Yoga routines

Is yoga good for you?

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Yes butt in moderation

Ill dump few of my favourite positions

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Diamond Dallas page yoga is pretty based

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Sun salute and supermans laying on belly

Yoga is too slow, get two horses and some chains. Tie the chains to the horses and your arms. Make the horse walk in the opposite directions. You will be stretched, real good.
Do this for the other body parts.

imagine have four horses and two went sideways for your arms and the other two went perpendicular for your legs and then another horse went diagonally for your dick and another horse went opposite diagonally for your head haha

I dont have 2 horses, can I use a group of manlets instead?

it's somethign women do because they are retarded

can you touch the floor with your hand?

It's a good way to find out if you have postural problems. Some positions will hurt, you'll know what to fix. That's it.
If you want to talk about the whole philosophy behind it... dunno, it might be worth it or it might not, up to you, but the positions are just the very top of the iceberg.

me on the left

oh fugg how big is that butt? would my peepee even reach deep enough? I only have 6.5 inches

how do you think I can reach the bar to dead lift?
because I can do a basic function of the human body.
do I need to do yoga to pic shit i dropped on the floor up?

it surely will work your ankle mobility and open up your pelvis, tell me please why old people are losing basic functions of the human body? Wouldnt it be better for them if they stretched for 70 years couple minutes a day?

The physical aspect is essential if you're serious about lifting weights and developing an aesthetic body, preventing most injuries you could get from lifting long-term. It also gets you laid.
The philosophical and spiritual aspects are total bullshit though, used to get money from idiots. Know some of the lingo if you wanna pick up yoga chicks but other than that it's trash

Lol this will make her queef

T. Girl who has done this before

>tell me please why old people are losing basic functions of the human body?
because they are fucking old and pathetic
>Wouldnt it be better for them if they stretched for 70 years couple minutes a day?
I don't give a fuck
I'm blasting my fucking skull off when im 30

Dont you want to try to leave america and live in some civilised country like netherlands for couple months before killing yourself?

Not the other guy, but this is a poor argument. Most older people lose basic functions because they just do move around enough in general. I encourage people do stretch and work on mobility, but those same older people would derive tons of value from just walking around more, which would in turn benefit their mobility. Better yet, they wouldn't have been sedentary for decades and then wonder why they're near useless in their old age

Why would I want to do that?

To fuck thots and smoke weed. See some world before you die.

Image you are a monk of some kind
And you think its a good idea to try to meditate some 14-16 hours a day.
So eventually you get completely fucked from doing that, stiff, weak. Not able to properly eat food, pains.

so what do you do? You make a bunch of rad stretching exercises while you shant prayers.
That is yoga. Its a routine of stretching exercises. That is how it is.
So yes, its good for you. But so is normal stretching, but normal stretching do you compliment 14-16 hours of meditation a day, or PC work.

you can do those things in the US
weed is legal in my state
but I'm not a degenerate.
I have zero interests in such meaningless things.
I want to lift
then I want to die.
why do normal fags have such a hard time comprehending that?

Why do you want to die? Why wont you kill yourself today? Dont you want to see how long can you survive?

Bruh are you legit 16 lmao

You'll need at least 6 manlets to make up for the needed Horsepower

Dont you think that having a life goal of killing yourself at 30 is a little bit degenerate?

like stickimg your dick in a pretzel

Any good yoga websites/apps/youtubers? I do sun salutations every morning and trying to do moon salutations before going to bed, but that's the extent of my knowledge of yoga.

>Why do you want to die?
why do you want to live?
we will all die. wanting to do it when I want or don't want to doesn't matter
>Why wont you kill yourself today?
my body isn't good enough yet
i'm 19, I have 11 more years to accomplish my body at peak perfection
>Dont you want to see how long can you survive?
no not even a little.
there is not a single shred of me that wants that. that is utter cope and pathetic.
I lift to torture myself physically and until I achieve my peak natty physique I will end the suffering and execute myself.
i'm 19

you will change your mind after 6 years, also do a small amount of schrooms once, your empathy will grow a little

degenerate cope.

you literally want to kill yourself, shut the fuck up brainless zoomer

>you literally want to kill yourself
so what?
>shut the fuck up brainless zoomer
ok degenerate
I will keep quiet so you can feel good about your pathetic life.
retard millennial

kill yourself now and save the planet

Don't care about the planet.
Like I said I will once I reach my natty peak
There is literally NOTHING else to it.
keep coping.
now you want me to die. kek
is someone seething? fuckign degenerate seething won't get you anywhere, well I guess you were never planing on getting anywhere anyways.

your natty limit is at 23, check for yourself
you got 4 years of chicken and rice, enjoy yourself, wageslave virgin

>hello it's the cringe police we got a report of a seething faggot here

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hello, cringe department?

I legitimately don't care what dopamine fags think.
it's not like they could understand.
but the argument of irrationalism is the worst
>durr it's irrational to want to die
then give em the ration to live?
reality is bitter, it doesn't care how good you feel.
so keep smoking and getting hard off dopamine.
it doesn't matter.
I don't seethe about it, I just think it's pathetic.
I don't get why they seethe about me when I say I don't own a dopamine farm like they do.
biological forces encourage you to live and stay comfortable.
that isn't meaning user, that is slavery.

cracking your back in corba/updog pose is better than sex

I agree,it feels good. I can pop your ankles and neck too

Then just fucking do it already and stop the holier than thou act. Because youre not, youre just some fucking sperg.


God what Id give to have her in my breeding pen

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Would this work on my dick?

>19 year old acting like he's above everyone else and perfect
It's always a kid, every single fucking time.

>Assume Breeding Position Queen!

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I see maybe 1 to 2 people take wheel pose in my classes.

>stretching the hip flexors

Be honest now. Did you ever stop for a second while doing this photoshop and just thought about what you are doing right now and started to bust out laughing about your pathetic life?