>5 feet tall foid classmates
>go for a 6'5'' normalfaggot
>talks with him, plays with him, smiles with him any fucking where any time.
fucking rope me fucking rop eme
5 feet tall foid classmates
>Shorter than that
>Want a guy taller than that
Being small kind of sucks
i want to die
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
The shorter females always go for super tall guys, it's only average height and tall women who consider dating non-tall men.
The way it should be, fuck you!
Fuck her OP, she thinks they look cute when they really look ridiculous. The height fetish thing is unattractive like all other fetishes. Especially when it is a girl who wants a guy with a size difference to where he looks like he could be her dad.
Do you have a big dick just challenge him to a dick off.
Lol This comment was not already posted.
It's not always a fetish, some of us just want a big guy to have normal kids with.
You need a big man to have normal kids?
As far as evolutionary science and anthropology are aware short to average sized men are more than capable of producing healthy viable and normal offspring whatever that means.
Big guys more likely have the big genes, even if short guys could give normal children.
I'd rather take my chances than get with also a short guy.
Its actually pretty hard to have normal sex with a major height difference. Standing, girl on top, even missionary is kind of hard because your torsos and legs are different lengths.
So short people are not normal? LOL What world are you living in? They are just as normal as tall people. Man I have never heard a parent with any kind of intelligence cry about rather or not their children would be short or tall. Most parents tell kids to be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin but here people like you are on the internet spewing this craziness it really makes one think what some children have to put up with.
You are sorely closed off from reality if you think short people are regarded the same as tall people
I am short people and know how hard it is, I don't want that for my kids.
They are though at least in my part of VA.
The way you talk about avoiding short genes it is like you are living in an alternate reality where short people are viewed as second class citizens. LOL
Not to insult you but I believe you are just looking for scientific excuses to justify your childish height fetish to the point where you want to be with a man who makes you look like a child. Not to say you are breaking any laws. But you want to justify it because you know it makes you and other women as well as men like you look ridiculous.
You could just respond to me in one message I know you are the same person lol
Please refrain from projecting your own body dysmorphia onto society I know for a fact that nobody discriminated against you or treats you any differently because of your height because I see how people are treated everyday.
Facts it is not the best paring certainly not ideal
not true at all, all of them only go for super tall guys. short, average, and tall women all go for tall guys
>5 feet tall foid classmates
>go for a 6'5'' normalfaggot
Sounds about right for what women really want.
I know a woman who is around 4'8", petite, she ended up marrying a 6'3" (or thereabouts) guy and had 3 kids.
Meanwhile us manlets get nothing.
You don't know anything, I regularly get denigrated, and people treat me like a child and take liberties with me. It's greatly annoying and I wouldn't want it for my kids.
I'm 6'2
Can I give you those kids m
It does not happen LOL
If it does it is not because you are short
If it does happen which I doubt because you sound like the typical person on the internet lying to make a case and being extremely vague as not able to make up an example of someone actually abusing you because of your height it honestly sounds like if you were telling the truth it would have more to do with your attitude and people mistaking you for a door mat than your height
I'm not responding to you anymore then, you're trolling or pigheaded.
People do shit like pat me on the head and pick me up, talk cutesy to me and treat me like a little kid. Because of my size, not my personality.
I am a 6 3 guy myself
I would avoid marring a woman that short for one reason and one reason only
Short men seem to be getting the short end of the stick and that is no pun intended. Short women seem to fetishize height differences so why would I take what is right for another man just to be fetishized by a woman who would not want me otherwise. This is how solidarity amongst men would be beneficial regardless of race.
Solidarity amongst men would eliminate a lot of the toxic fetishes contributing to body dysmorphia in human beings. If we as men would just care for another. It would do a lot of good. This is one of the reasons no matter how much money I gain I will never look to date down or even be a sleaze ball and have sex with someone not in my social class with a woman who only wants to be fucked by me because of my status. It takes away from the next man and makes the woman disillusioned.
>you sound like the typical person on the internet lying
Seems kind of ironic.
I'm not the person you were originally replying to.
