I think that it's time to be done with editions edition
Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.
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boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/56871603#top
I think that it's time to be done with editions edition
Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.
Archive(still not updated)-
Previous Thread-
boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/56871603#top
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Bumpity fuckity faggity slow day huh
People had to get bored of the madeup incest stories eventually
Hi. Nothing to add to this boring thread other than I cut my hair again because I'm an idiot.
Well it's more than that.
The two main writers are really boring and had perfect cookie cutter stories. They chose their arcs because they wanted to feel the escape of a perfect outcome. The readers wanted the same and didn't encourage the growth of more unique writers. On top of that the readers don't help development as they act as readers. They want a suspension of disbelief but encourage the writers to just write, they never ask questions and allow for natural role play which helps a lot with developing stories and characters. Everyone here wanted smooth and easy reading but it's like any vice, boring and simple is great until it starts to feel boring and simple. Then you need conflict and challenge or interest will fizzle out. The writers were also discouraged from writing more than one story, mostly because of their own failures in doing so, but when their risks were exposed the community quickly pushed them back into their comfort zone. While I personally would encourage the two writers we have in these threads from writing more than one story, it's a shame that they tried and it didn't work out. In all honestly though the only person we know to have the ability to manage multiple story arcs at one time had diagnosed autism and a slew of mental health problems. It seems like it takes some deficiencies elsewhere to create and manage content as consistently and uniquely as they did. Perhaps Anonette and Couch are simply too stable for them to create something truly exciting.
Or my day to day life is just boring.
Am I talking to you?
I have a older male lolicon relative and I don't want to get pregnant and give birth, I think if I were to do it I would have to get with someone from a different state so my kid would be safe
You're talking about me so same difference you supreme chode.
Can you stop butting in so much? It prevents actual discussion because it makes the simps act up.
Can you stop being a manipulative twat because you don't like the threads that don't belong to you? Also can you actually talk to the people in the thread without ignoring statements that aren't to your pleasing?
I'm sorry, would you like to discuss a critical analysis of your incest role play? I assumed based on how you've acted in the past that you didn't have the ability to step out of character and act like an adult about your role play.
Are you still seeing that one girl
Do you stay single on purpose so you don't come off as a simp to a woman?
At least you're making it obvious you don't want anyone to take you seriously. Whatever, you don't want to talk so we won't talk.
I'm not a simp because I don't waste my time defending women online in hopes of one day magically having sex with that person.
I asked you if you want to discuss your role play, don't pretend that I didn't. You're showing how unintelligent you really are right now.
So you can simp online and not real life?
Big thinking emoji
Anyway you're derailing the thread byeee
I am. Shit's great.
There was nothing happening, as of right now I'm the only content.
Also I need help with this unironically,
Have either of you brought this up with the rest of the family?
Everyone knows about it but MMMYYY FAMILYY
I just have to deal with it, men admit to doing lolicon stuff all the time anyway
If I were to get married I think I'll move states 100percent sure of it
Unironically do you know if he's an actual pedo or just a lolicon?
Moving away seems like a sold countermeasure against him, and maybe if you have children tell them to be cautious around him.
Bumpity fuckity faggit discipline is essential to getting anywhere in life
Let's start with the beginning, do you have anyone to get you pregnant?
Bumpity fuckity faggity All cruelty springs from weakness.
Bumpity fuckty faggity gotta keep the threa dup until people show up
Bumpity fuckity faggity somerhign about waiting for everyone to show up
Last night
>looking at clothes online
>nii looks down to see what I'm doing
>asks me if I want him to buy them for me
>tell him I'm just looking
>nii watches the news
>he tells me that maybe tickets will be cheaper for stuff since the virus stuff is happening
>make fake plans to goto disney and just joke around about it
>end up watching some disney movies on my tablet while he finishes news and goes to playing games
>enjoyable night
>goto bed hours later
>get woken up by nii every 30 min because he has to goto the bathroom
>right when I get comfy and snuggle he just has to get right back up to go
>end up getting very terrible sleep
>>get woken up by nii every 30 min because he has to goto the bathroom
Why'd he keep having to use the restroom?
He had diarrhea from I guess the takeout we had.
Disney is going up in price. So no its not cheaper. Honestly you should recomend a weekend get away to a nice resort/spa. That would be good for you both.
Of course he is, that girl is the best thing that has happen to him. They are going to have racist childern together!
Does it matter, if they have opportunity dont you think they will cross the line?
Why you cut your hair? How is working? Brother have any more giga boners? Lol
>LARP exposed
>Makes the story a bit less perfect to attempt damage control
No not really. I am a total lolicon and I'm not into kids, that's why I asked. I'm not saying it defencively either
lmfao I kinda thought the same and my thought was "I slept bad was the best you could come up with?"
