This webm

>this webm
>this what retards are lifting for
What's the point in living bros.
it turns out it wasn't women/pussy
maybe the truth is too bitter to accept and is thus ignored-- there is no meaning.
I'm going to go lift now, because I want to.

This is truly disgusting.

Attached: 1586242632997.webm (404x720, 826.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>having an existential crisis because some thot made a tiktok
Never gonna make it user

I personally lifting for one dank elf.

Attached: E6.jpg (329x708, 111.18K)

Lift for yourself and you'll one day attract qt3.14 virgin tradwife

Women are made for breeding. They know this and you somehow don't know or fail to accept this.

Jesus, what is wrong with you people? It's just some slut being a slut.

Women are made for breeding and trannies are made for killing

Literally a BBC mating call

>trannies outta nowhere
rent free

people still lifting for instagram whores will never surpass DYEL status because your work ethic is shit and your goal is shit.

you will not surpass DYEL status as long as you are lifting for someone else. that's just the fucking truth