He doesnt have a sex doll

>he doesnt have a sex doll
You are literally behind in revolution.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How much for a custom doll user?

>h-have sex!!!

I can... and will

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I seriously don't get why robots don't take the Doll-pill. I mean they are better than real women in literally every single imaginable way

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for a good one?

Like 1.5k plus.

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Holy fr*ck....

I dont think i could reduce myself to that level

Is this a real woman? or a sex doll?

If you can't tell the difference then theres literally no reason for you not owning one

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Holy fucking cringe, get this norm outta here

I can't tell whos more pathetic, women for getting replaced by plastic and sillicone, or you

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I bet is worth it, I can imagine how good sex will be.

I genuinely can't tell

Hahahaha holy fuck check out this evolutionlet

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A sex doll can't suck my cock. I love just sit and back and getting blown shit is cash

Based thread, I'm literally 1 more paycheck away from my ultimate waifu

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how does it feel compared to the real thing? i groped and sucked on an escorts DDs so i dont think i can inveset in an expensive doll if its not the same

Based save up goal user, enjoy years of happiness and love

ngl, I cringed

thats a brazilian cosplayer
maria fernanda

ngl, I cringed
I agree fucking it would be pretty great. It'll never blow you though. Facts are facts

It's in the hands. that's a real woman i think. Or they did a real, real good job on making her hands realistic.

From most accounts I've read, it's literally the same thing.

If you've ever touched a girl with breast implants then you've touched a sex dolls breasts

>I mean they are better than real women in literally every single imaginable way
A roastie isn't 150# of dead weight you have to drag into the bathroom to use a turkey-baster to douche your old cum out of before you hang it in the closet. You just have to call an Uber when you're done.

>No boidolls
Ok whatever, is not like male > female.

I cropped a picture of some legs

Are they a sex dolls legs or a real womans legs?

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>Assuming a woman would ever want to be with me.

>only using a sex doll for sex
Holy fuck check out this brainlet

Attached: fil.jpg (584x294, 41.89K)

>not princess carrying your doll waifu everywhere you go

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Cringe and simp-pilled, enjoy the STDs

Do you think 20 years from now, sex dolls will have completely replaced real women?

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Unironically yes, it costs less than VR for christs sake

I would be inclined to think so.

Once more and more people take the doll-pill, it will eventually become a social trend, like fitness, online dating, etc. etc.

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Where do you buy one?

>prostitute virgin
Imagine fucking std ridden whores thinking you're superior

theres plenty of vendors, but I personally use the doll house since it's based in UK

oopsies, meant to reply to this ( )

Do the ones that take less material to make cost less?

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I dunno, it's possible, especially if the 80-20 percent thing is to be believed and women continuously abuse their advantages in government

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Holy FUCK she is totally my type.

H heather from tdi.
Im tempted to buy the whole female cast now as well as others. Id have not a garage, but a underground bunker full of sex dolls

if real women really do get replaced by dolls then this truly is the best timeline

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I know a guy that has a doll and a gf too, and they have 3somes with the doll.

Not only do I think it's going to happen, but It's probably something normies will find a way to ruin

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Can someone tell me where can I get a doll with breasts EXACTLY like this?


They even make dolls from just the waist down that cost like 500 bucks.

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Well what is it user?

There should be a sex doll general on here.

The one on JP is just for small collectible dolls and shit

If you are an absolute loser that only seeks pleasure in life and you can't even fuck real pussy or rape. Than ya go for it my guy.

Thats for you to decide my duder

Well I'm gonna say real cause of the mole and small wrinkles, also I don't think sex dolls can stand yet.

Roastie Rage at it's peak boys

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Also sauce I want to be between those legs they're so sexy

sizzle down, chief

I'm not mad at all and I'm not a roastie, I'm just saying if don't choose the path of finding one you truly love and raising a family, and instead you only want pleasure, just rape some dumb whores you pussy.

>mole and small wrinkles
bro, tpe emulates these things very well

>can stand yet
it could be leaning on the cabinet or dresser

>raising a family,
I think having children in this corrupt horrible unfair world is evil.

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There are ones that can stand on their own. Its just not good to keep them in that position for long periods of time.

