QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

untrained chest edition

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If i get odds i shag S, if i get evens i shag C
Dubs both
Trips none
Quads i post pic of my ass itt

anyone here ride a bicycle for cardio? I'm thinking of buying one to ride around town at a decent pace for cardio

nah no one has ever done this

Is alternate day fasting legit if I only want to lose about 8kg? Or will it kill my gains or otherwise fuck me up? I don't have the willpower for longer fasts.

Yes? Not an uncommon thing. Make sure you buy a proper road bike and not shitty commuter one - the difference is night and day imo.

I don't do squats, I do lunges instead.

Let's say I can do 40kg lunges, how does that translate into squats? Should I be able to squat 40kg as well?

How good is jumping rope as cardio? Won't it fuck up my knees?

if you're not a slob that hasn't worked out in years then no

I'm a fat worthless fuck. If I'm working out until my neck sweat meets my nut sweat, am I doing enough?

Do split squats
Eat less. Cardio alone isn’t gonna change your diet

Beginners: 6-10 heavy intensity sets per week per muscle group
Beyond beginner: 10-20 sets per week per muscle group

stop eating, sweaty
go to the fasting thread

>Let's say I can do 40kg lunges, how does that translate into squats? Should I be able to squat 40kg as well?

no. nothing maps 1 to 1.

Cutting right now, almost all websites put me at 2500 cals/day for TDEE but that seems extremely high, currently cutting on ~1600 cals/day and still managed to get 200g of protons in yesterday

How much do you usually eat when cutting?

Why does my bench keep going up but my chest doesn't get any bigger or more defined? Where are these invisible fucking muscles that I'm apparently developing?

Put in “moderately active”

Post bench stats

Also throw in accessories, like incline bench and close grip bench. Pec flies are very useful if those are available

I did and it literally told me to eat 2000 cals/day, it just seems like a lot

Recent sets are 145lb x 10 and 165lb x 5 (today). Unless I'm in a plateau I usually hit a 5lb pr twice a week, one for hypertrophy and one for strength, and yet my pecs are the same size they were when my max was less than a plate. I do close grip, bench doesn't adjust so no incline unfortunately. I added pec flies into my routine today but I only have plates to do it with, and I barely feel 10s but 25s are way too much

I don't have inverted nipples, but they're not very noticeable either. Half-way inverted nipples lets say. Will it get better as my chest improves?

>half way inverted
so... flat?

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You could put it that way

i don't know how to tell you this user, I don't think you have any nipples

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last night i dreamt that somebody loved me :(


Kek, but I have some

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I'm 6'2 (188 cm) tall and my weight is 125lbs (57 kg). My main goal is to build musle and gain weight. I always do 5 exercises (pullups, OHP, deadlifts, reverse butterflies, biceps curls) with 3 sets each (so always the same program).

Now my question is: How often should I train per week/ how many days of regeneration should be between the days where I exercise?

Also I have calculated that I should eat around 3000 calories a day in order to gain weight. Do I need to hit this number every day or only on the days where I exercise?

I do apologise for those noob questions, but after visiting several websites and watching lots of youtube videos, I am still unsure and confused about those two things.

could masturbation be considered more of a push or pull movement?

why is leg strength so hard to develop? I increase weight by 5 pounds per workout which works perfectly for other lifts, but I always struggle with squat and dl. what gives?

pull, builds forearm strength
as a noobie, deadlift should go up by 10 pounds. Squat should be helping your deadlift

start doing accessories if you haven't
>romanian deadlifts
>leg extensions/leg curls
>good mornings
>calf raises
>front squats
>barbell hip thrust

The dip bars of my rack have a minimum width of 30 inches. When I try to do dips my shoulder hurt. Is this normal for that width or am I fucking up the form?

At least you asked.

If you are new to lifting

Forgot to add, hit your macros at least 5 days a week so yes get your 3000 calories as often as possible


i want a routine to be compounds vs isolation, like
CICICx, does it makes sense?
Something like greyskull done with heavy lifts+accessories 3 days a week, done with isolation of arms and abs in between.

Or would it be better to go U/L split? If I remember right that split had 2 heavy days and 2 hypertrophy days,similar to what i wanted.

>I always do 5 exercises pullups, OHP, deadlifts, reverse butterflies, biceps curls

shit program. You're neglecting legs HARDDD, no horizontal pulls, no triceps, no leg accessories, where the heck are bench and squat?

don't do the mistake I did where I half assed my first few months. I literally did every machine I could for 3 sets of 10, some with iffy form. Got good hypertrophy somehow but had shit tier strength in everything except my chest

it is 100% crucial you get on a damn program and stick to it

>How often should I train per week/ how many days of regeneration should be between the days where I exercise?

get on a program. How many days do you want? There's different programs for it. I personally do PPL, which has 2 3 day cycles with one day rest

3 days (or 2, if you're lazy)
>Starting strength, strong lifts
4 days
>any upper/lower split like PHUL
6 days

rest days will be built into the program. Don't neglect cardio, but no need to intensify it. I usually just walk 20 minutes at the end.