I'm also 6'4 so I don't have any derogatory on that, but unlike you I'm not a degenerate incapable of empathy and I'm also telling you that it's not that hard to listen to someone else for a bit
I am not trolling you are literally just lying either that or your so called troubles are nothing more than trivial teasing and you have your head shoved too far up your own ass to laugh about it or to tell your family and friends not to make jokes about it you would rather get on Yas Forums and claim short people are second classes citizens LOL.
But you are lying as well if you are not in fact the person I am responding to, which I highly believe you are that person.
Most men who claim 6 4 are no more than 6 2 and a half I know this from personal experience.
lol you're a fucking schizo
>People do shit like pat me on the head and pick me up
If you are a chick, I'm guilty of that.
Not so much the patting on the head, but I love lifting them off the floor.
Although I limit it to women I know well, obviously.
Ah yes, every person ever measured to be 6'4 is actually 6'2 as has been proven by your anecdotal experience.
I'm European and use the metric system so i'm not 6'4 on the dot, i'm like 6'3.7 (as has been measured by a doctor) but it felt weird to not round it up to an even 6'4. You got me, I lied.
Cope all you want At least I do not lie about my height or round up LOL
I am 6 3 I do not go claiming 6 4 like most 6 2 and a half men I know when the subject of height comes up
Go look on YouTube this guy called KennyKO went around claiming 6 4 at an LA fitness expo only to be measured in someone elses videos at 6 3 IN SHOES making him 6 2
When you are so insecure you need to lie it is pitiful people like you are the reason this world is the way it is so vain and pointless and unwilling to look at the bigger picture.
shut the fuck up you schizo
Well if what you are saying is true which I doubt, you technically are not 6 4 unless you hit the mark that is like a 6 3 flat guy saying he is 6 2
You are literally not even 6 4 flat so saying you are 6 4 is in-factual considering you were telling the truth which I doubt
I do not see why someone who uses the metric system would initially references United States standards of measurement anyway.
I'm 6'1 and there's not a single day I don't want to kill myself for being this short, sometimes I just want to remove my knees and use a wheel chair so people never look at me for my height. I hate europe so fucking much, why are children so tall here, kill me.
>talks with him, plays with him, smiles with him any fucking where any time.
Are you a fun person to talk to user?
You must be talking to the other person you arent the boss of anyone you can not even control yourself if you feel compelled to lie about your height LOL
go take your meds fucking schizo
Are you talking get to yourself? Giving yourself advice? Yes your daily prescribed dose of xanax awaits!
pathetic schizo
How to explain this to autists.
Most normal people don't care that you round up less than half an inch. You're obsessed with height like it's the only thing that matters, which is severly autistic.
Regarding the metric system: I've seen way more people around here using imperial, so I conformed, because I'm not autistic.
Sure, you could always say I'm lying, then again, I could say that you're lying about your height aswell.
Dont you get it she claims to be oppressed by that kind of trivial behavior but wants a man simply sho he can do just that!
Most people actually do care if you tell a person you are 6 4 here and then they measure you and you are only 6 3 point 7 or whatever number you pulled out of your ass they will say ok so you are 6 3 I have seen it done nobody actually says oh he is a smudge over 6 3 and half lets give him 6 4 it is much easier to say the height you actually are or claim to be which is 6 3
Judging by the amount of you who lie to appease your own ego over something so trivial I would say it matters a great deal to the anti social such as yourselves
I can say confidently that at 6 3 I am a normal sized man not super tall or short and that my height has played no bearing on my success or any lack there of I have experienced over the course of my life time. My success with people as well as women has come from my HONESTY and ability to care about others and recognize them for their talents and actual viable qualities good looks charm and not so much pointless physical attributes like height that dont add or take away from my impressions of anyone
Talking to yourself again eh pathological liar?
>You're claiming x height, which you must be pulling out of your arse because I'm fragile when it comes to height
>I'm confidently claiming to be x height, which is not at all a lie because I said it and I'm totally not hyperobsessed about height
Do you realize how pathetic you sound?
Imagine thinking that if you're rounding 7 becomes 0 instead of 10. Schizo can't into math it seems.
It seems like he's willing to die on some autistic hill before he gives up
maybe no. Why would i end up here then
I feel so empty now during night that i cannot recall my feelings in the day.
I may not be a good conversationalist but i am a truthful guy. I know a little more than they know so i can keep them interested.
