what is the biological reason behind a mans test levels plummeting after he has a child? is this natures way of saying youve done your job, fulfilled the biological imperative and can now die?
What is the biological reason behind a mans test levels plummeting after he has a child...
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Probably so his mother gives him attention instead of sucking your throbbing hard dick all day.
high test levels would encourage the pursuit of new women, causing a lack of care/protection for the child
test lowers to change priorities from fucking thots to successfully raising a child
stress, lack of sleep, irregular diet, less energy to use at the gym
Test weakens your immunity system and dads need to live a few years more to raise their kids.
Is there any serious study about that? Never heard about it.If you have documented proof, it would be interesting
T.Father of a one year old.Feeling better than ever
Even just being around babies lowers mens testosterone
>men in my family have a propensity to leave their families
>my mom said my dad was jacked
>tfw mutt :(
the test isn't worth it
made for 6'4 BWC
It's good to make claims user, but it's even better when you have proofs backing it up.
she broke up with him awhile ago actually
time for me to step in ;)
What? Wouldn't that mean you test levels plummet each time you ejaculate? Man only goes through cumming and thats it. How would the body know a child was made?
but user....youre a manlet
I’ll see if I can dig up the article/study but I believe the hypothesis was that lower test levels would naturally lead to lower aggression and therefore make it less likely for you to hurt/kill the child.
Easy - you've done your job. You've reproduced. Biologically, you have succeeded.
Take it for what it’s worth, on the surface it seems to be a fairly legitimate study but I haven’t done any additional research.
Idk man, the sample is really small,we don't know if participants were sedentary or active,and it's an anthropologist study, not really the most trusted field especially when it's about hormonal biology.
Test is influenced by so many factors, it could be one of the many but I don't think it play a great part especially if you're fit, active,sleep and eat well.
Baby steals the test via psycho-spiritual connection. That child is part you, in more ways than one.
>this kills the Yas Forumsizen
Because having a child is tiring. I am sure if a study was done on people who work heaps they would have less test than someone who has a more laid back job.
That's kind of you to raise Tyrones kids.
>be high test chad
>find 10/10 girl
>get married
>have kids
>suddenly don‘t have to lift/tryhard anymore
>test lowers
that‘s it
Break the cycle.
Convinced it's more this environment stuff than biology but interested in studies.
Lack of sleep and sex?
I see you've prepared your copes for embracing the end of your family tree.
Nigga how they men in your family is they all leave?
Fucking bastard mutt whoreson
Probably to not hurt the child, to be more calm and responding to it, basically to be a total bitch to the child's needs. Imagine if you'd have high test.
>keep crying faggot you'll grow out of it
makes sense that kids lower males testosterone levels to lower their aggression
cant have aggressive males around little kids, reasonable from a biological standpoint i say
You know what's even better? Fucking googling like a human being instead of demanding to be spoon fed like a fucking helpless retarded who questions everything that's true unless it's proven "to" him
Nignog males have marginally higher test, but much higher estrogen than whites.
Imagine not knowing the concept of burden of proof
>prove to me how it rains
you idiot
My test is higher with 3 kids than it was before I had kids. I suspect it’s because before kids:
>fat (260lbs 25% fat)
>didn’t lift
>stayed up late watching porn
>was a liberal atheist
After kids
>205lbs 12% fat
>4 years lifting
>8 hours sleep every night, nofap
>Roman Catholic
Still relatively low but much higher than it was before.
>wah wah I don't know what to say so I rely on ad hominem
Enjoy never knowing what you want to know because you're lazy
How fucking retarded are you son
I forgot what this theory is called, but there is a theory that you use as much energy as possible to procreate, after you have done so you use more energy to repair tissue damage etc to try to extend your lifespan, it has been heavily debated though and there was also a different theory that opposed it and had some credibility as well
this is false
Just launching ad hominem attack will get you nowhere son. What I know or what I don't know doesn't matter here, the point is somebody made a assumption, and that assumption is no more than an opinion unless it's based on proof.
Even just existing and thinking can be proven, you can read Descartes for reference.
Nice try mossad
>what is the biological reason behind a mans test levels plummeting after he has a child?