>Also I have calculated that I should eat around 3000 calories a day in order to gain weight. Do I need to hit this number every day or only on the days where I exercise?

you are unironically a skeleton at your height and weight. eat 500 calories over your maintenance, even on rest days.

yes, some obese beginners can build quite a bit of strength on a good diet. But in your case, you will not get stronger unless you eat. You sound like you don't eat at all. Trust me, it's AS important as a good workout, and (enough) sleep

some argue over macros. Fat vs carb split doesn't really matter, but when gaining weight it's better to eat more carbs. The golden rule is protein intake, in which bare minimum should be 0.8 g protein per lb. In your case, shoot for at least 100 g of protein a day, no exceptions.

>after visiting several websites and watching lots of youtube videos, I am still unsure and confused about those two things

also read the sticky

I did 350+(Quit counting after) kettlebel swings today (35lbs). How many calories did I burn? Just being curious.

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don't overthink it

I do PPL, where I always do a heavy compound at the start, then 5 other accessories that are usually 3x10. I modified mine so I always do heavy bench twice a week and heavy OHP after my squat on leg day

Not that clear what you mean, I'm assuming you mean compound rest isolation rest compound etc etc

In my opinion, it does make sense but it might not be as effective separating isolations that complement compounds by a whole day. Personally I like to pair my compounds with relevant isolation such as bench and tricep pushdowns.

The U/L routine you mentioned sounds suitable to your needs, you even said its similar to what you wanted. Both will make you grow, try one for 6 weeks then the other and see what you prefer

Nice get retard

Yes your form is shit if its hurting your shoulder.

Will go for Starting Strength then. Thanks for your advice:)

Is it time for revolution, my brothers?

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Another soul lost to Rippetoe

Don't listen to the first thing you hear, do more research. Look for a routine that is: tried, tested, free and not starting strength

How do I excercise for sex without a partner?


In 2 months, can I go from
>BP: 50kg->60kg
>OP: 30kg->40kg
>squat: 75kg->90kg
>DL: 100kg->120kg
>pullups: 5->10
>chinups: 10->10+5kg

Even if I am trying to lose 5kg of fat during that period?

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don't go for it. It can teach you the basics but it lacks volume, not to mention its disproportionate (no curls, not enough upper body in general)

people who do SS develop very strong squats with piss poor bench presses

if you're gonna do 3 days a week, you need a program that teaches solid workload. Keep bench on one day, deadlift on another, and squats/overhead press on the third. Get the necessary accessories

Wait what? So you do two sets per workout? So four or six sets per week?

Unless you're skinny, yes.

Yes, if you are a new lifter

Sorry my bad, those two numbers are the top sets on my strength and hypertrophy days respectively. I do five sets of bench on each day. The hypertrophy day consists of 5x10, with the first set being a load set with just the bar, and the second being another load set at 95, then the rest being working sets. The strength day is 10,10,8,5,5, with the 8,5,5 being working sets and the 10,10 being the same load sets. In total I do at six working sets in a week, plus a weekly burnout set, currently sitting at 95x30

>an apple a day keeps the doctor away

Why though? If you look at the micronutrient profile of apples, they suck. They contain at best 5% of the micronutrients you need daily.
So unless you're going to eat 20 apples a day, they don't do shit.

so what exactly is your routine?

I bench heavy twice a week, rest are accessories. Here is my push day routine, currently able to bench 210 lb for 5

Bench press 5x5
rear delt flies 3x10-15
incline bench press 3x10
close grip bench press 3x10
lat flies 3x10-15
weighted dips 3x10

I do heavy OHP twice a week on leg day, right after my squats

i did my first run today, 1.4km in 10 minutes. how do i improve from here? im fit newfaggot. long slow runs or short fast runs?

love the smiths op

Run often and faster

how do i lower liver enzymes, my ALT was 160
i dont drink, do drugs or roid
could it be from overtraining, i was dieting hard (eating 1200cals, im skinny fat, 175cm, 61kg) at the time and possibly overtraining by lifting nearly everyday.
should i take a few weeks off gym to recover, im not eating at a defecit now btw.
would keto for a few weeks fix it?

how to overcome premature ejaculation?
I'm a literal two pumps chump and it hurts to live.

likely, especially at numbers that low.

on my first cut, I went from a 155 lb 5x5 bench to a 175 lb 5x5 bench in just 4 weeks

Masturbate often and death grip or get circumcised

What difference does it make?

as well as the same progression on close grip bench minus the burnout set, the same progression minus the second load set and burnout set on ohp, and always 4x5 push press, plus 3x10 chest flies and 3x10 weighted dips, although they're about to shut down the playground I do those at

How do I know when to deload? Been lifting (again) every other day since December, other than when I had to take off a week because of the flu in January. Not making linear progression anymore, but lifts still go up every week or two.