Bumpity fickity faggity reading through the older threads is humorous
I don't know if a spa is really his thing. I fell like that would be something I do with my mom.
Takes one to know one LARP!
>lmfao I kinda thought the same
Try some green text next time!
There is a clear difference between fictional characters that are intentionally sexualized, and actual flesh-and-blood children. A lot of "normal" people are into power dynamics, age play, gap moe, and many other aspects found in lolicon hentai, but most would never touch an real child.
Which poster were you in the previous threads?
>A lot of "normal" people are into power dynamics, age play, gap moe, and many other aspects found in lolicon hentai, but most would never touch an real child.
Plus actual kids are fucking dicks.
I remember I came here once to talk about me and my sister and the thread immediately unraveled into a massive shitshow. I still wonder if it was my fault.
They're a lot better, huh
I'm just talking about these threads from a few weeks back. I haven't read the old old threads, and I don't really have a desire to. They sound convoluted and hard to follow.
The first 5 or so were pretty straight forward. They're also the only real ones, probably.
They are convoluted and hard to follow but if we're talking quality and just the raw amount of content they had they stand alone. If anything I'd read through Imouto Cuddler, Hungry Sister Guy, and Beargguy. They were the easiest ones to get attached to. Some people really liked Pat but personally he was just a little too simple for me. As you read them you'll probably fall in love with Lucy and then you should bail as soon as Story Chan comes out and just stop after that. The stories get stale and repetitive and there's a TON of drama between posters. Prior to that though it's incredible how much content was created.
Evening, all. Sorry for arriving late. Been spending the whole day out with the wife and some friends. Found a new cantina we like, with excellent barbacoa tacos (for me) and a new vodka (for her).
I hope y'all are having a peaceful evening, even if it is boring.
Special shout-out to Mom-user and her husband. Hope you two (and your kids) are adjusting well, and making lemonade from your unexpected lemons.
I wouldn't know about cause-and-effect, as I don't recognize you, but I hope that everything is well with you and your sibling.
>Sorry for arriving late. Been spending the whole day out with the wife and some friends. Found a new cantina we like, with excellent barbacoa tacos (for me) and a new vodka (for her).
No harm no foul. Rather you have a good time with your wife than a mediocre time here.
Nah probably not, hope things are well.
I wouldn't ever put it pass someone though. Family members are the most likely to do it since they think they will get away with it.
Hey samefag, why do you come to this thread?
Didn't tag the samefag correctly
None of you are really as smart you think you are, huh?
Incorrect, you fat nigger
Mrs. Kitten-user and I recently got access to Disney Plus, so tonight was spent watching cartoons from our childhoods. It really took me back, before my sister was born, when I was an only child with all my parents' attention. I could remember all the questions I would ask about characters' motivations, or about references that I didn't get (but could recognize had some meaning). I'm impressed my parents had the patience to explain so much to me.
Also, it is really nice to have a companion in life that won't hesitate to sing the Rescue Rangers theme song with you, without a shred of irony or self-awareness. Turns out we both remembered every line.
This is regrettably true. Some precautions are needed.
>before my sister was born
You know, I don't think that you've ever mentioned having a sister. What's your relationship with her like? You two ever have any topically appropriate experiences?
Bumpity fuckity faggity I'm gonna get o sleep. Ceck tomorrow for a part 2 if the thread dies
Goodnight everyone, sleep well.
I've talked about her before. Couple years younger than I am, was a cheerleader in high school, currently a medical student in Nashville. She saw me as a rival for our parents' attention and affection, so our relationship was full of bickering, but I was always supportive of her academic and athletic efforts, and now we get along fine as adults.
As for your question/implication, I suspect diaper duty helped to prevent anything on my end, and she always saw me as her dorky older brother ("my robot" she called me, because I was a walking reference book and computer). That said, there was a time as a cheerleader she frequently wore the same kind of athletic shorts as Kirino from OreImo, and I won't deny using my brotherly prerogative to give her a playful swat from time to time. But mostly, she's just been my cute, sometimes bitchy, younger sister.
21 got my own apartment didnt know what job i wanted after working in shit min wage jobs ended up going to trade school (electrician) i like it at the moment and im halfway done with school but i feel like i will dread doing it for the rest of my life and i have another 4000 hours of being a apprentice. p\Parents told me to stop wasting my life on computer being trapped in a dark room 24/7, the only thing i enjoy doing is playing video games and taking night walks. really wanna pick up programming but to autistic to actually follow through with it and feel like i would be some IT slave for some school and really bad at math. Do i just stick with my trade until the end of time? Im hardworking and can learn stuff fairly easily if it actually interests me but i dont have any other than videogames. writing this out really shows me how much of a degenerate i am.
