>enter gym
>unintelligible black metal screaming blares
>walk out immediately
Enter gym
fucks wrong with some trve kvlt shit you fucking faggot
t.guy who has never heard black metal before
>black metal
>death metal
Yeah no thanks I'll just stick with Judas Priest
My normie gym plays normie music. I think the music comes from the reception desk.
Wonder if I get kicked if I hijack the music with my own. Blast mgla or something. :D
based blast some paysage d'hiver
Based. Boomer Metal>Obscure edgelord metal genres
i'm a pretty cringey dungeon and dragons basement dwelling faggot and even i admit black metal is fucking stupid
at least the growling unintelligible shit metal sounds kind of bad ass due to the bass and baritones. but even then it's shit and cringe
itt: boomers who don't know what black metal is
Relax darling. Us metal heads are little cuddly teddy bears deep inside.