/drugfeel/ - Hate being sober

>What drugs are you on anons?
>How has your day been?
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
I have a hypothesis most people either started off with alcohol or weed (50/50), And then moved onto either Psychedelics like Shrooms or LSD or DXM.

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Currently im fucking pissed and im good, I would smoke weed but cant do it on my own, makes me freak out because I ate edibles once and they fucked me up real good.

>Eat edible
>Eat another
>All hits me at once

btw that was my first time getting high,

just took ~300ug of lsd. first time doing this much ama.

>What drugs are you on anons?
lsd is currently my thing, but honestly anything psychedellic gets me going

>How has your day been
Comfy, took a low dosage of truffles and listened to pink floyd while carving a wooden spoon.
>Order of drugs you tried
Alcohol - low tier drug, only like drinking whiskey with friends around a fire
Shrooms - gateway to heaven
weed - boring normiedrug that has been legalish here since the beginning of time
LSD - loving this shit but hard to get where I live
It seems im proving OP right, what high tier psychedellics are out there fellow druganons?

>Currently im fucking pissed and im good, I would smoke weed but cant do it on my own, makes me freak out because I ate edibles once and they fucked me up real good.
how are you feeling brah? Do you also get that weird pinching feeling in your brainstem when it starts?

i took it like 10 minutes ago so i feel nothing. i had a hard neck ache the first two times i took it but last time it didnt ache

what music are you listening to?
this always does it for me. Watch the video for a nice, controlled ferry into triptown

big ass playslist i made last night. buch of shoegaze and psych rock

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my man, enjoy yourself
also, what's the most remarkable trip you ever had?

my last one on 250ug time got so fucked up everything felt like it was happening at the same time and my floor turned into eyeballs. i forget the rest

Last time I lost the ability to separate my thoughts and what I said. It was horrible, speaking thoughts out loud while thinking really hard at friends whom I wanted to relay my problem to

Guy who tried 2C-B yesterday here. This is my new favourite substance by a loooooooooongggg shot now. People weren't kidding when they said snorting it is a bad idea.
A few pointers:
-Don't drink alcohol with it. It almost made my trip go incredibly wrong at two points.
-The Molly style stimulation comes first, then rapidly changes
-You absolutely need that microgram scale
Happy to answer any further questions if people are interested.
>just took ~300ug of lsd. first time doing this much ama.
What will you listen to?

>21 in two months
>Alcohol cravings spiking out of control
>Dislike all other drugs
>Contemplating stealing
What do?

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is breaking through on dmt really like that pic

i'll tell you this i smoked dmt once and didn't break through.
i instantly knew that picture is dmt inspired before reading its caption

>gateway to heaven
This. Too short lasting unfortunately.

hey have a good trip user!
what do you have plan for the trip?

>>What drugs are you on anons?
smoked a bit and I'm having a whiskey, I work tomorrow and soon I have to go to bed

>>How has your day been?
pretty shitty, didn't do much at work, but I've got a reagent kit for MDMA and I was testing my molly and 2CB also, that was nice
Had dinner with a friend

>>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
speed/cocaine - don't remember wich
shrooms /truffle

Waiting for my KET and 4-aco-DMT, I want to try mescaline, DMT and probably other stuff

>Too short lasting unfortunately.
You can just prepare them with a MAOI. Psylohuasca is a relatively uncommon thing but quite simple to do.

Ok I'm not really educated on MAOIs, so can you explain something to me, is it true one has to basically not eat anything for 24 hours before and after in order for the MAOI to not fuck up you health after eating something?

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Am i going to fuck up my life if i try opiates? I'm already addicted to stimulants but i can keep my shit together with them.

No, there's simply a small number of foods to avoid.

How long should I avoid them before/after doing the MAOI?

8 hours before and an hour after sobering up.

>What drugs are you on anons?
weed and alcohol
>How has your day been?
meh. didnt go to class and been alone all day
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in

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How is it visually? Does it have more acid-like visuals or more shroomy ones?

Need a bit of help. I have a jar of distillate and I have no clue how I'm supposed to fill my juul pods and 510 carts with it. I have an empty syringe and and a picker but couldn't figure get it in the syringe (would just make a huge air bubble).

Any suggestions?

