hypocritical considering your position on animals.

>Research has shown
>MSM link

Into the trash

>most of the third world is vegan simply due to neccesity
>also for health reasons
the third world are malnourished dipshit, and they don't just eat plants you fucking philistine. You think any of these communities in the third world would turn down meat? Of course they wouldn't, they're not picky. And why are you conflating poor people (that can't afford to eat a vegan diet with all the stupid restrictions and specialist free from crap just so they can't eat chocolate without calling called a cow rapist by some some fucking fruitcake autistic window licker) with impoverished people (trying to get any and all kind of food on the table so they don't die)? They aren't the the same thing sweetcheeks.

>it literally is tho, thats why im vegan
>i can buy free range eggs and milk, but i dont, because those are still insanely unethical. we dont need to eat animal products, and those cows still get killed at a fraction of their natural lives. its still slavery
Is owning a pet slavery to you too? I live a mile away from a farm, lots of farms around my area in general too, hundreds of cows, they're literally roaming about in a field with other cows grazing on grass, they're free range. They have more fucking freedom than cats and dogs you dense cunt! Don't talk to me about cognitive dissonance.

Pretty sure OP made this thread just to show of le BBC website XD. fuck vegans though.

wait wait wait, you're telling me my kfc comes from dead chickens???? FUCK

That picture has a point. We should be allowed the teats of pregnant women

>people hate it when obnoxious, sanctimonious, self righteous hypocrites tell them they're evil because of their lifestyle choices which ultimately harm no one
wow, what a shocker

Oh look, it's this faggot. AGAIN, for the hundredth fuckin time.

Being amoral and unable to feel empathy/sympathy make this easy for me. If I eat a meat, it's because I like the taste and nutrients; if I don't a eat meat it's because I think it's gross. The animals' suffering is irrelevant to me, unless it degrades the meat.

Never understood how normies would be saddened by seeing one species of animal die, but completely okay with killing another species for food. While I can put my own life above all others, I can't view the lives of other humans as somehow "superior" to the lives of nonhumans.

I like PETA because they don't seem to differentiate between humans and nonhumans either, and because they produce all of these interesting videos of nonhumans suffering. I can't relate to others, but when I watch expressive organisms suffer, I think it allows me come close to understanding them.

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The universe and all in it exists for humanity to shape and use for our own purposes.

Yeah, almost everyone is sheltered, vegan or not. Humans have been perfectly comfortable with hunting and brutally killing animals for almost all of our history as a species. Modern, first world squeamishness isn't a good argument for veganism. But at the same time, I don't think your tolerance of animal slaughter is justification for the practice, either.

The real argument should be focused on our understanding of how much animals can suffer, our nutritional needs, the ecological consequences of animal agriculture (or the lack of it), stuff like that.

>still thinking there's a purpose to existence
tip top kek

OOOO thats rich, coming from an obese meat eater. please tell me, how are vegans hypocrites? you delusional fuck

>because of their lifestyle choices which ultimately harm no one
the animals arent harmed by your taste preference for meat? people getting increased risk of cancer, diabetes and heart attacks arent harming their health? the huge environmental damage from animal agriculture isn't harming the planet?

god ur fucking stupid

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Being a Vegan is gay

because the "cruelty free" proteins you eat are products of mass agriculture which causes as much, if not more, ecological damage than most forms of meat. also, animals are not humans, and certainly would not hesitate to kill or eat us were we not the dominant species. as for personal health, that's my choice not yours you fucking fascist

I wouldn't even say I "tolerate" animal slaughter, there seems to be this prevailing narrative going around that most people who eat meat simply try to pretend they don't know about what goes on inside a slaughterhouse because the reality is too much for them, but I just don't mind. I don't consider animal slaughter to be some necessary evil I tolerate because of dietary needs, rather I don't consider it to be an evil at all.

The commonly cited source of purpose of existence is the Will of God. My Will is as great if not greater than that of any hypothetical God, and as such my declaration of purpose becomes manifest through Divine Will.

