Single handedly blew thefuck out Blaha, Bugenfaggot, and that irrelevant dairy farm fuck

>Single handedly blew thefuck out Blaha, Bugenfaggot, and that irrelevant dairy farm fuck
>didn't even insult or mention them while doing so

At first i was yeah this incel kinda cringe, but this cringlet kinda based fo real

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this is the most dick sucking post ive ever seen on this gay site. Op is faggot

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didnt this faggot have a book or something?

Yeah Alex is lowkey based.

yea and it was shitty

How did he dethrone the bugen?

he didnt
op is just a fag who likes to suck alphadestinys dick

How are you switching IPs so many times Alex?

Like I'm impressed at the effort you put in creating a thread about yourself, but this level of samefagging replying to your own thread is impressive

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who is this

he's a pioneer of yoked science. The man(let) who popularized the neckpill, the one who deduced the importance of traps, forearms and glutes. He is the lord of the rack pull above the knee.

I was gonna say looks good but hes an manlet then

Isn't he 5'3"?

I find it interesting how Yas Forums is more than ready to deepthroat eric the cringe faggot drama queen fakester but when a manlet has a good physique and started from the bottom of cringe fake deep voice dating self help videos to youtube fitness stardom they start the witch hunt on youtube nut hugging.

Here are the facts, copedestiny benches more than eric, has a more proportional physique even though he's a manlet, eric looks flat and flabby in comparison.
Eric is cringe and lowkey fake and jealous af about other people all the time, constantly uses his natty status as an excuse for his unimpressive physique and talks shit about other people behind the camera.
Copedestiny BTFO'd eric and his faggot nuthuggers so hard that he won't even mention his name anymore out of shame for having a weaker grip than a manlet
Copedestiny actually gives out tips and advice that are practical and not a "EPIC XDD" joke gimmick unlike cringeahagen.
You're not cool for listening to metal and lifting weights and giving shit advice to beginners and dyels online.

bugen called him out, then deleted the video when alex proved the lift he was doing was legitimate

This is the era of alpha destiny. Fuck all them haters

Alpha destiny is a good looking, charismatic and has a job doing what he loves.

You on the other hand....

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bugen claimed alex faked his lifts with weird camera angles, said there's no way he'd be able to lift that much

alex then posted a video like a day later of him doing exactly the lift the failed catcher claimed he faked

“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.

At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:

“What type of man are you looking for?”

They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”

At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.

“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.

They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.

“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.

Of course, their words didn’t faze me.

I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.

After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.

“What did you just say???” they barked.

“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”

Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.

They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”

Just as expected, they were coming on to me.

>Too high bf% to show any face gains.
>Never going to be attractive.


stfu fucking pretentious fag

the only practical thing from both of them is that your workout program doesnt mean shit as long as you are consistently lifting heavy and progressing at that.

thats literally better advice than 95% of the youtube fitness community that tries to sell you a shitty split bodybuilding program that leaves you with a fat minus on your paypal acc and suboptimal gains

so what. bugenhagen owned up to it and was sorry about it

Of course no replies because Yas Forums can’t get over their homosexual desire for Eric to be their father figure and lover, when will they learn

nice reddit spacing you fucking faggot
>thats literally better advice than 95% of the youtube fitness community that tries to sell you a shitty split bodybuilding program that leaves you with a fat minus on your paypal acc and suboptimal gains
What is? the shit cringehagen advice of "just pick an exercise and warmup to a max daily and eat peanut butter and honey bro" shit that he spread? That's worse than doing a brosplit for gaining muscle.


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its not exactly a competition
eventually i dont have to know anything new about lifting, just wanna watch personalities
and this isnae cutting it chief

>manletdestiny fan too insecure to let other people like people taller than him
cant make this shit up

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reddit spacing so a degenerate like you can understand it

>shit cringehagen advice
you will look better after 3 months on cringehagens advice than 3 months on copedestinys naturally dehanced shit program

copedestiny dick sucking fag detected

this must be one of his fanboys that ive heard about

I respect Alex more because proportionally he's more alpha than bugenhagen. If I had to take a guess Eric most likely got things handed to him in life because he's tall and good looking. He sailed through life in a calm sea where as alex was that cringe manlet that always had to fight for respect and recognition who went multiple through phases to find himself, therefore experienced a much rougher sea. Eric is a semi AHD autist who spouts random shit that says fuck all which is covered up and hidden pretty well by the halo effect. He also revealed his petty and backstabbing nature when he turned on someone that took inspiration from him, which gave a glimpse into his off camera persona.

Anyway I like Erics energy when he lifts and partially his approach to lifting, but lets be realtea for a moment, he'd most likely have 1/4 of his subs and viewers in a different universe where you switch out erics looks and replace him with some uggo but keep everything he says and does 1:1. Alex has some interesting videos but became very boring since he doesnt lift in the gym anymore.