Just use the syringe to inject it into your arm. Shooting up weed IV is reaaaly fucking nice

no retard otherwise they could never be used for actual medication (which they are)
there's only some foods like cheese and wine that you have to be careful about, it doesn't just turn food deadly ffs

started off with speed

What are some impressive/rare drugs to have in a drug collection that would make any druggie cum from the thought of it?
>Mescaline HCL/pure
>Fentanyl Medical Patches

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started with weed have tried everything pain killer currently don't take them anymore also have done shooms lsd 2c speed coke and some other low tier like adderals and such nothing to much I have always used moderation not skeezing out on one thing for to long I can safely say I have never been addicted to anything I love weed tho its great

rare umm qualudes possibly original oxys?

pure coke would be the one I would want that's rare

I went in this order:

weed, but i had to lower my dosage today as I had a pretty bad trip last night. I was way too stressed and depressed when I smoked shit ton of weed which resulted in extreme anxiety and paranoia.

>weed (edible)
>weed (smoke)

Accidentally took 25i for my first trip. Trip was fun, then the body load was not fun. Felt stiff from extreme vasoconstriction and felt extremely cold on the comedown. How did you like your 25i trip?

Just did coke for the first time. It felt somewhere between a shitty cup of coffee and a low dose of kratom without the warmth ALSO my nose got stuffy and swolen af. Rubbed it on my gums and they swole up and started bleeding. Didnt really live up to expectations desu.
Came from dnm so i dont think quality was the problem, was i doing it wrong? Tips appreciated anons

nah coke is just shitty

>amphetamine sulphate

Lol pretty sad list. Only drugs i buy anymore are speed or subutex. Might do an acid trip at some point if i can find the stuff somewhere

DXM either makes me content and happy and chill or makes me think that my dads gonna die in the morning cause hes old. what do robots?

>felt somewhere between a shitty cup of coffee and a low dose of kratom
you got shit quality coke. that's not surprising though since good quality coke is hard to find, average coke purity is like 30% I believe

Someone please answer this

vendor said quality was 93% online with hundreds of reviews, idt thats the issue

You ever just look at your carts

How would people know what 90% coke is like if they have never tried it like most havent? Online vendors claiming their stuff is really pure doesnt quarantee that it actually is

>or makes me think my dads gonna die in the morning?
Like do you worry about him due to the dex?

Can someone who's done both DXM and DCK compare the two substances? I'm probably gonna get DCK soon and I have a lot of experience with DXM, wanna know what to expect.

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Yes very much this

I worry about him because hes 55 and hes my only parent and if he dies I'll be homeless these thoughts are heightened when on DXM and I usually dont even think about that stuff unless I'm on dxm or just randomly for 5 secs. on dxm it makes me think about it a lot and runs the high

Shiit, I never worried like that on DXM as far as I can remember, though I had extreme emotional love for my family whilst on memantine comedown (also a disso). Idk what to do in your situation man, I don't wanna sound like a normalfag but just stop worrying dude.

The DXM is trying to show you something, trying to make you realize something. Think of it as a sign you need to start doing something. Who knows, maybe DXM will change you into a better person like psychs sometimes do.

Have any of you tried to fly domestically with a cart and pen? What happened

the only time I feel genuinely happy anymore is on mushrooms and during the next 3-4 days following mushrooms, yet tolerance basically forces me to do them at most once a month


out of curiosity, what's your job? literally the only thing that stresses me out are job considerations and they all seem so absurd and blown out of proportion when I'm rational/on mushrooms but when I'm off insecurities keep creeping back in

Running out of drugs money guys.

I live near a forest with metric shit tonnes of fly agaric mushrooms. I read online that you can make psychidelics out of them.

Should I give it a shot and make homemeade psychidelics? This could kill me, but it's free.

Also, apparently Viking berserkers used this shit and got angry as fuck and killed 20 men in several minutes.

Thanks for the help man it means a lot.

Other benzos
Definitely others but mostly just different pills. Pretty much tried everything known to man. Currently just taking kratom

Have you tried other drugs that have anti-depressive qualities such as Dissos?
Right now what I do is I trip on psychs one weekend, and then trip on Dissos (mostly DXM at this point) the next. Since the tolerance of both reset after 2 weeks, I get to trip every week.
>yet tolerance basically forces me to do them at most once a month
Might be a person to person thing, but for me shroom tolerance goes back to zero after 2 weeks, you might get it to twice per month.

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np senpai.
If you want to further explore this, I recommend maybe trying some psychs. If you are a contactless, plugless robot like me then I recommend HBWS. They're nice but you have to do them on an empty stomach otherwise nausea will fuck everything up.

>called 911 on dxm because I convinced myself I was gonna die and I was pretty sure I was just hallucinating it anyway
how embarrassing

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I have a guy that has lsd dont know whether it's real or not as I live in a small town could always do the taste test though

Worst case scenario it's probably NBome, which isn't that bad from what I heard (never tried it). You get intense visuals and a shitty vasoconstrictive body load.
The real problem comes when doing more than one tab (which you shouldn't first time, no matter real acid or Nbomb), because you can OD on the Nbomb.
Otherwise you can buy 1p-lsd from RC sites.

when i trip on DXM i set "rules" to avoid freakouts like this

>don't say "die" "dead" "death" or "dying"
>if the trip gets scary just use Bankai
>you are tripping so reality is completely warped, stay away from people at all costs

>tweaking off of DXM
Weird, this never happens for me, Then again I've never taken doses high enough.

boys how do i into dxm? i've only smoked weed before and i get really paranoid. i'm trying to experience some crazy shit cause i hate myself and want to change for the better.