Someone finally fucking said it.
They should start licensing parents now for real

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Why let the world raise your children when you can teach them your ideals and values that you know are honorable yourself, letting society teach your children is the first mistake.

imagine... 100cm.... bros...

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Females secret fantasy.

I don't have to imagine... it's been reality all this time... and the norms have hidden the knowledge from us, terrified of it's power

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Only for whores

So quit this stupid plastic bs and rape some dumb whore, you know she'd like it.

So all women then?

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>1. Where am I suppose to get 10 thousand dollars for a realistic sex doll
>2. Wouldn't it be super hard to clean and maintain?
>3. Wouldn't the material get worn down after use
>4. Where am I suppose to hide a life sized sex doll?

>the year is 2048
>women rule the world with an iron fist
>male resistance fighters hide in underground bunkers with their sex dolls
>if they're caught they are sent to sperm farms, where they take your sperm with syringes, a very painful process that doesn't allow men to feel pleasure.
Bros... we must fight for the future

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Having enough pride to want to hide the life sized sex doll but not enough to avoid getting it outright.
Fucking fencesitter, pick a lane.

Same guy bro, some women are whores who want to be raped, some you can start a family with and raise children. Knowing the difference is key. I think some of you guys struggle with this because you are autistic and can't pick up cues.

Meh their feet are still seriously lacking

>1. Where am I suppose to get 10 thousand dollars for a realistic sex doll
They cost less and are more convenient than a VR setup, and significantly less than a real woman or a car, but everyone has one of those.

>2. Wouldn't it be super hard to clean and maintain?
Big misconception, sex dolls can actually be fun to clean and maintain since you can literally shower with them.

>3. Wouldn't the material get worn down after use
can literally last up to 10 years if you're not a mongoloid, and can be repaired with TPE glue.

>4. Where am I suppose to hide a life sized sex doll?
Why would you hide them? I have mine out all the time.
If you live with you parents, there are special lock boxes that you can hide under your bed.

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>those small wrinkles
Is that a sex doll or a real woman? I literally can't tell anymore

Why the fuck do people think sex dolls are only for fucking?

seriously, I hope sex dolls never goes mainstream because holy fuck normal people are fucking stupid
I literally haven't had sex with my doll in like 2 weeks, but that doesn't mean I've stopped spending time with it.
The cuddles, smooching, and romance is there man, but people with pint sized brains can't see it.

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To get that fine detail you have to pay the extra $100 for the "super real makeup" finish over the entire doll's skin

I got a Gf and my game is decent so yeah have fun fucking plastic

Replaced= would mean they had woman that got traded for dools which is unlikely

>tfw poorfag

It's not fair.. I wanna be a sex doll CHAD

They really need to make a rent to own system or something, like 200 a month or whatever, then I'd get one in a minute

calm down

>he needs "game" to romance his women.

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Then what would they do if you stopped paying? Take it back? No one wants to buy a second hand sex doll.

God I(male) wish that was me(male)...


Also, credit checks

Holy shit is this actually real?

I thought you guys were meming, but sex dolls may actually be the future

holy fucking fuck the guy in this video is the biggest faggot in the world

i dont think the chink looks happy in that pic
i think it's your pea sized brain that is satisfied with a lifeless object out of desperation
meanwhile better human beings will be seeking to challenge themselves through emotional hardship
to discover true love is not through a body or an idol of said body, it is through anothe being's soul

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That is neither a woman nor a sex doll. This is what real women look like

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perception is originally reality

im not a virgin, never fucked a doll, but im pretty sure it doesnt feel anywhere as great as real pussy does, also no sloppy head or the smell of a real woman

>better human beings
How are you better than me? because society said so?
groupthink(circlejerk) mentality at it's finest, you can only do things not based on your own personal truth, but what other people want you to do. Classic normie.

>challenge themselves through emotional hardship
holy lmao

>but im pretty sure
And you're pretty wrong

The first in a series of future Normalization of sex dolls that will eventually ruin it.

God I fucking hate normal people

respectable but i believe there is more than sensory perception
no one can judge if someone is a better human than another, but you must know what i meant by that
personally i see myself as in a better state of being, and am satisfied with my lifestyle
however if you have to resort to structures of lust to feel pleasure then i doubt you see yourself as a better person, yes?
cutting yourself from human contact hardly is the answer to your problems

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>no one can judge if someone is a better human than another
>proceeds to judge
Just because you can pretend to be rational and intellectual by hiding behind metaphors and conjunctions, doesn't mean you actually are.