>neice is sick and dumped on my mother so my older sister can go to work
>she ends up sleeping in my younger sister's room all day
>younger sister chose to hang out in my bedroom instead and nap in my bed while I was gone
>now every thing I have that is my bed or anything around it smells like shampoo and BO and some of my clothes are missing
It's like a girlfriend without the benefits
20 yo law student here
might be getting a job that pays a handsome amount for someone my age (the american equivalent would be roughly 2500$/month by comparison) live with a neet sister and a dad who can support us (but barely) through property rentals and severance payments
should i move out after i start making my own wage or do i stay here and support my family? i have a good relationship with them, but i fear that my sister could eventually get resentful at me for making my own money
forgot to mention its part time work too, in case thats important
What is his personality like and do you two get along? Have any of his past comment or actions, besides looking at loli, given you reason to doubt him? How did you discover he's a lolicon, and is he aware that you know?
Bumpity fuckity faggity good morning bump save the thread
>but i fear that my sister could eventually get resentful at me for making my own money
And why would that happen? Do you have a reason to think she'll be anything but thankful for your support?
Here we go again another week of sinful lust.
>"my robot"
>is in Yas Forums
It was meant to be
First off, try applying some sentence structuring and coherence in your next posts, that was hell to read. Secondly, for the moment you should focus on one thing. Since you've started your trade, follow through with it, 4000 hours are 500 8-hour shifts, so you're e looking at 1.5-2 years. Learning programming to an acceptable level would probably take as long, so might as well go with what've you started.
If you can afford it you should move out but maybe provide them with some money monthly so you can ease your dad's expenses a bit. Maybe also encourage your sister to get a job but that seems like a tall order.
>some of my clothes are missing
I get the rest but why this? Were they from your clean or dirty ones?
Inb4 corona-striken
Bumpity fuckity faggity good morning everybody I want to keep sleeping so mich
>Couple years younger than I am,
What exactly are your ages?
Where did that Ella girl go who wanted her brother a few years back?
Honestly, you probably wont find anyone from any of the old threads here. There may be a rare occasion when one person will give a small update, but thats it.
Did they all suicide? Austria user as well? As well as that random tripfag who became a dad.
Just stuff I had laying out. She didn't dig through my things just took what was out that was comfortable.
You can do what ever you want really. Electricians make good pay but if you know your going to hate it everyday open up yourself to options. It sounds to me that you just need to over come your lazyness as well as yourself doubting.
Sucks man, hope your sister realizes how good of a brother you really are of not the thread appreciates your love.
You can do either. Moving out might help your sister be less resentful. Just remember to not overly help since they might be come greedy and be depend on you.
Congrats btw if no one has on your success!
Go back and look at the last thread trip posted an update.
Bumpity fuckity faggity something about Jews
Bumpity fuckity faggity bump time stoicism discipline and work ethic
This thread has ruined my perceptions. Watching tv see a brother and sister that live together, no parents. Immediately think they have a relationship beyond siblings!
Are we looking for old thread updates?
I don't know anything about anyone because I'm a mentally ill freak show and left the group but I'll talk about myself because that's what I do.
What do you even mean? We have a great relationship.
Last night
>laying in bed getting cuddles
>trying to read manga but keep getting fondled
>realize he's asleep so just move his hand down to my tummy
>go back to reading
>he cuddles me harder and shoves his face into the back of my head
>feel pretty warm
>put phone up and lay there
>feel him breathing into my hair
>feel his chest on my back as he breathes
>fall asleep in his arms
The real question is why is incest one of the most looked up porn categories?
This dumbshit just proved it. Typically too stupid to realize how
Jesus Christ you're really, really stupid. There is more than one person that isn't happy with this snooze fest. Get over it.
Bumpity fuckity faggity if someone is able to anger you, he is your master
Sounds like a good night. No more diarrhea?
Bumpity fuckity faggity lunchtime bump making decisions while under the influence of a bad emotion can only lead further into negative emotions
You can't fool me couch, I know you took some pictures of him sleeping
He is fine.
I didn't last night.
Bum pity fuckity faggity self control is very imprtant
>I didn't last night.
Running out of storage space?
Bumpity fuckity faggity practicing your art will allow you to reduce anxiety pertaining to it
What does that have to do it?
We all know search results are manipulated to make you think things are acceptable.
I really want a brother. I just have 6 sisters.
Well, she does have 500+ photos
She loves him, people who love each other have pictures of each other.