I got acid-like visuals but the feel of shrooms and the energy of acid but more refined.

of course he's gonna say it's high quality, he's trying to get people to buy it. and all people need in order to give it a good review is coke that's slightly better than what's on the street. it's likely your coke's purity is in the high 40-percents. actually good coke should feel incredibly euphoric, not at all like just a strong cup of coffee

yeah my heart rate can really freak me out on dxm
dissos are way less anxiety inducing than weed

i have a disco servie for drug discusssion, every1 welcome. /jP6gntE

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It definitely will if you take high enough doses.

Not a great sign, user

What's something cool to watch while tripping?

sounds like the classic babies first time with edibles

>how to DXM
Here's a quick guide how you should do it:
>First of all, find a DXM only product. Robocough is a great one, and there are also DXM only pills in certain dollar stores. Not doing so can lead to liver failure. Also it's be
>Take 50mg HBR DXM and wait an hour. This step is just for safety, basically if you feel anything from this dose that means you have Enzyme deficiency, meaning you're a lightweight and if you take a dose typically used for recreation, you can get too fucked up and feel a much heavier effect. This is only in 3% of the population though.
>Next, I recommend trying 200mg (1st plat), to kind of get a hold of the drug/feel where it's gonna take you
>Wait atleast 2 weeks for tolerance to reset
>Do 450mg DXM (2nd plat). This is where I like it best, feels "cloudy", and surreal, and music is just orgasmic.
>From here on out you can do what you want, explore higher plateaus or enjoy the 2nd till the magic goes away like I am doing right now.
Also, it should be noted that whilst dxm is a really nice drug, it's also a dirty drug. When getting into it
>EXPECT and prepare to Vomit (I've never had any nausea on it tho)
>Expect and prepare to feel the roboitch (just don't scratch and it'll go away)
>Also don't take benadryl even in small amounts, that shit can give you alzheimers.

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>2001-A space odyssey I Imagine, because it's a slowpaced movie with a ton of cool visuals
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (of course)

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you're not gonna get alzheimers from doing dph in the actual recommended dosage (25mg) unless you do it very regularly or something. if it was actually that horrible that it caused alzheimers from only taking it as suggested infrequently. although I agree that more people ought to know about the connection, since taking it every night for sleep can definitely put you at risk

Idk that's just a personal thing. If there's a substance that gives you alzheimers at high doses, I won't even touch it in low doses, because it's definately not good for you either way.

its been half a year and all you faggots talk about is still dxm. jesus fucking christ


Will have some money to spend in the near future (think ~$400). Is buying THC distillate the way to go? I like the freedom to vape, and make edibles, tinctures, etc.

going to do a 5 tab lsd trip on saturday morning this weekend cant wait. Also have some fire sativa weed havent had good sativa in a while and its nice. 5 tabs is the most I have ever done however and am gonna do it solo so it gonna be a hell of a trip hopefully.

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Waiting for my delivery from the Darknet. Gettin' real bored.

Quaaludes are a yes, got fentanyl in my collection. Got it back from empire no plans to use unless something really bad happens in my life

Jokes you on I already do Alzheimers medication for fun. MEMANTINE GANG

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Currently a little numb from drinking mouthwash and huffing gasoline.

Felt pretty shit after work and spent all night damning life. Feeling a little better now but that might be because its only two hours until i can buy beer.

Flipped my house upside down twice looking for something to numb me.

Been thinking the same thing.
Guess moderation is key during trial so we dont kill 20 guys

you guys have never done raw coke. 92, 93% pure. its fucking beautiful

with alcohol and some nice bud, its close to rolling on ecstasty but your more focused. more subtle but excellent and not as explosive feeling as a good roll

been a pothead/coffee abuser for long stretches of time because i don't know what else to do with myself. always had health problems, couldn't concentrate, feel good at all.
i've been sober for.. a day, and i want to be a happy guy, productive, respected. i'm nervous because i'm worried that there's nothing for me on the other side. i'm already somewhat old, late 20s. it's like, a life that isn't interesting isn't worth it.
does anybody have any advice?

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Smoked some PCP 2 hours ago Quite zooted atm the wet hole is over but the stimulation is unreal I jsut got a job at chuck e cheese so im smoking my paycheck with my coworker.

