>tfw your gf is a gains goblin
wat do bros?
Tfw your gf is a gains goblin
Dump her, become gay and get with the gymbro-boyfriend of your dreams.
she's got nice skin. I'd like to wear it
sit her down
tell her to stop
if she's not a bad partner she will listen
otherwise probably not the best person to be dating
My wife is wanting action twice a day since i started getting noticeable gains. I'm on zinc supplements but I'm pretty sure it's still gains goblining
Go goblin slaying
Ya know, with your dick n stuff
Edit: Thanks for the Gold Kind Stranger!
>He doesn't want his gf fucking black men so he doesn't have to deal with her
Edit: Thanks for the Gold Kind Stranger!
Yas Forums I have served you for almost a decade
Now I ask you to serve me, I have been dating a girl for 3 years. She is intelligent and loyal, but I don't feel the 'spark' towards her. Now tell me, is the 'spark' a meme or should I break up with this bitch? I am in peak physical condition and I often lust over other women but never act on it because cheaters deserve the rope.
I know some of you have been through what I'm experiencing RN, I mean I've been quarantined for 3 weeks and I don't miss the bitch, I could easily continue my life without seeing her
ADVISE ME Yas Forums, I need you for once
How old are you
I been in your shoes and this could be a "grass is always greener" situation
My advice is to try and first get that spark back. Go back to your roots and rediscover each other...both mentally and physically
>I could easily continue my life without seeing her
Thats it mayne. Dump her if you want to chase.
Old enough
>could be a grass is always greener
I'm well aware of this, but maybe I need to experience the consequences first hand before I can truly 'settle'
>dump her if you want to chase
>if you want to chase
what did he mean by this?
"Old enough hurr durr"
Fuck off mang, this is vital information
mid twenties.
Just don't cum, fuck her until she's too tired to be annoying bit don't cum, use that nofap energy in the gym.
spark is cartoon, french film bull shit
you are an animal
just fuck more violently and bred her
odds are you're desensitized to her pussy because she hasnt produced you any children
you body is naturally repulsed by infertile women
as a cocksleeve
>spark is cartoon, french film bull shit
But I felt it when I was younger. Was that merely more intense feelings due to hormones etc? I feel like any 30yo+ man would have the answers to my questions desu
I assume you mean calisthenics bullshit
34 year old marriedfag here. Been with wife for 10 years. Nothing a waxing and lingerie cant fix
Talk to her about what you find important in your relationship.
Pretty much this./
Just ask yourself what is missing from the relationship.
>Was that merely more intense feelings due to hormones etc?
now dictate your hormones or they'll dictate you
I haven't came in last three weeks (I still jack it sometimes cause it feels good and I'm hard every night and morning) and I'm the happiest I've been and most energetic. I get so much shit done around the house and in my yard. I got close twice when I went over the edge but I used that technique to keep from actually cumming (just had orgasm) and it was better than any other time when I usually cum and feel drained and sometimes regret.
My man.
based insane poster
God damn it I want a gf but then again at the same time I fucking hate women... what do brehs
What do you hate about women good sir?
This sounds like you just want us to tell you to break up with her. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her?
Funky someone asking a good question. I've been with my gf since we were 18, every first thing, except for the first kiss, was done together. I've never felt what you call the spark in this 6 years of relationship, she probably does but I don't do. I still care about her and I don't want to hurt her and waste her high genetic potential with other men so I keep her for me. I love the cuddles, the sex is amazing and yes I still look at other girls but as you said cheaters deserve the rope and I perfectly agree with you. Now in quarantine I don't miss her but if I could have the possibility nto be together and cuddle, go out having dinner or staying together I would be happy. So user to help you answer your question I'll make you another question: if you are going to have children, will her genetics be exactly what you want to mix with yours to make the best babies possible? If the answer is you don't want children, or her genetics are not good, you should leave her and look for something better for yourself and/or your children. If the answer is yes then keep her and try to show affection to her as much as you can. Love doesn't last forever, but trust, feeling good in each other company and having generally good times last for a longer time. Then if there's the children they need to be raised in a good and caring family to be the best you could have possibly dreamed. I hope you to be happy user as I do
Eat that pussy every goddamn day
Do people actually like eating pussy? I have never done it in my life. My (only) ex had disgusting brown flaps down there so maybe I'm just traumatized.
I enjoy a lot eating pussy, it's also easier to make a woman come this way and after coming the first time my girlfriend is even hornier and we fuck like rabbits. It's a win win situation
>Do people actually like eating pussy?
Fuck yes. Make sure she's clean down there, taking a shower together is a good way to ensure that. With some practice (check out Kink University on pornhub for educational videos) you're guaranteed she'll come. As a bonus she's perfectly wet for a solid round of fucking afterwards. For some reason my GF likes to "taste herself", so tongue kissing her after eating her out is pretty damn hot also.
First off, don't take the advice on women from these underage virgins who are bitter at the world (women).
Second, did you ever have the 'spark'? If you haven't had it then I'd suggest moving on. I didn't believe in it until I met someone at age 30. That said you do have to work to keep the spark, as it will fade
>t. 34 boomer
Listen to the man above me, LARP or not, it's true
Do what you feel like you would enjoy doing. My ex was a gains goblin and kept asking me to not go to the gym, I didn't listen and I continued and she just stopped asking about it. Just a few weeks ago she broke up with me. Don't change anything about yourself for a girl, just do what you want to do and if she leaves she leaves, start fucking a new girl and continue the cycle until one of them sticks
nice gein-core
DO you watch porn? In that case your brain is damage and you can't trust it. Go full NoPorn/NoFap for at least 3 months to get your brain back to normal.
you should not dump your might-be-wife, because of a damaged brain.
dump her
>cheaters deserve the rope
unbased anglos
Honestly i think this is good advice. You're pobably just getting bored OP, do you and your gf share similar interests? I feel the same as you a lot of the time but then i have a really fun day with her and the feels flood back in.
Mate she seems smarter than you for two things:
1. You are not spending the quarantine time with her, so she doesn't really care either that much.
2. You are not aloof enough to take the risk of breaking up with her because there is a fear of losing what you've got and that you might not do better.
We can't give you an answer cause that lies in your heart. Will you be a chad and risk it all or will you be a beta slave down the road being frightened of leaving? The choice is your mate.
Sorry to have to tell you this but.. the spark ALWAYS disappears... Thats mammalian biology telling you to spread ur seed to the next female.
>Cheaters deserve the rope.
Dont get me wrong i know it sucks and it incompatible with western society but it simply wouldn't happen if we were actual monogamous creatures.
Oh well we can try
based skin bandit
>Dont get me wrong i know it sucks and it incompatible with western society but it simply wouldn't happen if we were actual monogamous creatures.
It's only cheating if you have a mutual agreement to be exclusive towards each other, you can be monogamous in a polyamorous society
>cheaters deserve the rope
based and ethics-pilled
You don't have a wife
Based buffalo bill poster
Based ed
If she is good and loyal to you, don't dump.
Based highly functional psychopath
3 years is the cutoff time breh, time for a tough decision. Only you know the answer, but you do know it deep down.
Don't waste anymore time.
Not cutting your hours of sleep to 3 or less to be able to
Sub 30 years old git and stay git
Imagine asking Yas Forums for advise
It's called pair bonding, go do some research on it. Depending on the number of partners you both have had, your abilities to pair bond are completely fried.
Be gay. Your bro will lift with you