Any other guys here bisexual but decided not to fuck men...

Any other guys here bisexual but decided not to fuck men? How do I explain this to people without sounding like a repressed self hating homophobe?

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Other urls found in this thread:

"I like dudes, no homo."

You can only explain so much to people before your dogmas clash and that's if they're not just trying to rank you in the first place

Tell them that sexuality is a choice and that, given that you are a human possessing a rational mind, you are not obligated to follow every animal urge that you feel.

>How do I explain this to people
You don't. Just say you're straight. Sexuality is very private and you don't need to announce it to the world.

Its good to see someone understands where I'm coming from.

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All that being said, though, the rational choice is to pursue men and not women. Women are not deserving of romantic affection as they are ignoble creatures of low character.

I wish you'd come inside my boipucci :3

Yeah, kind of. I'm attracted to men in theory but most of the guys interested in dudes are complete horndogs and I'm looking for a more cuddly/romantic relationship. End up shutting most guys down after getting the vibe that they're just looking to fuck.

No, woman are awful but they can only hurt you if you trust them and allow yourself to fall in love. You can enjoy the benefits of male companionship without putting your dick in them and getting AIDs.

i just don't explain it to anyone, most people don't deserve an explanation

You're being contradictory, of course. You advocate loveless hedonism regarding women but condemn it regarding men. It's wrong with either sex and such a path will not give you any fulfillment, only emptiness.

why are you explaining it to anybody user? If you absolutely have to for some reason, just say hey, i think you're cute and all but I don't wanna.

I don't condemn it, I'm just not attracted to men enough that fucking them would be worth it, there is literally no benefit. And with girls its not even about the sex, they just make me feel better and more invigorated, so there is an actual benefit.

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Just say you don't want to get aids. It's a fair explanation.

Nothing wrong with being a repressed homophobe. Some urges are best left crushed daily.

>How do I explain this to people without sounding like a repressed self hating homophobe?
By just saying you're straight.

It is not to late :3

im bi and dont fuck men because
a) gay men are disgusting sluts who fuck far too much for me to not be wary of diseases
b) i really only like the femmy twink type
c) gay men are size queens and i'm only 6 in

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>Nothing wrong with being a repressed homophobe.

I don't feel repressed though, I just don't fuck dudes. Its not a strong desire that rips my soul apart or anything like that.

>"Oh I'm just a 3 or maybe 4 on the Kinsey scale, so yea, I feel some attraction but I'm also purely heteroromantic, so having sex with a dude by itself is attractive, having to connect my mind with them isn't."
>"I just don't feel like it."

How do you know you really like men if you don't want to fuck them? Are you sure you weren't memed into it by spending too much time on r9fag?

>How do you know you really like men if you don't want to fuck them?

I've fapped to all kinds of gay shit, I'd be surprised if I couldn't at least enjoy head from a tranny.

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i dont know what i am, I've been wanking to gay porn for 7 years but never tried gettting irl gaysex

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I'm kind of similar. I've had sex with other guys but I could never be in a relationship with one. For some reason I'm romantically attracted to women but sexually attracted to men, which is especially inconvenient because I'm completely unattractive to women in every conceivable way.

>fap to gay porn
>want absolutely nothing to do with faggotry

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Well, I'll say it then. Go on grindr and get BOTTOMED

>im bi and dont fuck men because
>a) gay men are disgusting sluts who fuck far too much for me to not be wary of diseases
>b) i really only like the femmy twink type
>c) gay men are size queens and i'm only 6 in
Fucking same.

I'm 18, slim and twinkish and I want to get fucked by an older guy or a bbc but I always end up cancelling after the arrangements have been made because I coom and lose all libido. I probably never will tho. Kinda sad because it's probably the only sex I would ever have the chance to have.

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>I want to get fucked by an older guy or a bbc
Show ass

>or a bbc
I was interested until you said this

Nah but here's my thing, like I'd fuck a dude but I won't get fucked and I can't build romantic relationships with men

I know, I fell for the meme :( black guys aren't attractive imo but I just need a big dic

Just pretend you're straight and make sure nobody sees you watch gay porn

anybody else here only gay for animes?

>I'm just not attracted to men enough that fucking them would be worth it,
Then you are not bi

Only reason I don't fuck guys, is because they Will never be cute like ur image OP

Can someone help me? I'm very confused about my sexuality... I fap to gay furry porn (not to BARAs tho) but real life men or twinks don't turn me on. Am I bisexual?

No, you just have a fetish

I like boys more than girls but would never fuck a guy. Hair is gross.

Just ask them to shave it off lol

But I'm not allowed to do that on r9k :)

>attracted to women for the aesthetics
>attracted to men for the personality/dominance
If only dominant women existed, then I wouldn't have to be a fag because I'm hopelessly submissive

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Ugh, same. I think I've just given up hope of finding any dominant women

most of my attraction to men is based on a submission/humiliation fetish with raceplay elements

so maybe I'm a repressing homophobe bi, but I dunno. dont really care, not like I get any action, male or female

just lie and say youre straight
or say im semi bi i find men/feminine men attractive but im not interested in sex with them

>submission/humiliation fetish
do go on user

>But I'm not allowed to do that on r9k :)
Take picture, upload to imgur and show us the ass of a twink sissy.