K slow down tho

It gets worse u a less you pretend you are retarded

dxm is my fave drug been addicted as shit for years because of availability cheap af and even stole at points. got a disposable vape for the first time and shit is lit while dexed out almost brings the magic back

I'm planning to blow my brains out later this month fucked up on oxycodone so I won't pussy out and I'm only 18. Shit sucks, user but we all deal with it. I'll be dead in a month and you indirectly will have talked to me, weird right?

Whoa that OP image takes me back to my DMT and LSD trips... Especially the presence of the machine elves... Has anyone else experienced it like where the apex of psychedelia is where you go to this room or sphere around you of burning visuals where at the centre of it is your consciousness and also the elves are there grinning and waving to you and you're in a place where everything and anything is possible according to your will and imagination, anything that can and will happen has already happened, and time is infinite?

I believe the elves are real wholeheartedly and seeing them has totally changed my perspective on reality. This reality goes on forever and ever and ever

If you recognise the style of imagery from your trips in the image you know what I'm talking about

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Not that guy but i get ya.
Was fucked up on alcohol and xanax and tried cutting my jugular open with razor blades. I just didn't get deep enough and it was gross.
I tried shooting myself too but i'm too pussy to do it, its too direct. One twitch and boom, pitch black, good night, you never did all those things you wanted. It felt too permanent.
Next plan is injecting something.

>What drugs are you on anons?
Nothing atm, I am halfway through my time of being sober. 1.5 weeks left until I will do my next lsd trip
>How has your day been?
Woke up an hour ago, getting ready for work.
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in

>Buy cranberry/grape juice, big bottle
>Buy sugar+yeast
>Pour out a little bit of juice, at least a little under a quarter of the bottle
>Add a good amount of sugar and yeast(not a shit ton but a decent quantity)
>Let sit for about a week with cap on halfway (as to let air and gases to escape slightly so it don't fucking blow up)
>Enjoy your homemade wine
You can actually get pretty fucked up on this shit. Last time I did it I had wine to last for weeks and got drunk off my ass almost every night

>How is it visually?
They are very, very, /very/ strong, though that might be because I dosed quite a bit more than originally intended. It's probably the drug closest to what non drug users like to depict hallucinations at.

Lots of 3 dimensional patterns visible with closed and open eyes.

>Does it have more acid-like visuals or more shroomy ones?
Highly shroomy with an acid-like 'edge' to it.
The hallucinations are probably the most directly mood dependent of any substance I've tried so far. Acid you can direct, shrooms & DMT rehearse a script, 2C-B digs around in your mind and drags out whatever's there on a second by second basis.

It both is and isn't a party drug. It is because dancing is unbelievably euphoric on it and confidence is completely through the roof on it.
It's not because an inability to control one's playlist/a selection of overly dark songs can quickly lead to overwhelming sensations and highly questionable visuals.

It also Does. Not. play well with alcohol. I was sober except for the substance itself on my first dose but experimentally tried adding alcohol to my redose, which worsened bodily sensations and drew out insect themed visual and tactile hallucinations that were far from pleasant and only vanished by radically changing my music and focus.

I'd recommend taking it as part of a flip with Molly to create a better baseline, keeping alcohol to an absolute minimum or leaving it out entirely and being prepared for when the stimulating effect changes to a psychedelic one.

Btw, one thing nobody seems to mention: Eating is incredibly pleasurable on 2C-B. Moreso than on weed, almost, and in a far different way. Accidentally bought Bulgarian style (entirely unsalted and generally extremely bland) bread a couple days ago. On 2C-B flavours get enhanced to the nth degree so even those terrible bread rolls tasted incredibly complex.

I wonder if Molly would suppress that effect or leave it alone.

>What are some impressive/rare drugs to have in a drug collection that would make any druggie cum from the thought of it?
Genuine Opium and the gear to smoke it.

I got a tooth extracted today. I really really want to smoke a bowl but I really really REALLY dont want dry socket....
I poppped a few of the pain pills they described but its not giving me much of a buzz, just made me feel a Little sick.

yeah, you aren't supposed to do that. Gotta wait a good amount of time before eating more, because it doesn't meet you the same way smoking does. Too late now I suppose but you'll eventually recover from the experience

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I got all my wisdom teeth removed in one go and had no issue smoking. It helped a lot with the pain and shit. Just be gentle when inhaling and you will probably be fine.

>am gonna do it solo
madlad, good luck and take the necessary precautions first please

Actually sounds rare and comfy.
Even if any dumbass with a basement could grow opium easier than weed pretty much all opium is exotic.
Just not profitable i guess.

