Getting Gay from working out

Since i started working out every day (3 years now), i always get a raging boner at the end when i am done lifting.

And the whole time i am fantasizing about fucking guys i know.

I am straight and have had gf's, but ever since i work out i got sort of Gayish.

Anybody else having this problem?

What is causing this?

Not a shitpost, it's a serious problem because i can't get hard for girls anymore.

And started to check dudes on dating apps.

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you're gay

Never change Yas Forums.

For all you newfags and DYELs out there,

Still think lifting is cool?

We got another one lads.

I am not Gay, i am straight!!

Are hormones in the food and supplies??

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Stop overfapping and watching porn, filthy coomer, you have fried dopamine receptors that now you only secreed domapine thru morbid unnatural porn

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I don't relate to not getting hard for girls, but I do get more gay fantasies after getting a big pump. And my straight fantasies involve impregnating girls a lot more.
If you watch porn stopping that could help, if it persists you may be terminally gay in which case please just don't spread AIDS or wave your dick around at pride parades or do drag queen storytime okay?
Oh and read The Greeks.

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>I am straight and have had gf's
Wow you're bisexual, no one cares

>Stop overfapping and watching porn, filthy coomer, you have fried dopamine receptors that now you only secreed domapine thru morbid unnatural porn
I am not that's the catch, i am only cuming when i have sex with my gf.
But now i can only stay hard when i think of my buddies but when i take her doggy.

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>sexually fantasizing about dudes: the literal definition of homosexuality
>I can’t get hard for girls: barring erectile dysfunction, a literal requirement
> I am not gay, I am straight
Checks out

i got your answer right here

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If you are not shitposting then you are gay.
Break up with your girlfriend, switch your Tinder to men.

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This was me in high school. No sex, but making out with girls I didn't get hard so I never escalated. Then I finally came out and coomed wit all my might.

Whatever, fag. You sound like a 12 year old. If you really want to fuck dudes so bad just do it.

Is your gf sticc or thicc?

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You are legitimately gay. You type like an ESL retard so I can sympathize if you're from some culture that looks down on that, but you need to face facts.

Just accept it and be done with it. You'll be much happier

You've developed an appreciation for the male body and its sculpted muscles that are rarely possible on a female.

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He literally looks like a 12-year-old there.

> tfw it took you until your 20s since religious upbringing to enjoy sex

Always during sex shame would kick in, I wouldn't be hard and it just sucked.

Break up with your gf, user.


ur just gay - theres no cure afaik

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That's no fair to her

Lmao you’re using your gf as a flesh light while you think about pounding your buddy franks hairy asshole

You're fuckin gay bro.
The rest of us just want to fucck fatties when we lift.

You’re bi


You're bi. Took me years to realize...still not happy about it but oh well.

How did you know, user?

>What is causing this?
Yas Forums
stop browsing Yas Forums

Sounds to me like you are simply bi. I worked out for quite a few years and get hit on by dudes frequently. Never felt any urge to fuck a guy. Being bi actually sounds pretty nice, having all the choices available.

Ok disregard that, just reached the post where you said you think of your buddies when fucking your grill. Guess you are just gay, not bi

It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. Your objective is the same. You must strive for self-improvement and never settle. Just don't be a fag about it. You're a man, above all else.

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So a couple of things.
Stop listening to these idiots. You’re not gay and stop reading it. Don’t create an idol of yourself in your own mind, otherwise you WILL become gay.
Try switching over to all natural foods. It could be something in the food, but I don’t know. There’s some sketchy stuff so that’s possible. Stop using plastic water bottles and start using tin/metallic stuff.
>Ever since I started working out I’ve gotten gayish
I’d say you notice men’s muscles more. You don’t want to be with them you want to be like them. Muscles are often over sexualualized and it’s possible you alongside the media brainwashed you into associating liking the look of someone else’s muscles with the urge to reproduce. This seems most likely if you only got those urges after you began lifting
Give your life to God and ask for help with your homosexual urges. This is the only surefire way is to give it to God and turn from temptation. You will stumble but God will work on you on make the garbage go away (just don’t let the garbage in)
>Started to check dudes on dating apps
Uncheck it. Turn away from it and your brain will eventually make it go away. Stop falling into temptation and start rejecting it

He asked how to stop being gay, not if it’s okay

Just wait until you’re married. Gosh it’s not that hard people (not like that)


tell that to the twink you bang next month

>get hit on by dudes frequently.
Really? What do they say? Guys or girls never fucking hit on me. Am I average looking :/

This hasnt happened to me yet so you're gay


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That's a one way road to an unhappy life living a lie

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when you watch porn?
how do you choose the porn?
What was the last time you masturbate to female solo one?