Well then everything is good
Nowhere near close. He bought me a good phone so I have plenty of space and a 4k camera.
You get it. Thank you.
How's your relationship with your sisters? Why do you think a brother would be better?
If your not contributing, then you are only making the snooze-fest longer!
>4k camera.
Gotta get those high quality shots.
Bumity fuckitt faggity gonna go watch a movie, see you guys in a bit
Have fun!
Anything good?
Bump while Bumpanon "watches a movie"
Bump bump bump time I don't know philosophy like Bumpanon, but I can tell you that life is difficult, deal with it
I doubt that they all suicided, but most of them don't want to come here, or aren't welcome here.
I have something maybe. If your lover has a hard day at work pamper them and help them relax.
Amen to that! do me next!
Everyone that I know of is fine
>aren't welcome here
Unfortunately you can't enforce that on an anonymous image board, user.
I'm close to some and distant with others. I'm sure in practice, a brother wouldnt be as good as imagination
Bumpity fuvkity faggity her mother has the literal worst timing in the world
Her mother?
Oh yeah, I probably should have specified further. My girlfriend's mother has the worst fucking timing and now I'm pissed and horny.
So after the movie, I went back to my girlfriend's place to make out, and we got pretty far. I'm pretty sure that I was going to at the very least get a handjob or something. But nooooooo, her mother decided that tonight was the perfect night for a surprise visit. And of course, my girlfriend hasn't told her about me, so I had to fucking sneak out through the window. Fuck my life.
You had to sneak out? Why not just play it off like you two were having a chaste visit, and take the opportunity for your GF to introduce you? It isn't like you two are in high school, and there is a strict "no boys" policy, right?
What do you mean?
You should meet her. I met my current husband's mom when I was born.
Nii came home really tired and I gave him a hug and made dinner for him. He passed out fast after eating, he looks cute sleeping with his head tilted back.
Yes that is correct everything is better on paper than reality.
I don't really keep up with fanfic general but what happened to the chris guy? Did he get bored of lying?
Sucks bump user, hang in there she is worth it. Why is her mom like this though?
Yeah he did and he left happily ever after!
I don't know. She just told me that her mom was there, and that I had to leave. I started heading towards the door, but no, I had to go through the window.
>I met my current husband's mom when I was born.
>Why is her mom like this though?
Hell if I know.
What was the ending? Was it original?
I already told you it was
So he said "we're married now, I'll leave the website forever"? That's so lame.
How high was the window?
I think its pretty cute you had to do that. You def got more points with her now.
Maybe this is a good time to say should we meet parents?
There is archives, he posts on Yas Forums and he also stopped by last thread.
She lives on the second floor of her building. Higher than was fun Especially since I hate heights but I made it out fine.
>Maybe this is a good time to say should we meet parents?
Either that, or, since she seems so scared of her mom meeting me, maybe I shouldn't meet her parents for a while. I'm probably just going to ask to meet them though.
She's afraid of parent approval etc. It means she really likes you and is afraid that if her parents dont approve she will have to deal with it.
She also may have very controlling parents. It takes time to break that as well.
Stay the course and be a loving and understanding bf
>It means she really likes you
I certainly hope so.
>Stay the course and be a loving and understanding bf
Of course.
I've been on this website for too long. These stories are so lame and obviously fake. I miss toothbrush user. I miss the good old days
Go in peace user go in peace!
>I met my current husband's mom when I was born.
Well delivered, kid. But not as well delivered as you were, eh? Be sure to thank your mom.
Hopefully you will be able to talk it through with her in the near future. Gently ask why she hasn't told her Mom about you, yet. I presume you have told your family about her?
Cool story, friend, but hardly family-related. Got any siblings? How close are you to your parents? Trying to find someone to start a family with?
Iirc, this makes it the second time she cockblocks you? Motherly instinct perhaps?
>I met my current husband's mom when I was born.
Kek'd out load, good one
>he looks cute sleeping with his head tilted back.
Okay, now you definitely got some picks, no doubt.
>[(you)s redacted]
You know who you are, stop it.
>Gently ask why she hasn't told her Mom about you, yet.
I porbably will. And I have told my family about her.
>Motherly instinct perhaps?
Some sort of instinct. It's not right, damnit!
Bumpity fuckity faggity I know that it's early, but I'm tired and I'm gonna go to sleep. I hope that the thread doesn't die, but if it does, check back for a pert 2 tomorrow afternoon. Goodnight everybody, sleep well.
In the name of Coom
The Jerk and the Fap
The thread shall be bumped
Wonder where Anonette went today.