Drink some booze and you'll double the painkiller effect.
Better and worse.

i just came off of my first shroom trip shit was wild though i have smoked weed and used acid shrooms hit me different

Remembering Vincent, it's a movie about van gogh painted in his style over real footage, very beautiful and just surreal looking eough imo. Much of planet earth and blue planet is nice. Really any show or movie you like that has decent visual quality and solid direction, "mundane" things can look just as beautiful as what you'd think would look good while sober. My last acid trip I watched my roommate play skyrim (very ugly game imo) for a bit and even that looked pretty.

>Actually sounds rare and comfy.
I know, right? Not to mention hilariously old fashioned.
>Even if any dumbass with a basement could grow opium easier than weed pretty much all opium is exotic.
>Just not profitable i guess.
Pretty sure the yields of a single pod are like 50mg tops. It's like planting your own wheat to make bread.
It just never scales well enough.

What do you guys know about "poppers" (think that's what they're called anyway)? Tried it a couple years ago and liked it enough, thinking about getting some but I know nothing about them. Apparently it's legal in burgerland if they aren't being sold to be huffed, is that true? Any kind/brand someone would recommend, looked up the one I had and it's european I think and I don't want to mess with ordering internationally if I don't have to even if it's legal.

Heard it fucks up your vision if you use it too much, anyone experienced this and if so how heavy was your use? Also learned fags use it to loosen their assholes, if I have some will people think I'm gay?

>a substance is different to other different substances

Yeah thats it. Need a goddamn field to get a yield, cheaper to buy imported than pay electricity for lights and shit in basements for three fifts of a gram a month.

Do you think the war in afghanistan was related to taliban banning opium, cutting 70% of world supply? I think it atleast tipped the scale. Not the first or second time britain go to war over opium.

>if I have some will people think I'm gay?
Why is that relevant?
Don't leave your drugs out unless they're spirits or cigars. It looks stupid.
>What do you guys know about poppers?
Brief headrush, waste of money for the most part.

I was more asking about how they're perceived. Apparently regular people use them for sex as well, I was kind of wondering if I say offered it to someone they would think I was gay or wanting to fuck them. I probably wouldn't tell people I had them but it's good to know these things I think.

You sound like my mind

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Wouldn't risk it.
Do it in secret

>Do you think the war in afghanistan was related to taliban banning opium, cutting 70% of world supply? I think it atleast tipped the scale. Not the first or second time britain go to war over opium.
I could see it t b h, though it was definitely more a CIA thing. Glowniggers being involved in the drug trade is probably one of the least well kept most blatantly true conspiracies out there.


>Yeah thats it. Need a goddamn field to get a yield, cheaper to buy imported than pay electricity for lights and shit in basements for three fifts of a gram a month.
Mind you, domestic opium access is still not too difficult since it's grown fairly extensively in many places and covert harvesting isn't all that difficult. IIRC one can time it so that it won't even spoil the crop all that much, though in many of the stories I read people outright took trash bags full of fresh poppies with them.

Which I heavily dislike. Stealing a farmer's harvest is just kind of a peak asshole move.

>I was kind of wondering if I say offered it to someone they would think I was gay or wanting to fuck them.
Oh, then yes. Yes to both. It's probably the most explicit "let's screw" drug out there.

Dude don't do it. You're way too young for that. You have so much life ahead of you. See a therapist and get help. Please seriously. You could feel completely different about life a year from now. At least wait until you're in your 20s.

Still, pulling junkie shit like nicking crops for highs doesn't fly commercially.
I would tho if it grew here but harvesting is impossible because unstable weather. Two weeks straight with no rain is a summer we'll talk about for decades here.

>What drugs are you on anons?
Nothing RN, I prefer consuming on weekends
>How has your day been?
Horrible, I feel like shit, like nobody loves me and I think I'm going down the hole again...
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
I plan on taking shrooms, lsd, speed, ketamine... I don't wanna ruin my life just have fun and escape this hell life is

Also, 100% CIA shit going on.
I never get surprised when they pull weird shit. Bet the feds hate them.
>this close to shutting down 60% of organized prostitution on the west coast
>no wait, CIA overruled so they can support mobs that are affiliated with right leaning warlords in africa to prevent Chinese influence

Okay good to know. Seems weird to use it for sex from my experience, maybe I inhaled too much but I had to just lay there for a minute and not move because the rush was so intense, but in a few minutes I was back to normal.

>mfw the girl who gave it to me definitely didn't want to fuck
she's my friend's cousin and like 6 years older than me so could have been a little weird but still always wanted to, oh well.

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That's precisely why it's used for sex. The euphoric effect lasts 30-50 times shorter than the muscle relaxing effect.