Holy shit, owned that retarded faggot

based as fuck, sex doll bros reign supreme.

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Lmao why would women want beta sperm?

To create slaves for their armies and factories

i would like you to explain how one can feel fulfillment out of a lifeless doll. perhaps it is just me that doesn't understand
it seems so obvious to me that as much as you embrace this thing you won't be able to feel the true embrace of an organic being
i'm sure you don't have to come to this

>be male resistance fighter who escaped female captivity 20 years ago
>the women have almost completely annihilated male resistance forces through their mindless male slave army born into their society that know nothing but hatred for men
>be cuddling with sex doll wife when suddenly theres a large bang in the bunker
>get up immediately
>look for the source of the crash
>it's a male slave, easily identifiable by his chastity cage
>"i'm here to take you in, incel"
>get into a struggle and disarm him
>take off his mask
>he looks exactly like me
>it's my son.

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Holy fuck, this could legitimately fucking happen

I had a fleshlite for a while, which is basically the same thing as a sex doll - all the other stuff which is basically just eye candy. If they can fix a few issues, I might be tempted to get a sex doll if I'm not getting laid in the future.
>Too much of a mess to clean up
>Fucking cold plastic

where can i buy this vros

I love how you'll say this shit to me, but not to people who fall in love with their cars, their art sculptures or paintings, their own body through fitness, and so on and so forth.

People have had an emotional connection with inanimate objects for millions of years, you're only mad because this one emulates the female body.

>Fucking cold plastic
Your body heat is enough to give you an illusion that your doll is emitting heat as well.
Also, you can buy one with heaters installed.

>tfw no Femnazi oppressor gf to forcefully and painfully take my sperm and create synthetic slave babies with

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you do have a point. perhaps love is more than what it seems
but it is unarguable that love with such objects only leads to an emotionally benign state
the item cannot provide psychological support, at best the person can reflect their desire onto the object but it is no better than a mirror in that regard
it is inherently sedentary to have provoke emotions towards idols
therefore while people can love and live with an object it will not lead to any better, or worse.

>Assuming women would want us.

>provide psychological support
Why do people think that women(gfs) are the only people who can do this shit?
I mean for real, people sleep on family, and friends(male) so much it's criminal.

besides, Women can't even begin to sympathize or empathize with male struggles. When I was in a relationship with one, they literally thought that having sex was a suitable birthday gift every year, and that it was a good way to "cheer me up" every time, that's literally all they know how to do.

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women are not the only people that can provide psychological support, but they offer a special kind of mental comfort
women bring intimacy and the highest form of physical trust, they are irreplaceable in this matter
before you say that this can be done the same with dolls, the doll isn't human, therefore is unable to trust you
when you know that this human being is trusting you with their body, that is unbeatable and helps alot. especially if this has meaning
this one woman you talk about shouldn't be generalized. now that you know what kind of woman she is, try avoiding such personalities in the future in favor of ones that better suit your needs

No. There's a good chance that they'll be banned outright but even if they aren't I don't think they will be able to truly replace women.

Why not choose chad's sperm? logistically speaking this the only option that would make sense. A chad army is more reliable, than an army made up of weak, pathetic, ugly males.

>it will not lead to any better, or worse.
I dunno about that.
I know this is gonna sound weird, but the thoughts and emotions I project onto my doll feel very real to me, and I have never felt better since I got one.
I used to suffer from chronic nightmares, after I got a doll to cuddle everynight, I sleep like a fucking king, and have only had good dreams.
I had very bad loneliness all my life, but I haven't felt lonely even once in the 6 or so years I have had my doll.
I feel more confident talking to people, wearing a wedding ring and saying "my wife" to people, I say that she's paraplegic and have to care for her 24/7 when I buy clothes and wigs at a store, hardly a lie at all, and people think good of me for it.
Overall, buying a doll was the best investment I have ever made, I even have romantic dinners with her next to me at my table, you might think it's a weird scene in your head, but to me I feel like I'm floating.