I talked to my sister about relationships and a little bit about sex today. It was interesting. If she was being entirely truthful then she almost seems like she fears men somewhat. It's kind of an interesting stance to take on dating. She just doesn't want to take any risks. She then refused to return the two hoodies and the pull over that she's hold hostage and left to go work on school work.
How old was she again? I'm assuming you're the same user whose sister had to sleep in their room for a night due to renovations or something or other? Not taking any risks is a common stance in dating, though probably more so for men, and especially denizens of this board.
Has she given a reason on why she's kidnapped your clothes? Perhaps for masturbatory purposes?
Bumpity fuckity faggity temporary cheap early morning bump getter my back to sleep
You're killing my sides every week though.
Zoomers are much more conservative than previous generations.
>Zoomers are much more conservative than previous generations.
A statement I really don't believe. I think the 80/20 split has just gone drastically more up towards the top percent of males and females.
1% of males gets 99% of pussy. Therefore there's obviously nothing left for normal guys. Girls are always "shy uwu" until they meet Chad and their panties drop
Bum pity fuckity faggity actual good morning bump
Decided to see what my 15 year old sisters twitter was all about. Turns out shes a lesbian or bi at least. Who would have thought years of calling her gay resulted in the gay
I think if you believe that your selling yourself short on things. Stacie's will always be stacie's. Along with chad's. Time does catch up with them sometimes it bites them in the ass sometimes not.
Its your life you make what you make out of it. There is plently of examples of it on this thread weekly.
Bum pity fuckity faggity do not care for the opinions of those not as knowledgeable as you
Time catches up on them in their thirties. Zoomers today are 12-15 or something. That's where all the fucking happens. Then as usual, single guys are left with chad and tyrone's leftovers who want to settle down.
Tale as old as time, only now it's to the extreme.
I'll believe zoomer guys are virgins and lonely, zoomer girls? The ones mass on tiktok? The ones selling feet pics and bathwater? The ones whoring themselves out on the plenty of social media available today? Come on. Use your brain user. Use your eyes.
She just needs some bro cock to straighten her out.
Bum pity fuckity faggity I love Jews so ducking much
What are you even bumping the thread four, you only have 2 bad writers left
Call out the shitty tripfags user, let bumpanon go in peace.
>little sister wakes me up knowing I have the day off
>want to tell her off for waking me up early
>she asks me if I'll pick her up for lunch and have lunch with her today
>can't say no to that
>notice while she's leaving my bedroom that she doesn't only have one of my hoodies on but also a pair of my underwear
Was this the line that I need to make sure she doesn't cross?
>Its your life you make what you make out of it.
The system isnt fair, when you realize that life is nothing more than navigating random noise you will have a better quality of life.
Its not about the writers its about helping random people as well.
So bump user does your gf like batman? Because your event last night was pretty batman
Hoodie i can see, your underwear? WTF
Fuck her, orginalio
You know, I have never asked her opinion on Batman.
I watched her on her way out and she had a pair on. I don't know if I even want to confront her it's really unexpected.
She's cute but I don't want to take advantage of her especially after we talked about her opinions on guys and how she's too nervous to try anything or get with anyone.
There is nothing wrong with her wearing your clothes if they are clean and they fit right. On the otherhand if I saw nii wearing my underwear that would be wierd so I get where you are coming from on that one.
Tell her to come back in then hold out your hand and ask for your underwear back
>I don't want to take advantage of her
Is she not smart enough to make her own decisions? Are you that much better than she is?
Bumpity fuckity faggity lunchtime bump time philosophy
Gonna try changing up my usual pics.
So she has taken to wearing your underwear (boxers?) to sleep? You may want to at least tell her you noticed, and ask her if you need to buy her a few pairs of her own. Her response to the offer, if you make it in a casual enough way, can tell you a lot. Maybe she likes the feel of them, or she likes that they are yours.
I can understand why it would bother you: he'd stretch them! But more seriously, I don't think it works in both directions. Girl clothes are typically smaller, and thus less comfortable/worthwhile for a boy to borrow. While boy clothes are typically larger and thus more comfortable for girls to borrow. Or in the case of underwear, provide a novel feeling over panties (I have been told).
This is NOT a brotherly thing to do (unless you are a teasing master/asshole like Anonette's bro), but I would be lying if I denied that the mental scenario is pretty hot.
Bumpity fuckity faggity second lunchtime bump last bump for like an hour and a half
I'm currently in a relationship with a cute Japanese girl; I met her online as part of a Language exchange program, we've been officially together since January when I travelled to Japan, and I'm working on my way to move to her town this October.
>On the otherhand if I saw nii wearing my underwear that would be wierd
I'm sure everything you're doing now would be weird to the you from one year ago.
