How much is 10g of citrulline malate? The bag didnt come with a scoop.
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does it matter if i do lifting at start of day and abs at the end of the day because of time constraints?
shouldnt matter, as long as you still have motivation in the evening
did you dig down for the scoop?
if it didn't come with one you're fucked you're gonna need to buy a little food scale and use some other scooper and measure 10g each time
I did, no dice. I do have one in the creatine bag, though, might as well take two scoops worth and be done with it.
Get a digital food scale. Then you can measure it out yourself.
I have a digi kitchen scale, but the shit is vague. Im not buying a drug dealer/jeweller scale just because of it.
A 3g spoon that came with mine is about 1 teaspoon (not quite heaped)
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Honestly is there any disadvantage in getting the majority of my calories before bed which is almost 12hours after my workout?
I workout first thing in the morning, eat a protein shake with some carbs right after. Have a nice lunch a couple of hours after but then my appetite is pretty much killed until dinner and then before bed I'm ravenous for food.
I'm bulking, not trying to lose weight btw