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Again this is of course assuming that a woman would want to provide an ugly incel with this "intimacy"

A doll like pic related would cost me thousands, not to mind the clothes I need to buy for her.

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Couldn't have said it better myself

When you shop at the womens sections do you get nasty looks?

For the most part I order online, but sometimes I don't feel like waiting so I shop in the mall.

The answer is actually no, or at least I don't perceive nasty looks, and sometimes I'm not the only male shopping there. I've actually had long conversations with employees in the store asking them what they think would look good and feel comfortable since I'm not a woman I don't know what they like.

if that's the case then i guess it's just my esoterics views that are blinding me from understanding basic well-being
i am glad you found redemption in your troubles
the strangest part of this is the face. if it was faceless it would be expected of the doll to be senseless
but with a face i expect response. how do you feel about this? doesn't it bother you?

Attached: 11.jpg (840x840, 80.77K)

Learn how to format a post properly you detestable faggot.

You don't know since you've never owned a doll, but I'll tell you one thing, once you're alone with one for a certain amount of time, you start to humanize it intensely.
When I first got mine, there were times when I would have to do a double take because she looked so lifelike to me. When I go away for a while I hate putting her away even though it's necessary for preservation.

Now, take this into consideration.
Asian women for centuries have made themselves look like dolls through cultural tradition, they even go through tons of plastic surgery, injecting the same material into their bodies that you'd find in a sex doll, and do 2 hour makeup routines every morning to get that "doll look" that make asian women so desirable.
This is why asian dolls look generally more "lifelike" than other ones, because our minds are so used to seeing asian women look like that. Once you get used to the way your doll looks, you will never find it strange again.

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meant for ( )

sometimes I think Yas Forums forces miquotes.

I have never, ever in my life seen a thread so fucking BASED.

I live with my parents and have one. I have it in a lockbox under my bed. It's no harder to keep a secret than owning a gun or smoking weed.

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Hahahaha, owned those noncels

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Can you actually buy them on Amazon? seems too good to be true especially for the price.

Attached: file.png (1617x686, 462.48K)

Do NOT fucking do this. Amazon sex toys are a sham all together.

>thread triggered the fuck out of roasties
Damn, think I might buy one just for that

ok i was just scrolling then enjoying the enourmous bouncing tiddies (jesus fuck do they bounce though)
but then i saw this, and the fact that that doll looks so much like an actual girl is legitamately terrifying to me.
please fuck off.

This is literally the most underrated post on the whole site

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Real woman wearing enough makeup to paint a skyscraper in flesh tones.

except kids..

Except kids what?



thats a real girl
she has blemishes such as moles and freckles on her arms, but not her face, marking that shes wearimg makeup. her hands are darker than the rest of her body because her skin is translucent and i can see the higher density of capilaries. and i can see where her skin folds/sags in ways silicom could never mimic around her shoulders and belly area.

Sex dolls are made with Thermoplastic elastomer now, it scarily emulates human skin to a tee

those are real.
she has a mole on her left knee as well as other blemishes. if i could see the feet i would be even more sure

This is actually a doll, I've seen this very image on a sex doll forum before, I know it

The sooner you embrace the doll pill, the happier you'll be

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I'm a poorfag, give me money to buy one.

>sex dolls
Excuse me, can we not refer to them by such old problematic slang please?

Call them love dolls, put some respect on dolls names

>tfw no titcow gf
oh wait....

Attached: d2.png (445x558, 378.48K)

which sex doll.model is that? looks great

ah so thats why this thread is nightmare inducing

ah, damn. i usually look at fingers and toes as my main tell

>"Oi chum, ya got sumthin tae sae about me wife do ye?"

Attached: lll.png (640x799, 995.86K)

Holy fucking shit, what a chad

its not that she's ugly. its that shes so lifelike its actually bone chilling.

It's a Sino-Doll

They make the highest quality dolls on the market, based in Taiwan.

Attached: ca90sasd.png (667x1000, 814.25K)

Doll chads are in the house tonight

Everybody gonna have a good time

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write a letter to your government to make a free sex doll program for lonely individuals.

Not only is this a doable thing, but I suspect it would help society greatly.

