Name one person in history with better shoulders than prime DWIGHT HOWARD.
You literally can't.
Name one person in history with better shoulders than prime DWIGHT HOWARD
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Didn’t know basketball players roided.
two things:
roids have been known to affect traps and delts more than other muscles.
he clearly trains nothing but shoulders because it clearly is a really good muscle group for b-ball
How do you think they can play every day without exploding knees?
light cycles
NBA has never had a steroid scandal because they dont test. Its fantastic desu. The players wouldnt be able to play a whole season without injury/regression. Look at Giannis, they built him into the perfect basketball mutant over years
Still a fucking beast at 34
You know hes high test bc he fucks Traps
Sup guys, Derrick here from more plates more dates .com
>Didn't know (insert professional athlete here) roided.
That makes you dumb
Even some bowling players roid.
You think every professional athlete takes steroids?? Tennis players? What about athletes in sports such as boxing, athletics, mma where the testing is so rigorous, most professionals in these sports dont test positive in their whole careers
Watch Icarus on Netflix, tests are a joke that any heavy roider is able to consistently beat
Do you think he would make a good boxer?
Who’s gonna tell him?
holy fuck people come here see a retard
no beacuse hes fucking soft and nba players literally call him pussy
>watch x on jewflix
Yeah, no
Someone post that fucking massive hairy yugoslav ex-water polo player at the pool with the kid on his lap
i remember that photo he was georgian...
Stop posting this man, dude rapes teammates sus asf
You have no proof that all athletes take roids lmao you're just massively insecure and have body dismorphia so you try and justify your own feelings by telling yourself everyone better than you has somehow cheated. When someone questions your unfounded assumptions you call them a retard. Post proof, then post bod. Do it now, [Spolier] you won't
Top kek he looks like a coat hanger
There is such a thing as too much of a good thing user. Broad shoulders are great but his are too broad and look dumb
Holy shit he looks like he has bowling balls on his shoulders. I'm unironically mirin
nigga there's hundreds of millions of dollars on the line for these guys they'd be a fool not to roid up.
That's because you're a retard. All high level athletes are on the sauce.
>Broad shoulders are great but his are too broad and look dumb
I think it's because of his thin head and long neck, not necessarily because of his shoulders
Masked LeGOAT is up there
>he thinks testing works
Even normies know athletes roid, dude.
looks ugly as shit especially the face
Kawaih has the best clavicles
Do basketball players use hgh to make it into the league and as a by product have wide as shit shoulders? I mean look at Dwight Howard, Kawhi Leonard, Giannis, Lebron they all have wide shoulders.
Also their massive hands surely thats due to growth hormone
Physically, yeah. But on the court he sucks
It's because of his underdeveloped chest and traps. It makes his arms look comically huge compared to the rest of his body.
He has all the physical gifts but doesn't give a fuck. He could be prime Shaq if he cared
didnt lance armstrong roid? he rides a fucking bicycle ffs
Based thanks I found him. Mogs OP.
>professional athlete
>not on some flavour of PEDs
thats fucken sasquatch he would eats op's guy for breakfast holy fug
He blood doped to achieve higher vo/max and recover better. That combined with being a natural freak of nature was insane. Too bad he lied out of his ass the whole time and took down real American hero Greg Lemond and ended up biting his own ass.
You mean like Jon Bones Jones the guy who is claimed as the best ever and has failed drug tests for roids at least twice
Former national athlete here. Even with dedicated support staff employed by the government you're looking at 6 weeks to recover from a torn hamstring as natty. Yet professional athletes are back in 2 weeks tops with the same injury. Look at fucking tony Ferguson and his knee. What was the turn around? 6 months? Then there anderson silva with a broken tibia and fibula. What was his recovery, a year?
Even from a logical perspective, messi gets paid 84m in salary. If you owned barcelona are you really going to risk an 84m investment getting sidelined due to injury?
Don't new basketball players get injured more than previous generations of basketballers?
I've heard that because of our increased sugar/carb heavy diet athletes bones have become more brittle and muscles weaker.
Theyve been on gear since high school. Long term steroid use leads to osteoporosis
What do you think Ferguson used/uses? I wonder what he uses..
Probably some combination of hgh and test to recover from exploding his knee
looks photoshopped. his head is too small for his body
How do athletes pass drug tests? Like USADA random drugs test for example? A part of me still wants to believe SOME of the top 10 MMA guys from any division are natural, but that wouldn't make any sense
user without being rude go look up some interviews with ex players on the estimates of professional athletes roiding. its pretty mind boggling
The Admiral
If i were a biochemist I'd be working for one of them. However, even the golden snitch acknowledges that usada is permanently playing catch up. As soon as they can detect something the athletes are using something new
Living under a fucking rock, then.
>Guy has sick delts
Why do people say this?
7'1, athletic as fuck, crazy shredded. A specimen
Apperently he was 7ft so you know maybe he just had really wide shoulders
Stop posting random roiders from YouTube. Dwight doesn't use steriods, all natural.
Aesthetic but kinda small. Zo mogged him. Come to think of it, Miami has had some absolute units. Shaq, Whiteside, Bam, Leonard, Lebron.
Athletes use lightly for recovery. Idk why unathletic losers are convinced basketball/football players are juiced to the tits. I think the only sport outside athletics with that amount of roiding is eggball. And that is hardly a sport. Just huge dudes hitting each other.
>Jon Bones Jones the guy who is claimed as the best ever
Only rogaine and his nigger worshipping fans claim that. He lost to Gustaffson and Reyes. Gus put him in the fucking hospital and black dick loving amerikeks still think jones won.