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it's because vegans have the typical cucked leftist outgroup preference, to the point where they're willing to betray not just their race but their species as well. it's a self destructive, anti civilization ideology, which will be promptly and forcibly eradicated when the consequences of embracing it become fully apparent

>we're supposed to be affected by the gore and torture the animals we get our meat and products go through because its "inhumane"
>not realising they're animals so inhumane means nothing, as they're not human
>not realising humans can set their own personal morals so getting angry at (pet) cats and dogs getting murdered but getting angry at pigs and chickens getting slaughtered is just as justifiably moral as getting angry that any animal is hurt or not getting angry at all
News flash, people have differing opinions and won't ever give up foods that have been in their cultures and traditions for literally millenias

>but NOT getting angry at pigs and chickens getting slaughtered
Is what I meant

I'm moderately left of centre and I still want to kill animals and eat them tho

>which causes as much, if not more, ecological damage than most forms of meat
You really are an absolute fucking retard. All those years of alcoholism must have truly rotted your brain. You must be on your last few braincells if you dont understand how fucking stupid that post you just made is. Try to think about it. If you want livestock, the animals have to be fed. What do you think they eat? Thats right, they eat plants.

So in your retarded brain
>grow plant -> give plant to humans to eat
is somehow more harmful to the environment than
>grow plant -> feed livestock plant -> slaughter livestock -> feed human processed livestock

Maybe if you lay off the bottle for a while, you wouldnt be such a braindead miserable tripfaggot.

>because the "cruelty free" proteins you eat are products of mass agriculture which causes as much, if not more, ecological damage than most forms of meat
>crop deaths from vegan food cause more animal deaths than eating meat

bro, you might want to consider eating less meat, because it seems like all added dietary cholesterol has impaired your brain from making logical sense

you do understand that the animals we eat consume plants? it takes like 13 kilos of corn and soi to make 1 kilo of a cow. many more crop deaths come from eating animal products than eating the vegetables directly

heres king soiboi informing you of the truth, you fucking dumb retard. god ur stupid

>not realising humans can set their own personal morals so getting angry at (pet) cats and dogs getting murdered but getting angry at pigs and chickens getting slaughtered is just as justifiably moral as getting angry that any animal is hurt or not getting angry at all
>arbitrarily discriminate against pigs and cows, yet lose your shit when dogs are abused
>being this logically inconsistent and delusional

using your logic, muslims and niggers who rape and kill whites arent immoral, because they arbitrarily think that whites dont have moral value. how can you reasonably say they are immoral?

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honestly, I have no interest in anything a self righteous cuck like you has to say. go to your local zoo and hop into the lion enclosure, try to pitch your morals to them. should be a great show for all the normal, non obnoxious people there

My life is insignificant, I won't affect structural changes within my lifetime and everything after is irrelevant. Might as well indulge myself in pleasure within my short life, instead of cucking myself with moralfagotery

>how can you reasonably say they are immoral
If you had more than three (3) braincells you'd realise what I'm talking about is the point of view of each person. To me, Muslims that do that are immoral, to them doing so is not only immoral but reasonable, and maybe even expected of them. They can even think its immoral but still do it because they either feel an obligation to or they simply don't care.
Similarly, you may think that killing any animal is immoral and that me discriminating between livestock and pets is also immoral, but I don't think so, and the opinion most important to me is my own. There are many others like me and you will NOT, EVER change our minds, because that's how humans work.

>Might as well indulge myself in pleasure within my short life, instead of cucking myself with moralfagotery

dont you think its funny how so many of you moral nihilists because the most morally outraged faggots when you are the victim?

i hear this shit nonstop on r9k


yet the second you have power, you turn around and abuse the weak without a second thought. dont you think its funny that you faggots become the most hypocritical rats on the planet the second you can?

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you haven't made a single logical argument, only ad homs.

Im not even OP. Im not even a vegetarian or a vegan, im jus to pointing out how stupid your argument was.
>try to pitch your morals to them
Yet another low IQ post from you. The argument that animals will eat humans so its justified to eat animals is pretty weak no matter how you look at it. In the first place, you could make a compelling argument that humans have greater moral responsibility, since we posses greater intellectual capacity. That is, we are aware of the consequences of our actions, and are capable of making a decision to avoid causing more suffering.

