Do I have a high test or low test face?
Do I have a high test or low test face?
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I unironically have the same hairline, team buzzcut
to much fat on your face
low test, you look like you're still sucking on mommy's nipples
You have the brows and nose of a man and the eyes and mouth of a pudgy lunchlady
It's an old photo when I was more fat.
You look like you are nearly 40 and you certainly don't lift. Why are you posting here?
Okay. Get contact lenses. Grow the hair and tie into a bun or keep it cut way low.
You have that "lost my virginity through gang rape" face.
My goal isn't to be a roided retard, but look like a fit soccer player, maybe like ottermode.
not everyone wants to look like the wet dream of some homosexual.
I look good for someone that does bodyweight.
dunno about contact lenses, I agree I need to take a nice jarhead haircut.
If you have to ask...
I used to ask too, now I focus on action
Test E could become your best friend in this situation.
I'm gessing here, but I bet the gains I haven't lost
yet that you are either a pajeet, a puertorican, a colombian or a catalunian.
that's an old photo, now I'm leaner.
More like NO TEST
>I look good for someone that does bodyweight.
post body. photo in OP looks like shit
I'm not comparing myself to pro fit guys, I'm comparing myself to the average person.
>dude, but you need to focus 100% on being a professional fit guy
It took me 4 months to go from 16% to 10% which I measured some days ago.
This. /thread
Come 0n now...
Oh fuck off
dios mios...
High test, ugly as fuck
stop eating grains and start lifting weights. look into intermittent fasting.
dude, I got 10% like yesterday, took me like 4 months of OMAD to go from 15% to 10%
pic or fake
I've gotten leanear.
I'm 76 cm on my belly, which was my goal, since that's 10% of fat acording to fit calculators.
that's no 10% you stupid fucking congolombian. Also, you can't calculate BF% with just your waist, you also need hips and, if I remember correctly, neck.
I'm technically 12%
which is basically irrelevant on real terms.
I'm basically lean.
nobody but autist care if I'm not technically 10%
You are the one who was braggin his """10%""". Also you have 0 muscle outside of one-week-training pecs. Start lifting.
>this thread
Unironically medium test. Your hairline says high test, though.
>>this thread
holly molly you looks like a sad pepperoni
You don't look like you ever did any form of excercise at all, sorry mate. I'm not trying to be mean, you just seem to have already fallen into some sort of lookism mindset and you are posting your face to strangers on the internet talking about high or low test. That is not a good mindset to be in when you don't even lift, and you are gonna end up either deluding yourself you look good or hate yourself. Get a gym membership, a realistic view of yourself and get to work.
nah, the average male is even more sadder.
I'm not competing with professional fit guys.
I'm doing bodyweight basic push up and pull up progression.
so far I can do 2-3 one arm push ups and 5-7 pull ups.
bro. you are not lean. you are fat as fuck. look at pictures of ripped guys and compare youself to them. Use your head, if you have any, based on this thread.
Ya'll ready for the Indian Eliot Rodger? This 30 years old baldo is delusional as fuck
>nah, the average male is even more sadder.
keep coping
here for the keks
>2-3 one arm push ups with that disgusting body and no muscles
Bad hairline is a sign of sensitivity to DHT, which the body produces from testosterone. People with this sensitivity lose haircells even from tiny amounts of DHT, the amount of test plays no role.
It is way worse than just low test - he is literally allergic to a product of testosterone. If god ever have a way of telling people not to reproduce, this is it.
>File: 1583170562379.png (21 KB, 600x800)
> (You)
fucking kek
I'm ok with being 12%
I don't even like super lean guys, which they look like starving retards.
A bit of fat in perfect proportions looks as good in women as in males.
Super leaned girls look like starving proana retards.
And big guys look funny IRL.
My goal is a natty ottermode look.
it suprises me how you people are still discussing if balding is high t or low t. It's 100% genetic, there are soibois with a lot of hair and other soibois with a receding hairline at 21yo. Cut it out.
>he still thinks he's 12%
KEK that's at least 20-25
Just google "average guy shirtless", get mogged and then start lifting.
10/10 JamundÃ. Todos los nuevoputos kek.
That was my point, it has nothing to do with test and it's a 100% genetic trait of DHT sensitivity. It's not really a discussion if I'm just responding with one absolute fact to some moron who thinks balding = high test.
I posted a basic online calculator.
Plot my stats into any calculator.
1.70 mts
62 kg
36 neck
91 hip
76 belly
Any caculator will put me in 11-13%
dude, you have body dismorphia.
The average male in america is 25% fat
You are all bullying OP but he might very well be the top 1% in India.
>visible browridge
>visible chin
>broader jaw
I'd say fat/10. still masculine in the biological sense
>he thinks an online calculator is accurate
fat and dumb
just end it already you will never amount to anything
do you masturbate publicly to hentai?
no todos entran a tus hilos, argento, ni que 0n fuera mas famoso que moot
dude, 98% of americans are fat.
I'm literally closer to top 3-5% of americans.
Sure, I'm a loser acording to this shitty board that thinks males that are 5% fat are 10%
But I see my shitty town, the average guy is like 25-30% fat.
I'm literally like top 2% leaner guys I see at my age on the street.
You seriously have body dismorphia.
>no todos entran a tus hilos
Jamundà es como de 2011, estamos en el 2020. Saca la cuenta conguito.
>dude, 98% of americans are fat.
>I'm literally closer to top 3-5% of americans.
>Sure, I'm a loser acording to this shitty board that thinks males that are 5% fat are 10%
>But I see my shitty town, the average guy is like 25-30% fat.
>I'm literally like top 2% leaner guys I see at my age on the street.
>You seriously have body dismorphia.
dude, your shithole is fat as fuck.
No onions conguito