Like once a year I get serious passion to dominate somr twinky faggot. Idk what the fuck this is, literally for one day this happens. Goverment is testing some gay mind control I bet lmao

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>That’s an unhappy road to living a lie

>Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
It doesn’t matter what degeneracy you call natural or fun, it is about your servitude to God. If you want eternal hell because you decide a life without God is what you want, he will give you the exact opposite of him. If you want the eternal kingdom, you give your life to God
>Stop embracing degeneracy, start embracing Christ

You CAN NOT turn gay from working out!
Working out can feel good and that can turn you on.
But lusting after people of the same sex is a mind issue.

>i am fantasizing about fucking guys
>I am straight

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>Living a lie
If you choose to live a life of denial then that is your decision. Many paths lead to hell, only one leads to God. That path is clear and the evidence is refutable. If you want to burn in hell, that is your decision. But stop larping like you want anything less

To continue with this, the promises God has made in the Bible have come true for me. He has changed who I am and brought me out of my degeneracy, and even communicated with me (not via voice, but through other signs). I know he is real, if you pursue him you will know he is real. I don’t have faith, I have seen and therefore believe. I don’t have enough faith to be a non-believer

Fuck off retard, do you honestly think God would give a single shit if a man fucks another man? Don't you think that'd be simply fucking beneath him and unproblematic compared to, idk, anything else? Either way, you don't know. So stop talking about and insulting God as if you you know him like you're his fucking shadow. I hate you muh degeneracy Yas Forumsfags you're pathetic little weirdos who have to involve your dislike of things and people with your belief system to make yourself feel morally superior. Cunt.

22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable
There are many theories as to why, however I do not know God’a reasoning. It could be because it is unfruitful without a doubt. However the negative effects of homosexuality, them raising children, and how they become in groups are in-refutable. However, God is the same way about premarital sex between a man and a woman Jesus] said, "It is what comes out of a person that defiles. For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person." (NRSV, Mark 7:20-23)
Keep in mind I just googled this, however it is stated all throughout the Bible. Sin is sin, and all fall short of the glory of God. God forbids it so clearly there is something wrong with it.
>Stop insulting God as if you know him
The Holy Spirit is in my as he is in all Christians. I know God as his spirit is with me. I know God as his prophets spoke of him. I know God as he has interacted in my life.
You worship what you do not know user, I worship the God whom I know and have a personal relationship with.
>You speak like you’re his shadow
Actually I’m one of his disciples. I am a poor disciple, as all Christians whom pursue God are.
>Yas Forumsfag degeneracy
They don’t even know what degeneracy is. They believe everything they don’t like is Jewish and everything the Jew supports is degenerate
>Get involved and hate on everything you dislike
Mark 16:15 NKJV

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”

Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


You people have worms in your brains.

Imagine the cope you have to do to go woman after woman pounding relentlessly with the knowledge you never have, will, or ever be with anything that she is. Then imagine how a part of you will always be with her, and either you’re crushed because that’s the only time or you’ve split yourself up so much by doing this you’re essentially Voldemort and don’t care.
Must feel bad to be enslaved to a fleeting feeling that will never once fill your spirit

Oh wow another fake story. Better give OP a (You) like every other dumbfuck in this thread.

Thank God we're not reddit I guess

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Poetic words but no substance

Cope harder and enjoy your blindfolds

Just see where dating men takes you user. It's only a problem if you make it one. Trust me, the more you resist it the worse you're going to be off.

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You’re more than welcome to kick off the blindfolds and turn to Christ