/cardio/ bros, what's a good time for a 5k...

/cardio/ bros, what's a good time for a 5k? got back into running last week cuz of rona and finished a 5k in just under 26 minutes.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-06 at 21.29.56.png (371x361, 187.48K)

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at 5:00am

hoo hoo we got a jokester here, haha, KEK, I KEK'd so hard bro!

20 minutes is a good time

~20 mins is pretty good. sub-18 is getting into dyel runfag territory

20 minutes?! holy shit.

Shoot for 22 with occasional but high effort cardio training. Push yourself on 4 mile runs twice weekly until you can get there. Under 20 minutes is gonna be very hard for someone who doesn't prioritize running.

24 is what the fat kid who tries really hard gets

I second these.
If you can run a 20m 5km you're fast

This sub 20 minute 5k's aren't really hard if runnings your main goal but if you treat running as a secondary it's defenently harder.