Back pain. Help

I could cry right now. Not because of the pain, but because the pain is stopping me from progressing and doing the exercises that I need to do. It's so frustrating.

I'm 22 btw

Lower back pain. Right where my spine meets my hips. I can't even bend down to put on socks without pain.

I feel it at the bottom of squats and I couldn't even do 185 deadlift tonight without stopping my lift entirely to come make this post.

What is the problem, how do I fix this?

It's been months since I first tweaked my back doing high-bar squat and now it's become chronic.

I believe that it was caused by bending forward too far at the bottom and putting strain on my low back (butt winking).

I need to know how to fix this. Please help. I'm losing my sanity.

Attached: owmyback.jpg (1818x1649, 347.78K)

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I'm a tranny btw If that matters :p

that's a whole different type of butt winking..

>I feel it at the bottom of squats and I couldn't even do 185 deadlift tonight without stopping my lift entirely to come make this post.

Your not engaging your hamstrings. When you do that your butt curls down and the weight is held up on your lower back. I did the same thing when I first started. To fix it you're going to have to lower the weights and focus on better form and engage your hamstrings while performing the rep. Easiest way to do it is to push your chest out and push your feet into the earth. This will make you focus on your legs and not focusing on lifting the weight. I'm sure other Anons have their thoughts and ideas as well to add in.

The goal is not to lift the weight. It's to get stronger.
Drop your weights down and focus on proper form.
Push your chest out and push your feet into the ground to properly engage your hams. Keep the barbell up and down in a straight vertical line.

Attached: received_10156267256355692.jpg (2304x4096, 1.13M)

Don't squat anymore until you get a personal trainer and have him show you how to squat properly. (srs)

Ok, you're right, I haven't been engaging my hamstrings.
Am I trying to squat too deep?

Also the personal trainer idea would be great if I didn't have a homegym and also if we wern't under stay-at-home orders.

These guys are dyels who have no idea. Study SS and learn to squat by filming yourself over and over.

You can video your squat and there are guys who will coach you off that video.
You could post it here and take a chance with the tranny homo advice you'll be flooded with.

do what said.
the queue of "pushing into the earth" will completely change how you deadlift.
as for the pain, do reverse hypers on a GHD, it should provide relief

Consider not lifting until you can get a trainer. Or at least start posting videos online to get form checks.