I like to think I'm a nice person too

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Also lower half, had no ass a while back like to think I'm making decent progress that it can be seen through these sweatpants, long way to go

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>lower half
>posts arm only

Bros I'm scarred
I'm scarred to look in the mirror and realize how much muscles I lost due to the quarantine.
Anons I...

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Here passive aggressive friend, the point was to get feedback on how it looked clothed

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Also am nice person.

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5'11", 208lbs, 32, 3/4/5
talk shit about my tattoos, fags, idgaf

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i feel you bro.
although it's not as good, you SHOULD do calisthenics for the time being.

based NB990v4

Good eye, friend. Yep their the only sneakers actually worth the money you pay for them.

i probably have the worst chest genetics of all of Yas Forums. i bulked the entire winter and made 0 chest gains even though i improved my bench by 150%+ and made gains everywhere else

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Honestly cool tats imo. Also, mirin'.

bros how do you deal with body? Shave? trim? how often

Where the fuck are your pecs

twink mode

idk bro, where are they

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Where are your pecs, doughboy?

REEEEEEEEEEEE I'm tired of you bro, show your pecs so I can know who keeps posting this shit in every thread.

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19yo 155 5'10

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Yas Forums memes I fucking know it is you, you magnificent son of a bitch.

When did the average poster on Yas Forums become 6'+

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~200 lbs
Just hit 205 bench for 8 reps yesterday, thankful for the home gym in these trying times and for the opportunity to bulk before the summer.

Been running coolcicada’s PPL for about 2 years while in college and thinking it might be time for a change. Any suggestions for hypertrophy routines?

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Madcow//Bill Starr 5x5, add some drop sets and extra accessories if you feel you have to "train for hypertrophy". It's easy, if you're pushing more weight, more reps, if you're progressing in the gym and eating, your muscles are gonna grow, doesn't matter if it's a hypertrophy routine or strength routine. Madcow is great for weekly strength increases so you can get that 2pl8 bench in no time.

This. I am partial to pyramid sets, though, getting the volume in helps my less responsive muscles.

What's your glute routine? Mirin.

Thanks for the recommendations. Just looked at the routine, and with only 3 days a week of main lifts do you think I should supplement with accessory work on other days?

amazing skin and hair genetics once your face gets a little older you'll be a god

yeah, add an arm day. 10 sets for tris, 10 sets for bis.

bless you user

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I think you look great, user. Great insertions and proportions. You need to gain like 40lbs, but once you do, you'll look incredible.

those fucking barracks.

You're on Bragg, aren't you user?

Lifting paint cans and doing calisthenics is a great way to lose your gains turns out.

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its too late s***m****n**

Should I bulk or cut?

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Why not maintenance? I'm sure you'd look good leaner already, but you probably don't need to be bulking/cutting, just keep up the work.

Are there any exercises to get a blocky core or is that just genetic

Lmao add me bro it sounds like we can be friends


hey i drug a bunch of rocks, cinderblocks, tires, and a branch over to the pull-up bars in front of Fredricks gym if you need a spot to lift whatever at.

I'm usually out there around 1, feel free to come over and say hey

In the USA atleast, about 15% of men are over 6', but nearly everyone on this board is

Get tats on the other pec to hide that one too
Mirin though

ever considered that not everyone on Yas Forums and Yas Forums is from the US?

nice lats

Hide what?

Only 15%? Where'd you find that at?

I’ll check it out thanks


Used to lift but spent more than a year being a lowly scumbag (drugs, depression, smoking). Decided to get my body back on track a little while ago but gyms were closed. Doing my best at home

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I'd echo what the other guy said. Looks like you've got a pretty good base, especially arms. I'd sick with maintenance and work on your back.

Great to be that lean, try adding some mass. Shouldn't be to hard to stay lean since you're already there.

Have you tried blasting chest with a ton of volume? Hit bench and incline bench for your main chest lifts and then get in a ton of accessory volume.

Looks like you could curl a lot. Try to even out those triceps a bit

Congrats for getting back into it, no shortage of extra time now to get Yas Forums

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fucking goal body right there, miring

mirin bro, im at 177, but my goal is to get to 200 at least 190. weighed 150 last year

Mirin how long have you been lifting bro

Oh hey babby

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I Need some tips, in making some excercise in home for the last month, but I think it shouldn't be because of my weight, or at least I think I should be able to eat better (although I'm from a not very wealthy family)
What should i do anons?

52 kg
1.75 cm

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mirin, how did you achieve this?

Insecure about the shitty tattoo?

O.K. G. Where's the bodies?

No cardio, I'd start with push ups, crunches and squats. You should progress quickly, try to get protein, I'm not sure what you can do for food but it doesn't have to be meat, eggs, dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), nuts, seeds, beans and lentils are all good sources. I'd also try to eat more in general, especially post workout, definitely make sure you're always eating something after you workout. A big bowl of beans and rice would be cheap, eat it with some eggs and if you can find cheap meat or fish even better.

When you're working out sleep is very important, try to get at least 8 hours (I don't, but I try to). Make sure to alternate your workouts so that you're not training the same workout everyday, and since you're a novice, you should probably take a few days a week off for recovery. Good luck bro, don't be shy if you have any questions along the way.

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Thanks man. That great progress to put on 27lbs in one year. Once you get to 190 I'm sure you'll just want to stretch to 200. Once you start it's never enough!

Thanks, I've been lifting for 2 years. Started at 150lbs 24 months ago. (Though I /fraud/ed along the way)

You're home all day, this is a perfect time to pack on some pounds. Try to eat lots of pasta of you're going on the cheap side. Canned tuna or bulk chicken breast is a good protein source for cheap. Bulking is hard when you start, so it's all about spacing out meals throughout the day so you're always full. Try some pushups/pullups or other bodyweight exercises too. You're 18 so your hormone balance is primed and ready to pack on the meat. Good luck man.

Drink lotsa milk

6'0", 168lbs, 28 y.o. Triceps feeling a little swole today.

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6’0 183 pounds recently had ACL surgery and my leg is turning to dust

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