I just call it like I see it. I can spot a liar from a mile away. Sort of like the girl who was claiming short people are second class citizens and she did not want her children to face the same hardships as she did being patted on the head. It seems people think the annanomy of the internet gives them a pass to misrepresent themselves and make up lies convenient to their pointless arguments.
The difference between me and you and why me stating my height is not pulling a number out of my ass is because I have no incentive to lie. I do not feel my height makes me any more worth while than anyone else. To me it is a physical attribute. To you it is a apart of your identity. A false safety net of status that you and internet dwellers like you have built a narrative around with no real world value unless your priorities in line you to count female fetishes as adding to your value. I have no reason to lie you have every reason to.
I get on forums like this for one reason. To spread truth. I want people to know the truth. Not the half truth not the rounded up truth the whole truth and people like you want them to know nothing.
you will die before you stop lying it is how people like you are
That kind of vanity is why society is the way it is
Your priorities are completely backwards instead of helping the person on the street you are the type of person to obsess over nothing
Being yourself is all anyone can ask of you my friend I advise you to not focus on vain people they never truly find contentness in anything if a woman like that pays you know attention it is honestly a blessing if anything consider her a bullet dodged and find someone who will be with you even in your time of need
based women correcting for their short genes with tall ones
>I get on forums like this one
Literally, fuck off newfag. KYS yourself too, while you're at it.
>I get on forums like this for one reason. To spread truth. I want people to know the truth. Not the half truth not the rounded up truth the whole truth and people like you want them to know nothing.
You sound like you believe yourself to be some warrior of truth or some shit
It's not only autistic but cringey aswell user
I don't know about second class citizens, but shorter/short people can get bullied for their height and can go through hardships that tall people don't have to deal with.
I don't know why it's hard to empethise with that, but you've proven yourself to be severely autistic so it doesn't surprise me
I'm also still 192cm, I live in a country where people on average are in the top 10 of tallest people on earth, my mother was 180cm, my father 189cm, all of my cousins are either only a little smaller than me or taller than me and you're still autistic
You are just upset because you are not getting a pass for lying I know you are used to it being the internet and all and being able to hide your flaw ridden mug. But it is time for you to hear some truth, your height, which I seriously believe you are lying about even still, is not as big of a deal as you like to believe it is, you certainly are not anything out of the ordinary and I can tell you this being a TRUTHFUL 6 3 guy myself people do not go, wow he is huge, until a man is walking around 6 6. I can tell you the same for women as well apart from the fetish airhead women out there who obsess over height it really is not as big of an issue as many make it out to be I have seen men who are 5 7 good looking and seemingly doing well for themselves with bomb shells and personally know taller gentlemen who have partners or enjoy or do not enjoy being single. I do not live in some false internet world where my height gives me an advantage like you most certainly do. I do not feel the need to lie about my height, I am still convinced you are 6 2 because I have seen so many men an inch shorter than I am claim 6 4, and I do not feel the need to claim a rounded up height that the top of my head does not even meet as if an inch and a decimal are the same thing. My confidence comes from who I am not a measurement. You bury yourself in your own illusions. No offense but You see I call people like you air heads. Do you know what it is like being able to see out of one eye. Your point of view gets twisted. You can see straight but you cant see as far around. What you see is not only what is there. You egg heads really convince yourself that the world is the way you see it. Then when you find out its not you get bitter, you get mean. Take my advice and get out of your own illusion. While you are living in your safe space obsessing over your height taking a cheap sense of pride over something nobody else cares about real winners are actually achieving.
>I am still convinced you are 6 2 because I have seen so many men an inch shorter than I am claim 6 4
>What you see is not only what is there. Take my advice and get out of your own illusion.
So on the one hand, you meet some dudes who are lying about their height and conclude that because of this anecdotal evidence most 6'4 must be lying (= your simple minded singular view, only believing what you have seen and ignoring anything other than your autistic view)
But then you say I'm the one who's not opening myself up to other views/truths? While I sympathised with someone who had hardships because of their height that I have never experienced? (= different views)
Even if I were 6'2 (which I'm not, you autist) that still makes me a taller man sympathising with a view I have never had
Congratulations on being the most autistic retard I've seen in a while
I have ran into delusional people like you all my life and given them the same answer. It is not hard to spot a liar even on the internet. You sound just as vain as the liars I have come across so yes I would put good money on you being a liar. Your height should be the last thing you obsess over, if you want to stop being the miserable person you are and start living in the light I suggest you fix your lack of personal accountability and enlighten yourself step out of your own ignorance. Stop coping and pretending your height matters more than what it does and you wont feel the need to lie about it anymore.