Right, I think it's about time you give us a physical description of her and whether she's attractive (to you) before we can safely push for the incest route.
Cute cat girl cat-user, makes me wanna play nekopara and coom again even though I just did
>ask her if you need to buy her a few pairs of her own
Seconding this, ask her if she wants you to buy her new ones, or you buy new ones and give her your old ones, or you agree that she takes some of your used underwear for personal (masturbatory) purposes
>the mental scenario is pretty hot.
*nods in manofculture*
Hardly family related (until you get married) but good for you none the less. How good is your Japanese and, since you're moving to her town, how serious is your relationship?
Wearing one of his shirts and basically being swallowed by it is nice and it breathes so well. I have worn his boxers before but it felt wierd having air go in that area while walking around. His shirts go to my knees and are comfy though and I wear one when I do laundry usually.
Fair enough.
Do you cuddle your sisters
Not the right user, user!
>Perhaps for masturbatory purposes?
Do girls even like smells in that way? I know that some guys like to sniff panties as they jack off, but do girls do anything like that?
According to my Chinese cartoons, the most accurate source of info in existence, they can/will/do.
Not for that reason but I like being able to smell him on his clothes and pillow. Even sweaty clothes smell decent to me to an extent. I don't know if its the detergent, his body wash, or just his natural smell that is why I like it. It's a wierd thing to try to describe. Like when you smell something and you get an old memory come up from the smell. Like when you smell a room that smelled like your elementary school classroom or something like that.
Well then, if Chinese cartoons say something, then it must be fact!
Is Nekopara worth getting? Is it worth playing through with my wife? Mrs. Kitten-user keeps pointing it out every time there is a Steam sale, and she knows where to get the patch, but I'm so conservative with money that I avoid making a purchase.
Is that another reason you like to wear his clothes?
Comfort is a bigger reason. I normally wear his clean clothes so they usually still smell more like detergent than him. Also lots of the shirts I wear of his are just plain white, black, or green tshirts.
This is probably the worst place to talk about this but recently, my brother relapsed on heroin, again. This has been going on for about two months now, but only recently have he's opened up about it. My dad is taking him back home, and he's gonna be getting psychiatric help for about 60 days: we think he has bipolar.
He's always been kind of an angry guy, but it was kind of just part of his personality. Now it's uncontrollable, my mom said he'll be like in pure bliss and happiness for like a week, then all the sudden he's crying, throwing physical fits, and calling my dad a terrible father and saying that nobody cares about him.
I was pretty fucking upset when I first heard the news, but I smoked a little bit to calm down. I'm still upset, but not as worried as I was before. I always had like mood swings, probably because of a combination of ADHD, depression, and anxiety.. But, could it develop into Bipolar? Will I end up like my brother?
>Is Nekopara worth getting?
Considering I torrented all 4 volumes, yeah. Also because it's actually pretty good, for a monster fucking VN. I don't really see the point of it becoming an anime (as the VN is fairly animated enough) other than the fact the male MC will have a face and voice. Story-wise it's frankly a romance anime, some drama to use for character growth and ecchi scenes, but it was quite good if I'm being honest. Just as an fyi:
Vol. 0: No lewds, just backstory of some years before the story in the other volumes
Vol. 1: Chocolat and Vanilla volume (the next two volumes have them as well but they are support characters there, Vol. 1 is where they are the focus)
Vol. 2: Azuki(means acorn I think) and Coconut volume
Vol. 3: Cinnamon and Maple volume
The uncensored patches are really worth it, idk about two people watching though, all of them have ffm threesomes so not sure how that'd work
I don't know if someone can develop bipolar, but, assuming that you somehow do, you should be fine as long as you take your medication. You might also want to try quitting smoking if at all possible, as smoking may result in a worsening of your symptoms.
Your brother needs to go to detox (again, I assume) and also get psychiatric help. It might even be safer to have him in a hospital, which is what I'm assuming is gonna happen for those 60 days. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do to help other than psychological support.
You might also want to get yourself diagnosed if you have such suspicions, it might save you from it becoming anything worse.
Bum pity fuckity faggity control your emotions; dont let them control you
Bumpity fuckity faggity something or other about discipline
I have no experince but i think letting your brother know you care and you are there for him, even if he doesnt accept it.
Why'd you cut your hair?
GF say she is sorry bump user?
She texted me and apologized, but I haven't seen her today.
I confronted her about it and she said something about comfort but she seemed kind of nervous. I think she thought I was mad so I told her I wasn't mad and she told me that she's allowed to wear whatever of mine she wants anyway and then said something about means underwear not heaving a seam right down the middle which is nice. I gave her a hard time for telling about crotch comfort and she decided she was done talking to me for the rest of the lunch. That didn't last though because she started talking to me like normal about a minute later.