A loaded question based on complete bullshit. Men's test drops with age, drops with stress, drops from lack of sleep, all things that are 100% more likely causes than simply "having a child". The cause and effect is all fucked up in your premise. Why would a father's job be for after childbirth? Who the fuck would look after the family? That's the whole point of being the big strong one, what good is that if you're dead?
>Have low T
>Get GF pregnant
>It's a son
>Motivated AF to start lifting to set a good example
>Clean up diet
>Son is 3 now
>"Oh wow user you are at top of range now, have you been self medicating"
Dr literally thought I was taking roids. Nothing is fixed like this. The study probably tracked average guys with average lives who suddenly had a big spike in stress.
This looks like the before panel on one of those 2 panel smug-anime-girl-gets-mating-pressed images.
Hot for an old chick
That would be actually based. I Bet children raised Like that become true alphas
>Men's test drops with age, drops with stress, drops from lack of sleep, all things that are 100% more likely causes than simply "having a child".
This. Stating a single fact like "having kids lower test" on a widly more complex mecanism is horseshit.
So he doesn't kill his kid. Being a hyperaggressive turbo ape isn't great when you have a baby around, especially if it's another male.
t. evolutionary biologist, paleoanthropologist
Sounds like you turned your life around, I’m proud of you user
Bro I'm a mexi-mutt (half white/half mexi)
Its honestly the best
>no weird anxiety/depression/whatever weak genetics leads white people to need medication and gloat about their diseases on tumblr
>hair is fantastic, no balding concerns at all, dad has just the tiniest bit of grey in his hair, half his mustache, and he's 65;
>bronze skin that doesn't burn in the sun
>half the (white) girls who slept with me in college make some sort of joke/comment about how they slept with me because I'm exotic (like 95% white uni)
>trong-ass jaw and stupid testosterone to the point where working out is easy mode. Seriously did german volume training on bench alone, every day for a month straight for the lulz with some bros, and I swear I looked like a gorilla. I had to slow down to get back to proportion
>white women go crazy for some reason when I sing in spanish, I could call them a fat chicken and it would sound sexy I guess
>again, white-women love tradition mexican cooking by a mexican for some reason. Something about A U T H E N T I C, which I don't really get, but whatever. My godmother taught me how to cook, and I'm glad she did
>free ride into college
Yikes, projection hiding behind an appeal to authority. I'm so glad yall dont typically reproduce.
>meme psychology word you don't understand
>meme fallacy you read about on google
I'm so glad you're too beta to talk to people outside the internet
>inb4 SH-SHTRAHMAM! :(
It's ridicule, not an argument. Spare me
>gloat about their diseases on tumblr
This is more of a symptom of victim culture. Our women and basedboys are so protected by a society built by strong men that our "combat" is now a matter of trying to get people in trouble. Essentially,
>beating people up is bad for society
>beating people up is made illegal
>you get punished for beating people up
>you can try to get someone arrested for beating you up if you don't like them
Fast forward a few centuries
>it's "bad" to make fun of retards
>you get chastised, sometimes fired for making fun of retards
>not being a retard makes you vulnerable in this society
So now whypeepo use disorders and weaknesses as abstract strength to protect themselves in the abstract "fights" we have today.
Psychology as a whole is a meme.
>hurr you dont understand, I'm so smart I have a degree
Glad your personality rests on your perception of your intelligence. I bet you're real fun at parties.
bad sleep and stress
I almost forgot
>>meme fallacy you read about on google
>heh I bet your professor didnt even give you my textbook that defines appeal to authority, so you clearly dont know it as well as I.
How's your job looking?
>Glad your personality rests on your perception of your intelligence
>things nobody said
You can give up if you can't fight back anymore man. Nobody's gonna judge ya
They don't. Thread finished.
It's a correlation vs causation argument. You get older, your test goes down, you have less time for exercise / proper nutrition, your test goes down, you have more stress, your test goes down. Nothing about actually getting a girl pregnant makes your testosterone go down. If you fucked a girl at 13 and got her pregnant do you think your test would go down immediately after? of course not. smarten up.
Pretty good. I work in a lab that's sanitary anyway, so I don't have to rut around with people who are angry about dropping out of community college.
>being a proud internet debater