How important are clavicles when it comes to aesthetics?

How important are clavicles when it comes to aesthetics?

I've noticed that even skinny guys can look like they work out if they have wide clavicles.

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this guy doesn't actually think he looks muscular does he?

he doesnt have wide clavicles

>post a fucking twink

would you get the fuck out ?

Clavicles are the most important aspect of male aesthetics. No one can deny it.

Michael Phelps who is the most gifted person in terms of clavicles proves this. He doesn't even need to work his upper body too much.

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what mode is he? He is bigger than holocaust mode but he is way more smaller than a twink

i suppose the dick is more important

20 year old face on a 13 year old body. Adding 10 lbs of muscle and taking away 1-2 percent of bodyfat would be slayer ottermode. He could be a god in a year

For a dyel.

That's twink mode

how to get aesthetic flared ribs?

idubbbz gf thinks so

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I hate humans like this


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You're just mad that she has a steady source of income and a supportive boyfriend that stands by her.

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i dont understand what to trust, Yas Forums standards or normie standards. Normie standards are so low that it's not even worth it just don't be fat

Ok simper.

Manlets really have no excuse anymore.

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A little bit of both

Everyone can admire lean, muscular bodies but most people aren't impressed by the chubby powerlifter body and are afraid of the incredibly jacked roidheads

Trust normies, man. The average girl has no actual opinions, and just reacts based on what her friends and pop culture do and say.

you can have any physique as long as you're tall and not THAT ugly

Lol. Didn't know idubbz was this cucked.

go away, Ian

I meant earthlings

>Generic Rise Against tattoo.


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dude, you're a fucking cuck

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what the fuck are those bruises?

Did the Brazilian whores in the Olympic village just start latching onto his skin when his dick was already being sucked?

Why kind of fucker talks like this? Bad troll.

They use suction cups on swimmers skin after they've swam alot to increase bloodflow back to the region or some shit

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Found the non athlete.

no one who's not a chink or a retard would attach suction cups to themselves for psuedoscience ancient chink bullshit


This man cucked idubbbz lmao.

And you're a fucking retard for falling for such an obvious b8

Why does she look like Blair White?

Why are his nipples so small? Can someone drop some science on male nipple size?

That fucking Rise Against tattoo lmao

low test low e never had gyno

God imagine if he lifted, he would be a god

>Untrainable bone lengths

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my right nostril hurts

found the clavicle-cel

>ugly glasses
>shitty haircut
>stupid tattoo
>tiny wrists
Yea, it's over

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He's a manlet, so not really.

Its called cupping you actual retard. Go do your shitty squat and don't do anything athletic


this lil nigga literally converted one of the biggest SJW feminists on Youtube into a Libertarian

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fuck me i fell for the small tits big butt gf now i just want a titcow


Jesus. Some guys just pull it off man. She is grade A fuckmeat, you'd expect her bf to be like prime Arnold.

Is the Yas Forums worldview wrong or something?

>Gf has an onlyfans
>Blatantly cucking you with a Puerto Rican manlet
I-I-I think all o-of it i-is cool.

Oh my. Thank god for latinas.

Kinda. Mine are narrow af and i look forever dyel in clothes.

The dude is sub-70kg and should impress no one.

i dont lift and this is me
wide clavicle gang

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Wide boi

>He doesn't even need to work his upper body too much.
Bruh, he literally swims for several hours a day, which is mostly upper body strength

What I meant is for his aesthetic, not about working out for his actual job.

Tiny dick gang as well I see

wide clavicles are most important for an aesthetic physique but if you dont have that, hitting lats hard can fix even shit tier proportions and give a decent v taper