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This doll is everything i want. God I wish I had the money and space for her



Alright normies, give me the doll and no one gets hurt

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Don't let your dreams be dreams bro, think outside the box

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Holy shit I spit out my drink

I wish we could have threads like this every day. It's time to open up more robot eyes to the Love Doll pill

Attached: sino-doll-s09-head-2614.jpg (250x250, 9.83K)

>has science gone too far?.png

You mock him for chasing pleasure when you desire relationships because they provide you with even more pleasure. If the 'soul' is all that matters why don't you go fuck a guy? Your desire for a real girl is just as lust motivated as his desire for a doll.

I want to buy a guy one just so I can watch him fuck it

Yeah, I'm thinking this thread was pretty based

I would be all for advanced sex dolls, but I think the ramifications for social fallout would be tremendous and not single of them positive. Who will be able to buy them? Top curve whites and Asians, basically only people who still have some culture and possibly good future. So if sex dolls/robots will end up being widespread, it will lead to further extinction of only somewhat valuable people on this planet, while useless subhumans of all colors will still breed like fucking rabbits, thus ultimately making some idiocracy scenario real. You can see it just today and that's only with porn.

If this problem would be tackled somehow, then sexdolls/robots could be a viable thing for the future. I was already looking at it and it is still a bit uncanny valley for me, not to mention escorts I bang instead seem like a better value so far. I think designers should focus more on obviously non-human/cartoony/etc. types until they can make really perfect human-like ones.

Not even giving that faggot a (you) for that one

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 344.54K)

If the thread dies. Let it be known that it was because of your incredibly low IQ and low quality post

t. faggot dick-minstrel who has absolutely nothing of value to add

>Emotional hardship

This is what women want to make you go through. They want to abuse you with the help of the judiciary system.

Say no.

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Yeah, I'm thinking this guy gets pegged by trannies. I mean seriously what the fuck was he trying to do in that brothel? have a Slumber party?

That's what I'm saying, I mean seriously how can you possibly fuck up sex with a doll

alright it's settled, starting today, I am saving up for my Love Doll waifu

Trust me there would be people out there desperate enough to rent or buy second hand sex dolls.

But your wife isn't a paraplegic because you don't have a wife. You have a latex, plastic and sponge rubber object that had been moulded into the shape of a human. It is no different from a painting on canvas except in 3D form.
>I even have romantic dinners with her next to me at my table
Does she actually chew and digst any food that you prepare fr her? Does she audibly complement you on the food? Does she ask about the ingredients?

Why would you need to buy clothes for a doll? It is an inanimate object that has no awareness of modesty, it does not feel cold or perceive temperature in any way.
It is just an expensive masturbation device.

Any more videos?
God it turns me on to see him fondling her tits, I can easily self insert as the doll

T. Horny femoid

>I've actually had long conversations with employees in the store asking them what they think would look good and feel comfortable since I'm not a woman
Wow that is some seriously next level delusion. What does it matter if it feels comfortable or not? Just tell the employees that you are shopping for your life sized 'companion' doll then see how long the conversation lasts.

You know the rules and so do I.


lol no, stop trying to mystify the female gender. Most women are absolute shit at comforting men.Very few are actually capable of comforting anyone, and it's very unlikely that these men will actually encounter them. What they DO encounter is people like you that try to make them feel bad about their hobby under the disguise of "helping".
>this one woman you talk about shouldn't be generalized
Yes that's why you're generalizing every woman to be a companion with a mystical power to heal and comfort any man. Leave it to roasties and simps to cover up the nasty nature of most women under the guise of "not all women are like this". These are the same retards posting "WHY ARE ALL MEN LIKE THIS???" and "MEN ARE CANCELED" all oveer instagram.
>buh-buh-buh I never said that, don't put words in my mouth
Betting $5 you desperately wanted to post that.

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I came here to see tits and not post my own sorry famalamn

Well get the fuck out then, rules are rules.

triggered normcuck lmao

These newer dolls look great. If I had money and live alone... even then I would be too anxious to buy them. I was ruined too much. Dressing them up would be the most fun for sure.

keeping coping Mgtow BroCel

That's a nasty wound on that foot, looks like it will need some stitches.

LOL someone who advocates for sex dolls shouldn't be calling anyone else a cuck. When you're preparing 'romantic' meals and doing shopping for a doll then that is the very pinnacle of cuckdom.