Wait, what's this about American prostitution supporting African warlords?
...I bet the CIA is also why prostitution in general is still legal.

aus fag here, its pretty big here among rave scenes, we call it "amyl" and sometime jungle juice

you can get it at sex shops legally here. if your at a club or similar and pass it round everyone would know what youre doing, i assume its the same in burgerville

>The euphoric effect lasts 30-50 times shorter than the muscle relaxing effect
ah I see, makes sense

actually remembered this drug even existed and I had tried it from a Vice video about it getting outlawed in straya. They got the most flaming dude they could find to plead how important poppers were to gay culture, all the comments are mocking him it's very funny if you've not seen it.

someone else like to get high on weed and watch trannies getting fucked by bbc?

>someone else like to get high on weed and watch trannies getting fucked by bbc?
Not really. Weed and shrooms make me jerk it to preggo

>ah I see, makes sense
It's mostly a drug for the incredibly desperate. Doesn't surprise me Australians would be into it. Their alcohol is massively overtaxed and I'm pretty sure weed is way expensive too.

>a drug for the incredibly desperate
I enjoyed my one use of it well enough. But I haven't looked into the price, nor do I have any experience with inhalants or any drug that gives a similar sort of high so I don't know really.

Only inhalant that safely delivers a similar high is Diethyl Ether, IIRC.

>most people either started off with alcohol or weed (50/50)
this is pretty biased considering alcohol is legal, and both alcohol and weed are much more easily accessible than most other psychoactive substances

Girlfriend is dumping me because of my drinking. I hate life. Planning on hitting up my junkie ex to get into hard drugs again.

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> Guy who tried 2C-B yesterday here. This is my new favourite substance by a loooooooooongggg shot now. People weren't kidding when they said snorting it is a bad idea.

totally agree, I have 8 more pills at home that I'll probably eat them quickly

You're agreeing with snorting being bad or it being your favourite substance?
Btw, have you ever seen insects on it?

Also, when is the best time to take while rolling?

only have taken it orally.

Is one of my favorite substance. I ihad 20-25mg and it always have being euphoric and quite trippy, visuals have being bright lights

seems better than MDMA since you can take it most of the time and you have the mental space for going to parties raves compare to LSD/shrooms. seems my go out drug for now

I ate around 300mg of THC in edibles as a first timer and felt nothing. Am I superhuman?

no because obviously you didnt eat on a fasted stomach

I took 1000mg my first time. I had a strong buzz and passed out. That was it

>What drugs are you on anons?
Been sober since last week of January
>How has your day been?
Same as always, I'm a neet
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
Alcohol (a sip)
Nicotine (cigs from people)
Cannabis (From stoner friends)
1P-LSD (Thanks to lysergi)
4-AcO-DMT (Thanks to lysergi)

I guess i have tried low doses of DXM in the form of medicine pills. 60mg

>seems my go out drug for now
I'd love to go out on it, but it's probably gonna take till June. ;_;
>ihad 20-25mg
That was my original plan. Then I had like 35 because I'm a dumb dopamine monkey.
>Is one of my favorite substance.
What I wonder is why it took almost three generations for this to re-emerge.
Molly honestly doesn't deserve the hype it gets, or maybe I'm biased because I've got ADD and traditional stims require Significantly higher dosages to wake me up rather than calming me down.

Man when I first did shrooms I tripped for like 8 hours

molly is incredible the best few times, I think most of us lose the magic for too much using... but yeah I'm a bit over it IIBO

Not really sure, I'm just getting more into drugs and RCs but yep, seems to me weird how drugs come and go, and reemerge

I was told to eat something beforehand. So an empty stomach works better??


> molly is incredible the best few times, I
*the first time, and a few more after, then it gets a bit boring

>What drugs are you on anons?
Nothing now, taking some ritalin in a bit but for helping me with studying.

>How has your day been?
Just a normal day so far, a bit tired. Someone from school I've never talked with so far randomly hit me up today though asking if I wanted to hang out and smoke with her. So tomorrow after work we'll do.

>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
(- alcohol
- nicotine
- ritalin)
- weed
- cocaine
- xtc
- magic mushrooms
- ketamine
- 4-mmc
- 2cb
- lsd

I want to cum on mdma

>I want to cum on mdma
It's kind of disappointing IMHO.
2C-B is one of the few stims that coming feels good on.

Weed. I wasn't interested in other drugs because I was afraid of addiction or other consequences but psychedelics always intrigued me ever since I heard about them for the first time. Took me a long time but eventually the calling was just too strong and I grew some mushrooms for myself. Psychedelics are not for everyone, that being said my only regret is not doing mushrooms 10 years ago, what a beautiful and terrifying substance(s). I am very health-conscious so my rule is to do only what's safe and from the Earth but I am thinking about breaking the rule and do 2C-B, sounds like something I'd enjoy.

