Are you strong enough to protect yourself against nature

Are you strong enough to protect yourself against nature

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kek , that kat just casually walks up to the baby deer whilst the dog gets mauled

>cat playing with deer baby
>dogger jsut chillin like a villain
>deer attacks it for no reason
why it gotta be like that man?

I may not have sound, but I KNOW that dog was talking shit. Stupid fucking mutts.

It looks like a wolf to the deer

Dogs look like coyotes to deer. They're basically racist against dogs.

Dog is bigger and clearly a threat. The cat is tiny and the deer knows it couldn't do shit to it's calf

No, it will certainly kill me this century, and it will steal my gains first

This remind me of some rat videos shared on Yas Forums

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i would grab a stick and wail on that deer if it ever fucked with my doggos

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haha i remember that video

WHALE, you idiotic motherfucker. Unless you need a furry shoulder to cry on, you aren't going to wail on it.

poor tamed dog didn't even fight back

prob squealed and whimpered while looking upwards in confusion while the doe stomped its head with its hooves


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No! Not the heckin cute reptilinos!

This is BULLSHIT, it's an adult against BABIES. I hope those rats get fed to pythons.

This has never been funny, and that image has never been funny. Why has this shit caught on? Do you even get the humour you are spamming? Now go ahead and reply to this in greentext without giving me a (You), good little NPC

this is bullshit fuck rats post webms of rats getting their shit pushed in

Real question, do chinks do anything other than abuse animals?

I think the dog will be okay. If my dog was spared serious injury but got his ass kicked by an urban skinnycow I would just laugh at him

idk it's kinda funny

Nah rats are op it will be more fair if it was the same weight class.

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Fuck chinks, man. Who domesticated dogs? Who bred them into man's best friend? There was no Chinese wild dog-hunting tradition, they just started torturing and eating Aryan pets. They can all die, realtalk

As you wish

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>train rats to eat and attack at food
ok so he's UNdomesticating them? those rats prob try to bite his hand too.

Part 2

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It's not though. The original image was meant to be a parody of s()boys, and it was barely snortworthy then, but now anons are using it to just say "hehe you got angry" like some twelve year old in a school argument. I don't even mind wojak edits but this one is just shit and has no context to be humorous in anymore

that's some motherfucker shit
fuck deer
fucking camera man should have capped that piece of shit for hurting man's best friend.
>asian runes
you just know
fucking human fucks
hahaha real funny edgy cunt
too bad your mom is still fat and sucking my cock
I'm fucking your fat ass mom
>rat swims away while torn in half
OK now that's some real nigga shit

dog domestication originated in asia retard

jesus christ you're fucking retarded


>stuffing his face while his bro fights for his dear life
not cool

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>but now anons are using it to just say "hehe you got angry" like some twelve year old in a school argument.
they do that with every image they like you idiot stop taking Yas Forums seriously

What was the result of this? Isn't that rat getting poisoned pretty badly?

Nice try chang but it's a well known fact dogs were domesticated in europe

Is there one where the rats gets eaten alive?

I'm not taking Yas Forums seriously, that's the point. I just think that the image isn't funny and it derails threads with potential. Only tourist redditors use it I'm sure

>not in Asia

>using reddit lingo is not s o y
you really should go back

I'm honestly fucking pissed the cameraman didn't immediately run over and shout or try and stop the deer somehow. Dog's getting mauled and the stupid fucker just zooms in.

Deer is a based wild animal under the protection of Earth Mother Gaia. Dog is stupid subservient reduced brain capacity beast under the command of the destroyer known as man. Deer is infinitely more based. Nature is always more based than man.

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Rats understand how to avoid the stings and have somewhat of an immunity. The usually always win. but no matter what they are force to fight till the slowly die.

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Where did I use reddit lingo you schizo? Just try and make an original, funny reply to a post for once and give us all a good chuckle. Stop shitting up the board with your unfunny instagram teenager memes

>he thinks yuropeefags could invent anything
brush your teeth and speak english properly

More proof insectoids are literally subhuman.
Fuck off chang.

Now this is that shit I like

well shit

sauce? wtf happened to the dog?
janny don't do it

go live in nature then fuck head
pic related

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Nah mate, that looks like an emperor scorpion. Their venom is shit weak.

not true. I had an ancestor dream of being near the lascaux caves and we had dogs. That was at least 25k years ago.

No one on Yas Forums could bare handed protect themeselves from that deer. They'd get their shit stomped in just as hard if not harder.
But I hope i'm wrong cause that deer deserves to be curbstomped.

>europeons invent literally everything
>everyone else coping until they shit themselves
nevermind I was thinking about jews
europeans are fucking retarded

I don't know why you'd take random answers from as truth, maybe because you're a fucking retarded european

But there are actual research studies to back up their statements on this shit you stupid fuck.
>Origins of domestic dog in Southern East Asia is supported by analysis of Y-chromosome DNA
>Out of southern East Asia: the natural history of domestic dogs across the world

>human needed to keep his freind from fucking that deer up then fucking his doe
how will deers ever recover?

Wow cause that's totally the same situation. You're the idiot.

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Based team mammals, get fucked scaleniggers

Based Satan, this shit is awesome

Anyone got the webm of the kangaroo choking out another roo? Those fuckers are jacked.

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Goddamn how do I get fish strong?

Clan Mors triumphant, yes yes!

Based fishbro

Those fucking centipedes are the worst. Always scared the shit out of me, never could bring myself to just stomp on the fuckers. Always had to use a shovel or something I had on hand. Fuck them.

Agree centipedes are the niggers of the animal kingdom every body was chill until he attacked

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I want a snake lads