We could also consider the fact that a lion eats meat for survival, and humans eat meat for pleasure (although you could argue on whether or not meat is necessary for our health).

A better argument against veganism would be that humans who dont eat any animal products at all will probably be malnourished, consider the many cases of vegan parents who literally starved their kids to death.

That said, I still think the way we currently farm animals is incredibly cruel. I am not against killing animals, but I think doing it to the scale we do, using the methods we do, is morally disgusting. Its sterile and inhumane, packing them in like objects. Its a disgusting abomination to be quite frank. Also it isnt even healthy because they are just fed a bunch of corn and sludge so the meat is foul and tainted. The entire industry is sickening. Also what disgusts me is that an animal capable of sentience has to suffer such a painful existence only to be eaten by such pathetic and miserable people. Look at the obese scooter riding fucks who feast on McDonalds burgers. Its an insult to the natural order. Only the fit and healthy and superior should be allowed the luxury of meat. Subhumans should not be allowed to enjoy it. These creatures are so fat they couldnt get themselves up if they fell over, but we still waste so many resources on them. My problem is the meat industry is that it is so inelegant

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You really have a point there, meat eaters need to stop justify and explaining themselves and just to ignore the vegans.

Not sure if you quoted the wrong post, but I don't know what you're talking about. I don't feel emotions like "outrage" or "anger". Also, I'm not into philosophy enough to know if I'm a "moral nihilist".

I don't feel a lot of stuff; morals, sadness, anger, love, happiness, etc. Yas Forums is just one of the sites I come to to try to understand how people think.

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Look at that
Another vegan who thinks hes superior to omnivore people
What a surprise

my fundamental argument in this thread is that animals have moral value and they can suffer, and its unethical to kill them when we dont need to, and i think i used a fair bit of logic and reason to argue me premises, not that you'd be able to understand that. i do try to make my posts are easy to understand as possible, but i guess in your case i failed

but we are morally superior. in the same way that people who dont kill children for fun are morally superior to people who kill children for fun, with all other things being equal, vegans are morally superior to meat eaters

noooo, you are a pure emotionaless machine who's NEVER felt any degree of emotions. nooo, you've never felt angry in your entire life, you dont even know whats that like. you've never cried in your entire life, noooo you're above that. you've never felt wronged when someone did you dirty, noooo you're a

KILL yourself you fucking faggot. you must be over 18 to post on this website, btw. imagine being suck a stuck up cunt as to pretend you've never felt angry in your life. lol kill yourself

>meat eaters need to stop justify and explaining themselves and just to ignore the vegans.
>uh-oh! we cant beat the vegans using facts and logic! quick, if we bury our heads even deeper in the sand, they cant communicate with us!

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>moral value
>can suffer
>unethical to kill them
incorrect. plants have moral value too, and you hypocritically eat them. the point you should be making is that caloric restriction and innovations in the food industry are encouraged.

>wants people to kill themselves
>tries to argue about ethics
You wouldn't understand the first thing about ethics. Read a book.

>plants have moral value too
no they fucking dont. i place moral value on anything that can SUFFER, not alive. i dont place moral value on bacteria, despite them being alive, because bacteria cannot suffer. and neither can plants. you fucking retard

its not hypocritical for me to eat plants because plants dont have moral value, you ignoramus mouth breathing crayon eating fucking retard


i would really like to hand your hand, look you in the eyes, tell you that you are worthless trash and that you should kill yourself to make the planet better

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>i place
nobody cares what your uneducated opinion is. use logic.

also educate yourself.

This is your brain on Trump.

Please stop shilling this dumb shit
And while you're at it stop posting it to Yas Forums as well

Literally all you can do is ad hom. I wonder if veganism made you this dumb or being dumb made you obsessed with an outdated diet fad.

Lifestock is distinct in form and function and differs from pets who also are here to serve humans.
We are the stewards and masters of these animals. We will maintain them in a way that best serves us.
What fundamentally is wrong with this?