I still haven't recovered any of my clothing and she wore one of my pullovers to school. I guess they're just gone for now.
>she said something about comfort but she seemed kind of nervous.
She's definitely using them as a masturbatory aid.
I thought that she was just nervous that I was angry about it. I mean it's a weird thing to be confronted about. They seemed clean enough to just be normal.
She was nervous that she had been found out. Just like how you'd be nervous if she found out that you were using her panties while you jacked off.
Bumpity fuckity faggity I'm probably going to try getting some sleep at some point within the hour, but not yet.
Oops, I took a break to calm down and be productive and suddenly multiple days passed. Coworkers moved the group movie night up to Sunday and my brother came with us for some reason, that was fun. Me, my brother, male coworker and his sister all sat in a row, that made me giggle to myself because I'm dumb. I still think they're cute together even if that just shows incest is rotting my brain.
Because I'm a dumbass.
That's cute but odd. Don't do anything weird.
Nekopara's creepy but I kinda liked them back when I would read shitty porny visual novels for fun. Volume 2 was overly porny and I didn't read 3, although now that probably wouldn't phase me ugh.
I wanna hug couch.
>I still think they're cute together
So have you pretty much given up on trying to get them together?
Bumpity fuckity faggity goodnight everybody, sleep well and have good dreams.
I mean I wasn't going to seriously try to make them do anything to begin with. If I keep getting the right vibe from them and I see a chance to try something then maybe I'll try something but probably not.
That's adorable. How old is she? She probably just likes your stuff don't read too far into it.
Glad you had fun!
Late night bathroom
If you bump into someone you should apologize!
>don't read too far into it.
Says the girl that probably used to (and still does to this day) wear/smell her bro's stuff back when she didn't know she was in love with him
Eromanga Bump
>Everyone that I know of is fine
Who do you know of? Who from the 2016-2017 era is doing what right now?
Good morning to all you lustful anons
Bumpity fuckity faggity goodmorninh bp time everybody. Sleep well?
I slept great, corona virus got me worried there are some reported cases near me.
Dont worry about corona-chan, you will be fine.
Bum pity fuckity faggity life is a beautiful thing that is great
Bumpity fuckity faggity some Jews are alright
Okay you're right.
You'll be fine
This morning
>alarm goes off
>nii reaches over and turns it off
>feel comfy so I keep cuddling him
>he peels me off him and gets up to change
>keep laying in bed before deciding to get up
>go to bathroom and then kitchen
>something smells yummy
>nii is making french toast
>go watch him cook
>sit down and eat
>really good and thank him
>he finishes getting ready and comes over to kiss me
>pull him in for another kiss
>and another
>and another
>kiss him for like 5 minutes
>he leaves and I watch him
All this romance makes my dick hard!
Madam no Ou to Bump
My sister lost power due to the tornado in Nashville, so yesterday I helped my parents load up the generator and some supplies for her. Since I've been thinking about her, here's a picrew.
How old is she, again? If she is too young to post here, it is probably harmless, and you should compliment her fashion sense the next time you catch her wearing your stuff. ("You wear it well.") If she is older than that, it is a bit odd, but you should still compliment her.
>Nekopara's creepy
Anything in particular, or just the fact they're sometimes treated like cats more than girls?
>not sure how that'd work
It works.
Ohh no. I hope she didnt lose anything. Tornados seem absolutely terrifying. Do you have the picrew link?
She's 17. Messing around with my things isn't entirely new for her, she has always used my things to play with or entertain herself growing. I guess now that we're older it isn't toys to play with just clothes to wear.
She's 18 in may but I still think it would be weird if I started complimenting her about wearing my underwear. Since she's my sister I think it's a little to much.
Ahh so basically you spoiled her by sharing and now she thinks that your things are her things too. Still adorable.
>We specifically bio-engineered these catgirls so we can FUCK them and also be our pets and servants but also they're basically completely human physically and mentally so that's fucked up and in addition they age like cats so they're all like 5 years old or less
Also your imouto looks like she would beat me up.
I want ittttt.
Work, bye.
Also I went to double check the 5 years or less thing and it's way less, ew.
Make yourself some french toast for dinner then. You can look up an easy youtube video, plus you might impress your love with your cooking skills.
That outfit is cute.
I gotchu couch
sys.Yas Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpicrew.me%2Fimage_maker%2F43383
Probably. We've always been really close so sharing was normal. Yeah she's pushing the boundaries but she probably really does just think that she has free reign with my stuff. I think it's different when you're a girl and you have to lean on your older brother for guidance and support. She doesn't really have a female figure to lean on all the time. I was the one that was stuck sitting through makeovers and the like.