Alex talks like a faggot in his videos probably because he thinks it makes him edgy and cool at least eric just screams and lifts


it’s totally feminine and retarded


nice buzzwords but you failed to explain to me why eric isn't putting out bad advice
>you will look better after 3 months on cringehagens advice than 3 months on copedestinys naturally dehanced shit program
Ah yes, just do a 1RM on jefferson deadlifts and you will get big arms just like me guys! Don't forget to eat honey and peanut butter by the spoonful!
stfu retard and stop defending bad advice
> copedestinys naturally dehanced shit program
you don't need to follow shit that's the point but you retards eat the simplistic "just lift heavy bro" shit up without any critical thinking skills because it comes from your idol
at least betadestiny looks like he lifts following his own advice while eric lost gains following his
get off eric's nuts you fucking cuck
nice cope, muttdestiny
funny how the cringefags always post in droves

old alex = cringe

post apology video alex = extremely based

you shouldn't focus on how people used to be, only how they are now

>Alex talks like a faggot in his videos probably because he thinks it makes him edgy and cool at least eric just screams and lifts

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haven't seen bugenhagen's routines but naturally enhanced is a pretty solid low frequency strength routine. personally i'd not go as low frequency as that but he made it with the principles of concurrent peroidization in there. it's a far cry to say it's "just lift heavy bro" because the routine is designed specifically to get around the plateau that this philosophy results in. you're reaching and it's probably because you're mad at alphadestiny for some reason.

Anyone who claims natty yet took any kind of AAS and lacks the self reflection to NOT post a 10+min long video trying to prove you are natty is a massive faggot to begin with.

If you call someone a cheat and shit on them like Bugez did, and they prove you wrong, you can't just be sorry about it and everything's alrighty.

Yas Forums worships juiced up drug addicted people like zyzz who had great genetics in the first place who still only made it due to roids while actively shitting on underdogs who tried their best to make it despite their genetic drawbacks.
The whole thing isn't even ironic, it's just depressing, this whole place is a shithole that shits on anyone that is successful without taking any shortcuts like drugs for simply being short or ugly.
Where is the logic in this? I try to understand the shitters in this board but I just can't, it's like this board is just infested with trannies, roidfags and lookism incels.

sure you can. if bugenhagen posted an apology and took it back, alphadestiny presumably had the maturity to accept it considering how tolerant he's been with the behaviour of dairyland strength and others. men deal with things and move on, especially if its only some minor pointless social media drama.

cope harder alex

I was talking about eric's shit advice not copedestiny's program you autist. I don't even know what his "method" is like all I know is that he made progress following his own training over the years.

because eric isnt putting out bad advice. fact is u look cringy as shit trying to defend copedestiny the way u are trying to defend him
>just lift heavy shit
this shit works and its simple. both destiny and bugenhagen preach it. its the basis of every working routine on this earth. the way u do it is another story.
you fucking fag trying to literally deep throat manletdestinys 4 incher is fuking disgusting gtfo faggot

Bugez has been a total cunt, and Dairyland is also a 100% worthless cunt

bro this is Yas Forums after all. the days of the crossover with misc when everyone was about building each other up are long gone. how we have gigantic Yas Forums crossover which means bitterness, negativity and mental instability is present in every second post. the guys here are literally likely to be one of the most insecure groups on the planet. gotta just accept it for what it is.

oh yeah i misread your post. apologies bro


Then what's the risk in calling out everyone you see in the hope one of them is faking a lift?

Just call out everyone and delete the videos where you are proven wrong

i don't know if bugez has been a cunt, but dairyland has been a complete asshole, that's true. alphadestiny goes out of his way to help him get tons of subscribers and as soon as dairyland has a following he starts relentlessly mocking alphadestiny who's done nothing at all to deserve it outside of be a target for dairyland to get more views. absolute dogshit behaviour

it also means a lot of coomer bait threads

why would anyone do something as pathetic as that? bugez made a bad call and said he was sorry. that's the full story.

Jesus Christ why did I read this gay fucking thread I feel like I’ve just contracted AIDS you bunch of gay fucking niggers

You people should be ashamed of yourselves you might aswell be reading a copy of heat magazine and debating that with your gay lovers

Why did buges and Dairyland strength call him out in such a way in the first place?


Alphadestiny on YouTube

how is he so alpha ?

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> caring one iota about e-celebs

>I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade
Every time

>lol there is no way he can double overhand pull 495 lbs
>double overhand pulls 605 lbs
>lol there is no way he can bench more than 300 lbs
>benches 345lbs
>lol but muh fake plates muh hidden bands muh uncalibrated
>goes to meet, benches 345lbs
>now at 400lbs

have people finally learned not to call AD out? he's a well oiled BTFO machine

Imagine having such a chad name like Alex Leonidas and then you end up 5’5 lol

Alex is unironically based as fuck. I started watching him when he only had 10k subscribers, but he helped me a lot with my shoulder issues. I don't watch him anymore though because i stopped lifting a year ago.