Heloo incels why care about sex so much...

Heloo incels why care about sex so much? Girls have offered me sex a few times but I declined bc sex without love or connection is a waste of time. Why are you so obsessed with not getting sex?

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Because sex is a sign that somebody desires me. Wants me. Maybe loves me. I don't care about cumming. I can do that myself. But I want to be wanted and cared about and loved.

>girls offer to have sex with him

Imagine that never happened, imagine you've never even been offered sex, then maybe you'll understand.

Hmm why don't obsess about not having a relationship then instead of sex?
It would be oke. Why care about sex?

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I want sex but can't get it. I deserve sex

You can use sex to make a connection, you know.

sex is just pleasure, i dont think experiencing pleasure is a wsate of time. yes it is weird that incels care about it so much thoough

>I deserve sex

No you don't

He was parodying the incel mindset obviously

Honestly, Based OP, but something I will say which will seem very saddening. People on earth (Including me) are literal, actual, idiots. Not retards, just idiots. Far too many follow and think what they're told to think.
>Work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours, play 8 hours
>Must reproduce and eat
>Sex, sex, sex, sex
But you are just a little, a smidgen enough above (like me) to be able to see how silly that is. Now I tell you what I see as the best option from here. We must continue to raise ourselves, because I am sure me, (maybe you too.) still have many illusions about reality which we must overcome. Study, work, hobbies, open mindedness. These are the best methods I can think of right now. Meditation, abstinence, temperance, charity, rumination. I'm sure you can think of many ways a person can improve. Follow that. Follow what you truly think is best to do. We're all gonna make it.

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Why do you deserve sex?
That's not how it worksu. Sex without connection or love would be a waste of time. I'd feel nothing.
Love and connection is so much more beautiful though. You can just fapu to get the pleasure of sex.
Meditation is a meme desu. Hmm I don't know if a normal, sex obsessed person can improve in that way. Also I believe most people don't feel love or connection.

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>Love and connection is so much more beautiful though.
I don't connect to people at all user and I realized I'm not looking for love really.
>You can just fapu to get the pleasure of sex.
But what I'm looking for is control and power. I want to own a slave bitch I can order around

>girl confesses to me
>feel nothing but the need to escape the social situation
>no attraction, just panic
I threw away the note she gave me. The nerve of people. Why do they feel the need to put others in such positions?

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yes i agree, sex isn't something people should put a great deal of time and effort into getting, but when presented to you i don't think it's wrong to take the opportunity. its nice to sleep next to someone afterwards

Explain yourself, bigu

Hmm I'm glad I'm not you. Not feeling love or connection would be really shitty.
You weren't attracted to her so it's oke. Would you have started a relationship with her? Why do you panic bc of social situations?
Meh I think it's a waste of time without connection or love.

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Bigu you don't have sex bc you're gay.

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You were whoring yourself out for cutsu last night baka

No u.
Eeeh that wasn't me. Someone larped as me desu.

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fuck off you scum bastard

I don't care about sex
I care about affection and genuine love

>No u.
Who's your next cutu victim, bigu, will he recover from it?

No u.
That's nice desu. Love is so beautiful.
Eeeeh what do you mean?

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Unlike what normalfags like you may think incels want love and affection but since men are not allowed to be sissies they latch onto sex as a mean to get something at least.

Nice meme incel. Instantly categorizing me into normalfag just bc I call incels retarded.
>want love and affection
>just talk about girls and sex on incel forums
Meh. Have sex.

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Because it is obvious you came here only to mock people and you couldn't even wait for your second post to not boast about the fact girls are thirsty for you.

Heloo incel. How is life as an incel? Incel beep boop.

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fuck you scum fuck you so much fuck you

lmao do seks inkwell

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not an incel if you've never tried to approach women.

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that's pretty much being a volcel, since you don't even take what little chances you might have
unless you actually want to but are just too scared, which makes you an incel again
funny, that

It's not about the sex itself.
It's about being chosen and good enough for it.

they'll never understand this

Kek nice method.
And are you good enough? If not why care? Just stop caring about them and live your own life.

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Have you noticed any changes in how you are treated since you told them about the cutsu?

>Just stop caring about them and live your own life.
I've tried to but the rest of my life is a big fucking failure as well

How do you ask for sex from a girl friend?

nah, all you need for good sex is to both be attracted to each other. love isn't necessary.

Ya nurses are more distanced to me now.
Tell her to have sex with you idk it's your gf.

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>Ya nurses are more distanced to me now.
At this point you may as well go all in and show the nurse your 9 inch pp

No kek. They'd sue me for sexual harassment then and it would be so weird.

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If you don't mind spending time in closed station you could do it while faking a mental breakdown desu

A mental breakdown where I'd become crazy wouldn't make sense diagnosis wise. They would know it's faked.

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You already have a depression diagnosis. You could make a manic episode and they would just think you are bipolar, it's not uncommon.

It wouldn't make sense to get a manic episode after 13 weeksu just depression.

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You would be surprised. Some bipolars can switch episodes suddenly without warning.

>> Girls have offered me sex a few times but I declined

Well that's rich

Ya but not after 3 monthsu nothing.

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I have come close to having sex a few times but always managed to fuck it up somehow. Then I got fed up one day and hired an escort. It felt meaningless and now all I want is a girl to naturally fall for me. It hurts to never have someone to care for and be cared for.

fuck off reddit nobody cares about your shitty /r/incel garbage

>but I declined bc sex without love or connection is a waste of time.
I would too.
>Why are you so obsessed with not getting sex?
Because I'm not getting the aforementioend love or connections.

>Girls have offered me sex a few times but I declined bc sex without love or connection is a waste of time.
this is what we want user, LOVE AND CONNECTION

I do because im a woman

Yeah that's really a bad feeling. That sucks.

I had that 5 years ago, and after I started caring about myself I got out of that rut. Now I'm focused on what I want and what makes me feel good, like going to the gym, food, my job, education, family relationships, going to bars with friends, organizing stuff at work, and making sure my little sister is alright. And I know that if I start feeling worse, I'll add bringing blankets to the local animal shelter and talking to my mom a lot more.

"Getting loved" used to be the missing 80% of my internal jigsaw puzzle. That was when my life was porn and counter strike. Now, with all the worthwhile stuff I'm doing, it's only like 2%. I just followed my interests and built them up over a couple of years.

If any of you are mutts (like myself)
I hope you stay incels or take the volcel pill like myself

>fuck off reddit
so.y go back to eddit and stop transforming this site into reddit 2.0 you massive faggot.

How braindead are you?
You cant become a volcel on will unless you have chad genes but are fucking retarded like OP.

>sex without love or connection is a waste of time
When you know that you're not going to get the love/connection + sex, you settle for having only one of them.
And for most of us it's sex.

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You wasted a lot of monies on that escort. Why don't girls fall in love with you?
No u.
Just look at incel forums. It's just about not getting sex.
Meh sex probably doesn't feel better than fapu.

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Trust me, sex feels better than fapping. And that's just physically, the emotional connection is also nice.

>Just look at incel forums. It's just about not getting sex

The love and affection part is implied when people complain about their virginity. It's not necessary to explicitly state it every time. You know when incels make broad generalizations about women, they also don't literally mean every single woman, right?