Does it bother you a lot that she does it? I can kinda relate to her on that one.
It doesn't really bother me much. The underwear thing is a little odd, it's the real first breach of privacy. The other clothes can be annoying because there are some days where I expect to wear a specific jacket, sweater, etc and when I go to find it in my closet it's not there. Then I get home and she's leaning back in it like nothing strange was going on.
On a scale of 1-10 of how annoying it is it's a 4.
How do you know she was wearing your underwear?
She was wearing a pair yesterday morning when she woke me up to ask me to have lunch with her.
She is alright, but her apartment is without power and water pressure. I'm taking care of her dog for the time being. Oh, hey, there are the sirens for us, now. Great...
I see someone else got the picrew link for you, so that's good.
>it would be weird if I started complimenting her about wearing my underwear
I meant when she wears your hoodies or shirts. Though complimenting the underwear, ONCE, could be a funny way of teasing her. _Does_ she wear them well? Brothers are allowed to notice these things, as long as we don't obsess.
Thanks for your thoughts on Nekopara. We know about the age thing, but hopefully that isn't brought up too often. Mrs. Kitten-user likes cute catgirls too, so we might still enjoy it.
And yes, my imouto probably could beat you up, but she is actually really nice (to everyone outside the family).
Ah, so she uses them like shorts around the house?
Well tell her then I guess. I'm wearing nii's big white shirt cause it's a lazy day today.
Ohh no.
If I have to be honest they seem to grab in the right places. I wouldn't encourage her to wear them out in the open because of that though. They're a little too kind to her.
Also she doesn't, I think she either slept in them or had them on while she was getting dressed and ready for school.
I always give her a hard time about my regular clothes, doesn't change anything.
Bumpity fuckity faggity lunchtime bump I forgot to bump for four hours
Get some bait clothes then and put them where she normally grabs them from and hide your good clothes somewhere else.
She has specific things that she likes though. Honestly I don't mind enough to do anything. It's not like I don't have clothes. She just takes a lot of my warmer clothes.
Does she wear them in public or just around the house?
She uses my jackets as her own jackets on a lot of days.
Are you the same size? How big is the difference?
These have to be boxers right? Like i cant see briefs or whities working that well. Plus wearing them around....
>she told me that she's allowed to wear whatever of mine she wants anyway
Im wondering if you typed this wrong or did she actually say this? To me it seems like she feels entitled to your clothes.
I'm taller than her but I'm not really the widest. I take after my dad a lot more than she does and his whole side is really thin. I don't know much about our mother but our dad says that she's a lot like her. A little shorter and a lot of hips. Feels weird talking about my sister like that though.
Boxer briefs, I didn't know that anyone wore anything else these days.
She did but honestly it's innocent. She's my little sister, she feels entitled because I would do anything for her.
hey lads, my last post here was from december or something. I used to post here to talk about my situation, grandpa, and dad's lung cancer. between that post and this, I had my finals and went home
but before the finals, my dad wanted to see me while he was in intensive care, so I went to see him on the new year's eve.
when I arrived at home the situation was like this: my aunt had to switch places with me and take care of my grandpa/her dad. It was kind of refreshing for me not be responsible for him for a while.
though, there at home I had to take care of my brother. that's ok, it was easier for me. mom was with dad in hospital, who had left i.c. for a normal room. we visited them twice a day there for about 5 days. after that, he insisted that mom and himself come back to home from the hospital. I'm saying insisted, but don't imagine normal speech, he had lost the ability to talk normally, and was whispering from time to time.
so, for about three weeks, me, my brother and mom took care of him while he was bedridden. or rather, he spent his last three weeks with us in our home. I admittedly don't think our care helped him in any way, but maybe it was good for him to spend our days together.
it really sucked to listen to the silence of the man who was eager to teach you stuff.
well, the "break" (as if it was abreak from responsibilities) ended and I went back to school. I planned to go back early because I had to prepare to take care of grandpa.
about 4 days pass and it's the first day of the semester. I go to class, meet again with friends and head back. that evening dad had passed away and my cousin (from aunt) in the same city had to take grandpa to her house while I went back to home.
shit fucking sucks, is what I'm trying to say. I did accept his passing the day after, during the burial, but I find it harder to accept his absence in life.
apologies if you were in this thread for positive writings. anons, mind sharing a similar story?
I am sorry for you. I wish that I had advice for you, but all that I can say is that I hope that things get better.
A lot of the time people don't want advice they just want support.