Okey, just be nice jannies, this is my only place of respite

Good bussy, would rim and pound it hard

Where are you from boy? Got a stiffy.

Missouri unfortunately, bleh.

Damn, wish you were living in europe. Would keep you for myself.

>I don't want to fuck men but I want people to know I want to fuck men

Sexuality only implies attraction, not action. You could be straight and still choose not to fuck woman.

it's nothing special (I think)
it's just meta-attraction, submitting to a male is hot because (in my mind) it's such a humiliating thing to do. cant feel any less manly than with a mouth full of cum.

Word of advice:
If you really are slim and twinkish, you can easily find a bf if you GO OUTSIDE. Go places. Just fucking being outside in public you expose yourself to the chance a cute guy is there and sees you and wants you and things happen. It took me a few months of being in public as much as I could, taking every chance I could to talk to people and I got a 10/10 gorgeous twink bf thats crazy for me. I'm like a 6/10, but I put the work in til I found my gold. You can do the same a lot easier with an ass like that.

You dont have to explain yourself to them

Nice I've also been fucked by older BBC and it's a good feeling only if the guy knows how to fuck otherwise just use a dildo

I'm sexually attracted to guys just not romantically attracted. It's kind of odd. It just makes me feel really weird but the thought of cock and being dominated really turns me on
I used to have a dildo but I got rid of it out of shame one night. I want to order one again because it was absolutely perfect, I found the exact same one online but I'm paranoid about my mom opening the package as I still live with family.

You'd be romantically interested in men if you'd stop jerking your cock for a moment and find a cute nice guy that can give you hot sex at might and be a cool friend during the day. If you can kiss a guy and take his cock during sex you can handle hanging out and cooking and doing shit like that together.

Any other guys here bisexual but decided not to fuck women? How do I explain this to people without sounding like a repressed self hating prisongay?

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>Attracted to men in fantasy and porn
>As soon as I see one in real life I feel zero desire whatsoever

If men turned me on irl like they did in my fantasies I would have been dead of AIDS five years ago. Nonstop fucking.

I just managed to find a bf and so nobody gives a shit about me. In fact people forget I'm bi, despite me regularly chiming in about how this or that chick is hot.

i just want a bbc bf desu

I'd fuck a girl but only if she was really hot and it was a casual no-effort thing. No interest in dating. Most women aren't interested in casual sex, at least not as casual as I'm talking about. They make you jump through hoops like they're some kind of prize. Nah. They're second rate.

I mean I wouldn't fuck or date a guy, but I do enjoy it when I sit on tree stumps and the sticky up bit goes up my arsehole, does that make me bi-sexual?

>> With a snappy nod, his hitherto hairline-fixed glasses slid onto his nose ridge

>I'd fuck a girl but only if she was really hot and it was a casual no-effort thing.
Good luck then.
Have you tried hookers?

>> Feminine people with feminine mannerisms arouse me, am I gay

Well no, not unless you can lose yourself in another mans blue piercing eyes and long for his tight grasp, and being held tightly against his manly thin hips and rubbed against his hard chest and hair you're not

Hey that sounds wonderful, good for you!

ur not fat right

bi but
I hate absolutely everyone
men women everyone indiscriminately
don't really feel any compassion empathy or love
why would i have sex with people i hate?

no, i have a perfect flat tummy, slender figure and pale skin

I thought I was straight, but I've come across a twink, a femboy and a trap I'd fuck on pornhub

that bbc bf thing is not it stop fetishizing ppl

but i really like black men, they are seriously hot, big dick or not

Why do you feel the need to tell people that you like dick if you don't want dick?

I've done it a few times with friends and friends of friends. It's not that hard when you're comfortable with each other and there's nobody else at the party you have your eye on. It helps that I'm completely the dom top type. Usually I fuck boys but if you're cute I'll make an exception. It can come off as really chad.

Go ahead and experiment, you're still young. Just make sure it's safe sex and DON'T let your life be dictated by your fetishes, or else you'll end up as an Yas Forums trannycel for the rest of your life.
If you're romantically interetsed in men date them, if you can't live with being a man then take hormones. But if it's just a fetish then do. not. do. it. This board will corrupt you into otherwise like it has with a lot of other young men like you, and you will regret it. It will ruin your life.
I reapeat because it can't be stressed enough, don't let your life be dictated by your fetishes.

There's no real reason to need to explain something like that IRL. If you get it that's enough, nobody else really matters with something as personal as sexuality.
t. bi-fag who also only fugs women

I just say that my family would get shocked but in reality my family doesn't give a shit