Is the runners high just a meme?
Is the runners high just a meme?
No, it’s completely real but i’ve only experienced it a handful of times, going hard, around the 7 mile mark.
I do feel a sort of brain high after a longer run.
Sometimes I get in the fucking zone and it's like my legs are running on their own and I couldn't make them stop if I wanted to. Kind of euphoric.
In general, running lifts my mood. I used to hate it tho, even when I was good at it. No idea how I grew to love it.
just your body rewarding you since it's been tortured for years
It's real after a hard run/workout
I experienced it once, but I've never been able to replicate it again. Just came home from a run one day, sat down to rest, and this really nice feeling came over my whole body
Count your heartbeats on a slow jog and you'll hit it in 10-30 minutes.
I used to run 15-20km daily in the French Army because our Ltn was a triathlon runner and a sadist. I felt nothing but the blistering cold as I splashed through icy puddles and snow, my resentment towards running was born out of that drudgery.
Now I use an indoor rowing machine for cardio.
No different to when I'm doing some heavy lifting and all of a sudden I start getting thoughts of knocking every cunt in the gym out and slinging my gym crush over my shoulder to take her home for a good night of pillaging.
Of course it will never happen, I'm dyel AF but when those thoughts come in I know it's time to take it to the next level cause I will break a PR that day.
Your ltn was based, he wanted you to be fast as fuck running easy miles
It is very fucking real. If you can run atleast 10k run on fresh, completely recovered legs the pain will numb early and you will fly and feel godlike. best feeling ive ever had.
I've never had one. Just keep pushing through the pain.
I'm a slight masochist now.
i only got it a few times when i first started running.
this retard has never run more than 15 minutes without stopping
this is what it is
technical terrain kills when its what youre focusing on
based retard
this guy gets it
its like smoking indica and getting road hypnosis. put on some trance or chill music and don't think about the running.
I get runners high because I pop several scoops of mother fucking excelsior pre workout and disappear cross country with the dogs for half a fucking day without stopping
Yes, but it has a side effect, if you get that “high” you will feel really tired when you stop running or exercising
T. Track and field athlete
I get it if I run for like 30-40 minutes.
Your pace starts to become mechanically forced, kind of like when you are pushing your arms in a door frame and they float upwards by themselves after you stop.
You get one of those fuck yeah ermegerd i can do eeeeet feelings and your ability to feel fatigue disappears. Pretty easy to push too hard and injure yourself when it happens.
Some days i get it and i feel like i can run 10k after 10k but some days i struggle to hit the first mile. I think i need more rest desu, I’m not able to run 10k a day no more
I only had it happen to me once it was pretty great. Now when I get tired I just go into autopilot mode after hitting an initial wall the first couple of miles that's not the same as runner's high though.
When your shins fracture your body releases endorphins what work with opiate receptors.
ive started running 5ks every other day after never being able to run more than like 2 kilometres
when does it stop being miserable
feel fantastic after though not gonna lie
as real as the pump, i feel nothing just sweat a lot
same, ive been running 3 miles a day and im dreadfully slow and it feels like torture.
Every other couple of days I unironically get the urge to start running when I get excited as I fantasize something, and when I do I receive an instant hit of euphoria.
Only drawback is that with my physiology (tall & skinny) I'm easily exhausted, so I can't keep it up for more than a minute usually.
Once you’re warmed up, stop thinking, and find a rhythm. At that point it’s like your body goes into autopilot mode
I like THE PUMP better
I get runners high just from a 5K. As soon as I finish the run I will get a wave of euphoria that washes over me. It's shortlived, only a minute or two. But the enhanced mood will usually last the whole day.
When you run longer distances, you get the same feeling but it hits you while you're still running, so it keeps accumulating and it's nice
When you get to 4k's straight is when I found it became for more enjoyable, starting off is building your stamina for longer runs, it only becomes easier.
How do you run? If you just sprint for the time you won't improve.
I run a couple days a week, unironically listen to a bugle charge and pretend im running into combat
High mileage of easy runs
I run normally? I suppose sprinting is accurate; I'm not a Yas Forums regular.
Would you know why I get these urges to run and the instant euphoria hits?
Nope, I think that's just something you personally feel. I enjoy running and have a desire to but not some great euphoria from it. If you want to run to improve you have to take it slower. A common pace is about 10km/h, you could try and change how you do it
1km running 10km/h
1 minute walk
1km running 11km/h
1 minute walk
1km running 12km/h
1 min walk
It just depends on what your speed is. 12km/h is about a conventional run so running 1km of it if you havent at least been doing it for a few weeks might be really hard. Make sure to always have something to get your heart pumping and lungs going with a rest if you are trying to improve your time when running long distances.
Got it once in middle school doing the standardized running pace test.
It was wild, I'm a fat guy so running until the fit kids started dropping out was wild.