What you think about things doesn't count as a fact, that's your opinion, you're not going to be right 100% of the time, as hard as that may be to swallow.
I see you've purposefully ignored me calling you out on your hypocrisy because you realize you don't have anything to say to that
I'm still 192cm, cope harder
I addressed what you said if you are not smart enough to comprehend that is on you I do not run in circles
However I real say this, it is not just my opinion that you are a liar it is EVIDENT, my opinion on you is much more petty, I just think you are a loser, no offense just my opinion
But all evidence SUGGESTS, separate from my opinion that you are an uneducated, delusional, insecure man who needs to lie and bring others down in order to boost himself up
This is where the importants of truth comes in. As a man who lives in his world and sees the beautiful men and women of all colors all heights all shapes and sizes I do not need any of this internet nonsense spewing into the real world, this whole heightism body dysmorphia thing is usually pushed over the Internet by a minority of fetish craving women and a minority of egotistical or insecure taller males online with a bunch of angry short dudes who believe it. In the real world most short men I see and know do not have any problem getting a girl of any height and most short women do not feel oppressed or discriminated against and have no issue with the height of their children. All these clowns who want to yell, there is something wrong with you, from the roof tops to boost themselves up are unsightly which is why that propaganda never see the light of day in the real world apart from anti social dweebs such as yourself spewing nonsense
I addressed what you said if you are not smart enough to comprehend that is on you I do not run in circles
However I will tell you this, it is not just my opinion that you are a liar it is EVIDENT, my opinion on you is much more petty, I just think you are a loser, no offense just my opinion
But all evidence SUGGESTS, separate from my opinion that you are an uneducated, delusional, insecure man who needs to lie and bring others down in order to boost himself up
This is where the importants of truth comes in. As a man who lives in his world and sees the beautiful men and women of all colors all heights all shapes and sizes I do not need any of this internet nonsense spewing into the real world, this whole heightism body dysmorphia thing is usually pushed over the Internet by a minority of fetish craving women and a minority of egotistical or insecure taller males online with a bunch of angry short dudes who believe it. In the real world most short men I see and know do not have any problem getting a girl of any height and most short women do not feel oppressed or discriminated against and have no issue with the height of their children. All these clowns who want to yell, there is something wrong with you, from the roof tops to boost themselves up are unsightly which is why that propaganda never see the light of day in the real world apart from anti social dweebs such as yourself spewing nonsense
Where did I say that being shorter is wrong? I've only sympathised with someone who said that there are hardships to being shorter and that some people DO make harsh remarks towards shorter people. If you're too delusional to accept that this kind of 'bullying' or a milder form of it does happen in the real world, I have nothing to say to you anymore and I suggest we lay this to rest.
Remind me again how sympathizing with someone makes me an anti-social dweeb?
>But all evidence SUGGESTS, separate from my opinion that you are an uneducated, delusional, insecure man who needs to lie and bring others down in order to boost himself up
Evidence are cold hard facts, all you have is your opinion, the only thing that'll prove your point is by barging into my room and measuring me. I don't understand how distinguishing between an opinion and facts is hard for you, but so be it, some people struggle with that and I empethize.
>I addressed what you said
You didn't, you just go with what you feel and are guessing that I'm lying.
You have not adressed your hypocrisy of telling me to view things from another angle and simultaniously only believing what your view is to be set in stone
>uneducated, delusional, insecure man who needs to lie and bring others down in order to boost himself up
Again, you don't know if i'm uneducated, that's a guess, not facts. But you calling me uneducated or delusional is hilarious.
I also don't lie, am not insecure (once more, your feelings/your opinion aren't/isn't facts/a fact) and have not brought anyone down but you in the sense that i'm going in on your bullshit and calling you out for it.