I'm genuinely having trouble believing that a person could read testimony of a guy saying that a certain change in his life changed it for the better and then immediately thinking they have to try and say that they are wrong for doing it. I mean really? just let the guy be happy, it's of no consequence to you.

im guessing you're probably a bitter female who's mad that a man can find happiness without you.


Norms are like that, they want you to be miserable forever because you don't conform to their world view, it's ironically pathetic

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>faggot spending his day arguing with a doll owner on r9k instead of burying his cock deep inside Sam from EBGames
ok cuckee, just remember that you're arguing about this on Yas Forums while your oneitis is getting bred by Jamal!!

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Imagine looking at it in your bed together and just as you're falling asleep you see her blink.

Why have a sex doll when you could learn to hallucinate and have a tulpa waifu?

>then immediately thinking they have to try and say that they are wrong for doing it.
But can you show me where in my post I said he was wrong?
Is there anything that I said in my post that was untrue?
>im guessing you're probably a bitter female
You guessed wrong.

I tried one last year but these TPE dolls still need a few years before I put money into them. Until then I'll just keep saving and hodling. The concept itself is great but the tits and joints still need work.

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Yeah well I haven't actually spent my day here and I don't have a oneitis. Keep posting the moot points.

Some guy on the doll forum I frequent talked about how he let's his eyes play tricks on him in the darkness, and he can oftentimes see the illusion of his doll breathing.
It's kind of funny because it usually takes me a few seconds to realize if my roommate is breathing sometimes, it's like you have to focus on their breathing pattern in order for your brain to process the movement

Fuck that's pretty weird.

Just ignore them, the people who are against doll ownership are feminists and sex workers, the same bitches that charge 300 dollars for a "cuddle" session.

>The concept itself is great but the tits and joints still need work.
Just wait until dolls have these installed.

Aren't these 3 words

you probably tried a cheap, crappy one.

They do already, the Sino dolls have them

Can they program a sex doll that will say
"Stop, don't touch me there. This is my no no square!" ?

>Y-Y-Y-Yeah well I h-haven't actually spent my day here and I d-d-d-don't have a oneitis. K-K-Keep posting the moot points.
LMFAO imagine being so worked you feel the need to explain yourself on an anonymous imageboard. What a fucking loser, have sex. Ciao!

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Excellent. If they keep teching I'll keep saving.


Do they come in anime version? I will buy a Nino one.

Alexander Dumas was always such a great brainlet filter.
A black guy no less

At this point why would you need to try to rape someone when you can rape your doll without hurting anyone?I'm starting to like this timeline

reminded me

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>rape your doll
Eww, What is that some kind of norm thing? why would you rape your doll?

seems to have the same bendy straw shoulders issue as 3D models

sorry my bad,I meant have sex

Norms don't have the balls to rape, instead they drug and intoxicate their victims.

people do it with women, no?

Attached: Adachi.png (554x838, 208.8K)

Holy fr*cking he*k...

>imagine being so worked you feel the need to explain yourself on an anonymous imageboard.
Something you don't need to imagine because you evidently know the feeling.

You need game to get a girl
Plus for my side chicks but you wouldn't know that
Stay mad

I heard that the softer they feel and realer the higher the costs too. Anyone have some real soft dolls they like to discuss? Also this one looks rather nice actually. Ive never had a doll but man i csnt believe people do this shit.

I'll get a sex doll as soon as they start smelling like an actual girl. I want to smell their sweaty stinky soles, their unwashed slightly hairy anuses after they just took a shit and letting out loud bubbly farts and not some synthetic rubber made from a factory.

Why not get happy with the fact that you can smack its ass whenever you want

They literally sell perfumes and shit just for that you fucking mongoloid faggot

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>You need game to get a girl
Speak for yourself bubster

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> Barcelona
ofc catalans always the most forward thinking!

I'm 34 and I still will feel embarrassed to buy this, but I'm almost at the point that I would get one and just start the rest of my happy life with it

You'll never have real company with one of those though

What would be the first thing you'd do with your newly bought sex doll user?

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>You'll never have real company with one of those though
You'll soon eat those words

I really want custom dolls of people I know. Just imagine finally getting to be with that girl from work or school that you've thought about for ages. It would cost me a fortune to have the harem I would want though.