Lasted until I stopped, and after like 3 mins of walking to cooldown I felt like I was gonna die.
No, it's real. I've kind of started to experience it once traveling on a bike.
I did experience it around 10 times when having sex (I'm an out of shape fatty), it feels like a small dose of psychedelics or a high dose of cannabis edibles. High hopes, loss of sense of time, love, appreciation for all things. It did went away every time I took a sip of water or lost my rythm. It also left me completely fucked for days and I don't think I would have pushed through the discomfort if I had sex regularly.
I love that ranger attitude
Didn't get a high and wasn't running too long, but for the first time I hit a rhythm where I felt like I could just keep running forever if I wanted to.
The endorphin rush while working out is a proven thing, but that the Runner's High in comparasion to any other workout is more intense seems like a myth to me.
You probably sat on you mums dilado
Oh man I felt the pump only once, earlier this year, after a lot of high volume OHP sets.
Shit was absolutely amazing. I think I understand the "push to failure every day brah" mindset better.
I would get it when running on treadmill but never when running on path/road.
But yeah it was real, but me atleast.
Yes, of course it's real.
You don't have to run to get it either. Any hard workout.
Ive felt it like two or three tiles and one was stronger than the other but tho I dont think it only comes from running only, actually I felt the strongest after one heavy boxing class
how do i get a runners high fuck I want it.
honestly a large part is just being fast I think, I really love just feeling really fast as I run down a street, I really dislike running more than 5km because I can't run as fast and it makes it kinda boring. So I reckon you gotta get faster to really enjoy it, and you have to find the right pace, there's a certain pace that I love so much that I can run without a single worry until it's been at least 2km, and I mean it feels like as much effort as a fast walk but it's pretty fast still, I'm talking probably 5-5:30 minute km pace. You just gotta get good so it feels less taxing, then find a pace you love. NEVER RUN WITH OTHER PEOPLE, it fucking sucks dick cuz you can't go your own pace
fast means 3:20/km for me and no, I don't experience a runners high while running fast, but I do when I do some light jogging (4:50 and slower)
sorry wasn't as clear as I could have, the fast I meant when talking about a runners high is a different fast to the one when I said it feels like a fast walk, when I say 5-5:30 is fast I meant relative to a fast walk. real fast for me would probably be about the same as yours, my 3km time is about 9:50 but I don't really enjoy that beyond the first 600-800m
Plasma levels of beta endorphin and hemorphin 7 are elevated after long distance running.
Eh, we run a lot in my infantry unit and I usually get a pretty good feeling after a run. Doesn't matter if it's like 20 degrees out and freezing rain, I just feel really good after belting out like 6 miles at a quick pace. I think most of it is your mental state during it all. Not to say you're a bitch, but I think you focused on the wrong things.
the runners high is just endorphines
No, it's endocannbinoids.
Yes. However a lot of people mistaken it for just feeling good after a run, which is quite common.
I’ve experience runners high once and it felt like being on drugs, I was floating.
Couch to 5k is literally an intervals program, moron. Stop reading /r/running. They're a bunch of retards who say that you have to go slow because running fast supposedly isn't fun.
>run/walk intervals is the same as 800m intervals with 400m recovery jogs
>total volume of distance run in training was a strong predictor
of performance scores; indeed, just the total volume of training itself explained up to 59% of performance score variability between athletes
>The main training contributor to the total distance run during the athlete’s careers was the easy runs, accounting for approximately two-thirds of each 2-year accumulated total. Previous studies on training intensity distribution in elite-standard endurance sports similarly stated that most training is performed at low intensities (28,36).
Your elites don't train at their fast paces the majority of the time for a reason.
>They're a bunch of retards who say that you have to go slow because running fast supposedly isn't fun.
No. It's just basic physiology.
You could just run at your top speed all the time but you aren't going to improve, so go ahead.
jokes on you, I used to run long distance and now I just do interval, and I've gotten better at long distance
>Americans think physical exercise making you feel good is a myth
Yeah I mean I guess it's a meme if your knees break under your 300lb weight before you even hit one mile
Lol runner faggots enjoy getting no gains
It's no different than the endorphins you get from a pump.
I run maybe 2 times a week, 7-8km on hilly forest track, some steep inclines to beast yourself up throughout. I throw in a small backpack the odd time with 20-30lbs weight just for the extra suffering. Some guys I talked to said it's a great way to work out your whole body while running, but said the knees will take damage if you do it too much. Any truth to this?
t. Gets breathless climbing the stairs
i don't see how you haven't experienced it. i'm fucking terrible at running, yet even when I push myself to my limit i can feel it. it feels exactly like any other opiate, which is unsurprising since that's exactly what it is. its your body's natural opiates getting released.
>I used to run 15-20km daily in the French Army
French learn to run away in the army....
You can't make this up
imagine such giga cope