Why is my immune system not as strong as a white persons?? Is this virus a fucking ploy by Nazis or something?
Why is my immune system not as strong as a white persons?? Is this virus a fucking ploy by Nazis or something?
>Is this virus a fucking ploy by Nazis or something?
god i wish
>social dancing? shieeeee
Chinks did the world a favour for us whites? One can hope
>Why is my immune system not as strong as a white persons??
The Unironic answer is that whites have been filthy as fuck for a long time and our immune systems have had to evolve along with that. It's why disease killed alot of natives where ever whites went.
I think it has more to do with the fact that most of these African Americans that are dying are low income individuals that a) can’t work from
home so keep getting exposed and b) when they do get it don’t have access to good healthcare
>The Unironic answer is that whites have been filthy as fuck for a long time and our immune systems have had to evolve along with that. It's why disease killed alot of natives where ever whites went.
>Why is my immune system not as strong as a white persons?? Is this virus a fucking ploy by Nazis or something?
Vitamin D deficiency. Living in a sun-starved environment wholly insufficient to provide the required sun for your dark skin.
If you were in Africa or southern Mexico or some place like that, you would have strong immune system like whites do in our cloudy cold environments (which our pale skin thrives in)
user, the place is a niggerdome