I can definitely recommend 2C-B.
People compare it to LSD a lot but honestly it's got a very strong shroominess to it. Especially the body euphoria is significantly more Tryptamine-like.

Same. When I am on mushrooms it's all ridiculous and easy and I think it's because I feel like my true self that has no reason to be afraid of any job, sort of like being worth to be on the top of the dominance hierarchy. It's really because my serotonin system is hijacked and stimulated by psilocybin. People who are at the top are full of serotonin and by mimicking serotonin, psilocybin has the power to show what it is like and why is it worth to fight for it.

Thank you user. I'll try this

>Have a fuckton of shrooms and DMT (changa)
>Feeling like shit
I'm too worried to trip desu, what a shitty situation I'm in.

Medical pills can be both irreversible and nonselective so eating certain foods can potentially even kill you. However if you use selective reversible MAOI from plants like banisteriopsis caapi you can eat anything because you can still break down tyramine with MAO-B enzyme.

/drugfeel/ is the best.
for the newfags
here are some links


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Are truffles any different from shrooms other than having to eat more?

Wow you can badtrip on 2C-B? I am thinking to use it socially.

not that I have noticed... but I've had them less than 10 times combined, and with different doses so I cannot say for certain but seems to me the case with my personal experience and the info online.

are you planning to take any of those?

has anyone ever mdma?

I have some drug porn for you lads.

ye, 150mg once, never did it again. It's extremely over-rated.

Oh I've done shrooms quite a lot but not truffles. Both are legal in my country so I was checking out they are making microdosing truffle kits now.

>Wow you can badtrip on 2C-B?
Well. It's 1) Still a psychedelic 2) I went full retard and redosed /hard/.

Sometimes: LSD, Cannabis, mushrooms, Ketamine, 2c-b, nicotine.

Seldom: Cocaine, MDMA, GHB, DMT, Benzodiazepines.

>Are truffles any different from shrooms other than having to eat more?
It's got a slightly different composition but nothing so major an objective difference in outcome can be verified.
There's always self reports but those also claim that purple weed hits harder so...

Many times. Candy flipping, hippy flipping, with weed. Largest dose around 300mg. It rarely dissapoints me when used with weed but I have to take long breaks for it not to get boring.

random questions

who's here on speed/adderall/have any of you manage no get addicted? I want into stims but my dopamine deprive body don't want to end up hooked up

psychedelics and weed I can just take once or twice a months, stims seems another issue

2) what is your favorite flip? I've never tried any except for flipping with weed actually.

I like stims and do them occasionally but also can't do them too often because it would just complicate my life at the very least or even create an addiction. I'm sure your instincts are correct but I also doubt you'd just become addicted if you exercise some discipline and don't do it too often.

is there any way to legally get high in the UK?

You don't actually want to have to kill yourself, you just want somebody to care about you. Why can't that somebody be you?

i use speed sometimes and it's definitely very addictive if you can't say no to yourself. usually a day or two after using it i don't want to touch it and day 3 and 4 i have huge cravings. after that it baselines and i can stay without it for as long as i want without craving it.

and it's very easy to lie to yourself when you are craving it badly. you need to recognize this kind of thinking and just abide strictly by the rules you set to yourself, otherwise stimulant usage can get out of hand very easy and fast.

Just bought a 230ug blotter of lsd. This friday night is gonna be fun.

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>nicotine, xanax and a fuckton of meds
>meh, scored some strong cheap acid though
>Alcohol, weed, kratom, lsd, 4 aco dmt

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i've done speed like 4-5 times at parties, was nice, but the next day I'm not craving it. I've Done coke too a bunch of time but I'm not even buying it anymore because it does nothing to me (probably shitty coke).

But yeah, I'm a bit worry if I take it for "productivity" or stay high every few days instead of a once in a week/party thing

problem is I mostly feel I'm just craving being high on anything, but right now weed is shit to me, I don't do psychedelics since I have to work. Alcohol is the worst one because 2 beers and I'm getting drunk but usually doesn't happen.

nice user, what are you planning?

what i've noticed is that if i use speed more than once a week it definitely messes with my mood. if you just want to get high on something i would suggest not to use speed.

Uhhh hello has anyone else met the machine elves?

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Maybe get a job and make sure you won't end up homeless and then trip again.

Live with my family who like to constantly check up on me for some reason when they are awake so I'm thinking of napping after work, taking it when they all are in bed and I'll probably play some games and jam out to frank zappa. Might cut a bit off to test the waters first since I've never tried acid from a dealer nor have I ever tripped at home with my family. If anything goes wrong I always got some xanax on hand.