Attached: young-couple-walk-around-city-260nw-298289579.jpg (390x280, 21.37K)

first thing I did was cuddle and kiss for a few hours

I saw someone on deviant art once that sculpted silicone faces as commissions, dunno if he's still around or if he'll even do a request like sculpt a person you know without their consent.

>I really want custom dolls of people I know
Yes. Yes, it's all coming together... eventually. One day.

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One day not soon enough friend. I can't stand waitimf untidjhdu kso kso the dhsi we care duikkd d. Ypu know whit I meen gtuys?

Imust say this was a good thread. And that the tits look too rigid. Real tits are more "fluid".
Also, anyone have experience with the realdolls brand?

>distant future
>interactive full neurointerface VR
>interactive VR porn sandbox
>you can scan any person IRL or use their social media posts to construct their 3D model and put it into your VR
>where you can do ANYTHING to them

It's easier and cheaper to just get a girlfriend.

>real tits are more fluid
Check their website and most importantly videos
>the Sino dolls have them
You sure about it, user? Because they said that they are so far developing tiddies which can be used with dolls

Based doll jew.
Do dolls have to be stored in airtight containers?

Don't have any dolls bro, just browsing and researching so far. And no, you don't have to use airtight containers as far as I know.

not so sure about this one. cheaper maybe, i dunno. the doll is like a one time upfront investment, the woman just sucks you dry long term for as long as you're with her, not the same.

>sucks you dry


>Saying Ciao as a way to shit and leave, avoiding any further argument. Lol

isn't that quote by pythagoras?

You okay there friendo? I hope youre not having a stroke

I am sure I saw options on there for some of their dolls that included a "ultra soft breast" extension

mad roast, mad roast...


I don't think even you believe what came out of your mouth

Realdoll is selling outdated dolls from 2015 for like 6k.

The best part of dolls is dressing them up!!!!!!!

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There are porn videos out there of people having sex with realdolls.
They are really low quality, especially for the price

>Yeah, I'm thinking this guy gets pegged by trannies. I mean seriously what the fuck was he trying to do in that brothel? have a Slumber party?
Agreed. When the other guy asked him what a man does after eating, the fag says "ehmm play station"

Holy fuck, this, cosplaying them can get super fun.
I even learned how to do some cute styles with the wigs, I bet I could be a girls hair stylist now

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There's something with the eyes, something that makes me not wanting to own one.

Trust me, that will go away with time.
I find myself staring into their eyes sometimes

>how often do you wank a week?
>3 times
Damn, that dude really is low test

put some fox ears on her in that outfit and she looks exactly like an OC of mine that my self insert OC fucks in the official doujin(tags: femdom, reverse_ryona, fox_goddess, guro(male), cannibalism, foot_worship, beautiful_lady, interracial(bmaf), fluffy_tail, multiple_tails, fangs)

I don't know man, I had a relative that went braid dead nuts and spend the last decade of his life staring at nothing. Shit brings chills to my spine.

For the most part, I have never heard of a doll owner being disappointed when they actually put effort into finding the perfect doll for them, I know guys who own multiple dolls and are married to them with documents to prove it

The only negative testimonies I've heard is some rich teenager cutting the body up and throwing it in the garbage to dispose of it, and very commonly people overpay for a really cheap one, and are upset with the product they get.

>I've heard is some rich teenager cutting the body up and throwing it in the garbage to dispose of it
Hahahahahaha holy shit please be memeing

Sex with a real woman can't be beat.

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This thread reminded me of an instant classic. This davecat guy is mad based and you can see he's still dollsexual to this day on twitter

All the roasties and norms triggered by this guy was glorious, and that was back in 2011

Attached: 2d.png (981x943, 1.82M)

Best site in the uk to get dolls from?


Easily, the-doll-house. They have such great customer service, and a chat on the website where you can get that much needed advice on what you think you should get for yourself

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kill yourself
Thanks I'll check it out

had a bad biffy huh m8?
bing bong bing bong oi oi oi

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA holy shit the salt in that comment section

Who makes these sub60iq pictures?

Most of the comments seem to be praising the guy.

sub 80iq polniggers

"white" isn't a race duder

who makes these jewish posts? oh right jews