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Ayahuasca supposedly causes long-lasting elevation of serotonin receptors so that's what I am going to try. Ultimately it's lack of purpose and no drug will solve that, just partially fill the void for a while.

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I was a week on holidays and I were drunk every night. It's not like I absolutely love my job but my hobbies are so boring that I prefer being on the job.
Will I reach the 50's drinking ~6 pints of beer everyday?

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Dad and I are taking a trip out to Colorado, he goes to the dispensary and gets himself something and doesnt even offer me anything let alone tell me what he got after I asked. He knows I love to smoke when I can, too. Cant get anything myself because Im still twenty. The fucker pisses me off.

Stats are something like taking DPH medically (25 mg) for 3 years increases risk of dementia by 50%. So about 12% chance by 60 after regular use. I don't know the risks of recreational doses but the trip reports sometimes mention permanent negative effects.

largebig kek i have done so much ket

Nobody has actually met them they're not really there.

how much ketamine did you do brother?

got a couple more lines lined up
i have no tolerence to this stuff i never really do it
takes long time to type
the leg doesn't stop from being stanky

Waiting for some psychedelic in the mail, i'm excited and impatient. Haven't tripped in 3+ months and I really need to talk with my subconscious.

my subconcious is really sick :c

>I really need to talk with my subconscious.
You can do that with good flower man.

I think its a void question. You'll either drink more or give it up.

I'm tired of doing it alone without direction. There is just no point feeling all these feelings, i wont win the game, wont even place, why bother playing.

>2) what is your favorite flip? I've never tried any except for flipping with weed actually.
Molly followed by 2C-B.

I don't connect well with weed.

>What drugs are you on anons?
Sober as fuck
>How has your day been?
Not bad 2bh
>List the drugs you tried from the order you tried them in
>Tobacco/Nicotine (if that counts)
>Trying ketamine next week
near the middle it might not be 100% accurate.

I'm taking a tab or two this weekend, what's some fun shit to do while tripping? Usually I just end up watching trailer park boys but curious if you guys do anything while tripping that's more interesting than that.
I can't go outside btw it's still -30C out

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Good, that's what I was thinking.

anyone else bored of life? i don't even feel like smoking weed or fapping anymore

I used a lot of vyvanse, dexedrine and concerta purely for recreation when I was a teen and never got addicted. I only don't take them anymore because I stopped taking all drugs other than marijuana because I felt like I was fucking up my head.

Yup. Started just doing crazy reckless shit by now. Make or break my life.

what kind of shit? i'm really at my limit, the days pass by in a blur

not him but i'm assuming he means hard drugs. i don't recommend it to fill the boredom. it just costs a lot of money and makes it 100x easier to get and stay addicted. not trying to moralfag i'm just speaking from experience.

i get it man. thanks for your kind words
i can't really get hard drugs so easily but i don't even want to, i have a variety of hallucinogens available on me right now and i don't even feel like doing any of them

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>Zoloft 150 MG
>Adderall XR 20 MG x Twice daily

I'm more or less a Zen Master with laser focus. It's pretty great.

My drug career began at age 15 with alcohol and marijuana. Started doing cocaine at 18, ketamine and shrooms at 19. Pain pills at 24 which was the last drug I experimented with and shortly after I've been clean ever since as far as street drugs. I've always drank excessively since 15 and am easily defined as an alcoholic. 35 years old now

Is 500mg of mescaline HCL going to be intense? Or it'll be smooth?

In my case life only began when I hit 30. Remember that feeling you had when you were 15 thinking "oh my god I was a retard when I was 12 but now" repeating over and over every year? You are not even a developed person biologically in your late 20s if you are a man. Meditate, do psychedelics, exercise, sleep regularly, take your vitamins and eat vegetables. Find out what do you want, what is your purpose.

>got a couple more lines lined up

I ordered my first 1g ever... hope it last, how much would you recommend to a newbie?

nice, what did you order?

>Molly followed by 2C-B.
nice... I actually have molly and 2C-B... I'll try it next time. Should I take 2C-B at the peak of molly? when I'm coming down?

how are those compare to other lysergics?

yup, I'm still interested in drugs but I'm too scare to fuck up my life to do it regularly so... I'm wagecucking and trying not to kill myself

>I've always drank excessively since 15 and am easily defined as an alcoholic. 35 years old now
how much? dealing with a bit of that stuff myself, almost 35 too

guys i had like 3 cups of coffee a couple of days ago and i was shaking throughout the entire day. i got really paranoid too. is this normal or am i retarded

Its normal. caffine makes me paranoid

fuck dude i'm never drinking coffee again. ngl it was kinda fun but still