Blaha hate thread- A thread similar to /fph/, but centered around individuals who do actually workout and know the proper way (for the most part) of doing things, except they continually fail to produce results due to their weak minds and shitty diets, as reflected in their high bodyfat low LBM physiques.

Some outstanding examples include Jason Blaha, Jason Genova, etc. but you can post any random fatty/failure who just refuses to buckle down and actually follow through with the diet portion of this game. That fat bitch from your work posting pics on social media because she walked on a treadmill for 40 minutes? Post her. You get the gist of this threads theme. Let’s go

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Unironically more pathetic than boogie

Baffles me that someone can look this hideous and genuinely think they can pass as some sort of glow in the dark CIA Tier 1 super soldier

I mean atleast he puts the effort in

Boogie is also a fine example, if he ate even just 3000 calories (which is a fucking lot for someone who needs to lose fat) and walked 1 hour a day he’d lose 50+lbs in his first month. I can guarantee you that if he ate 2000 calories a day which is barely even a deficit for a normal person while just walking he’d lose 150lbs in under a year. He’s been at this for like 5 years now and has only lost like 100. Job could have been done in 3 years if he actually wanted to be healthy and not just get people off his back rolls by saying “look at me! I’m exercising!”

But does he? That’s the point of this thread dude. Effort goes beyond just exercise or just eating right. If you’re lifting, doing cardio but smashing 4000 calories worth of pizza every night what good is it?

The perfect hourglass physique, cellulite bonus, 9/10

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He gets the dopamine of exercise AND the dopamine of eating food he wants
he's got it pretty sweet if he is happy with that setup

Don’t you talk shit about blahino he box squats 500lbs and his kicks could kill you in an instant

>dopamine addict
So women do use this board after all that’s pretty cool I guess

I know you hate him because you think he is a liar and thats your deal but some of us wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Hemingway who is humble and downplays himself all the time.

>le chemical addict meme
We're all gonna die man, be healthy and enjoy life, better than being angsty on a fingerbox forum

Coach has turned over a new leaf and has been squeaky clean for two years. Shadow man and similar detractors have been BTFO.

A similar thing happened with Alex from Alphadestiny.

>enjoy life
You’re very contradicting, blaha. You’d enjoy life more if you’re consumption of dopamine releasing things was normalized. You also probably wouldn’t survive if natural selection had any real control over humans any more. Pic related is you

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He unironically isn't fat, he looks bad because of loose skin

the legs are dying

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thats fucking disgusting, why would he post that to the internet?


fucking built for bbc


newfag here
why does Blaha get so much hate?

because newfags cant stand that he is stronger than they will ever be

he touts himself as a strength training expert, but his lifts aren't great and he looks like complete shit

Look into him. I’m the OP btw. He gives decent lifting advice, he has some great strength, however despite being on steroids and supposedly cutting he never stops looking like garbage. Furthermore, and this is the big reason why he’s taken as such a joke, he blatantly lies. Ridiculous shit like that he’s an ex mercenary and that he’s an FBI agent. It’s not even trolling, he’s dead serious about it. Dude is delusional and mentally unstable

poor physique
mentally unstable

his videos are either him squatting in nothing but underwear, or sitting at a table reloading ammo, while discussing flavor of the week youtube drama


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He gives backwashed, unsubtle lifting advice. He's like the dumb version of Allan Thrall

his lifts arent that great? hes a natural in his mid 40s and deadlifts 600 pounds senpai

>thinking he's natural
he's been on gear and it made him look even more shit


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Jason still training as normal through the gym lockdowns, but even tho people will lose gains they will still look better than blaha without touching a weight


>no wife
>no kids
>does nothing but lift to appease people on the internet
>too poor to buy clothes
>hated by everyone for being a massive bullshitter and shit-flinger

What a great life.

>hes a natural

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too many krabby patties

I have no respect for fat people with muscles. Lifting weights is fucking easy, even more if you eat like pig, dieting is the hard part


Jason Blaha. He was pretty open about his gear usage in the UK (it's legal over there).

Who fucking cares how much he can lift if he looks exactly like every other fat untrained dad

>roiding for this

Newbies are the only people he is stronger than, ironically. A 330 bench is outright bad for a 230lbs powerlifter, especially on roids. His 615lbs deadlifts is subpar too for that weight class. The only decent lift he has is his squat, and it's not that great either. I know a powerlifter in the 83kg/183lbs class that deadlifts 660, squats 595, and benches 360. This dude is 50lbs lighter than Blaha and shits on him in every lift and he does merely ok in the IPF international meets. I'm 220 and I shit on him on the bench and deadlift and I'm not even a powerlifter.

I forgot this fag existed. It’s funny, I only know he exists because he’s so commonly made fun of.

Would it be legal if I made merchandise with a likeness of him on it and the words “virgin lames” and sold it for my own profit?

what effort? he's a fucking fat ass and had a terrible body during peak roid

mirin digits

bro his lifting advice is nothing special, that one routine he peddles is a basic 5x5 with some additions.


You wouldn’t get it. This did is legit. There were no operators back then so they us to get guys off the street.

Post body or gtfo

Man the way he was working that .308 in Paraguay repelling those cartel spics he looked like an angel strumming a lethal harp with grace as the bodies piled up and our extract arrived. I owe my life to this man. An absolute gentle giant that won’t hesitate to rip your heart out motherfucker.

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im sick and tired of you niggers talking shit about Blahaj when he's just doing his fucking best

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himself ! he even admits for the gear he has blasted , the time he has lifted , and his body weight that his lifts arent where they should be . That said he can still outlift 95% of Yas Forums . He was very blob like though when I last saw some video which where a couple of things old. it was fun following the train wreck but I got better shit to do than pay attention to that ass clown making shit videos. /endrunonbloboftext

sounds like our hemmingway what a chad he is

Mega cope. Fuck off Jason.

>these are the retards that browse Yas Forums
You're either grade-A nuclear levels of retarded or you're Jason Blobha himself. Either way you need to grow the fuck up and fix yourself.

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quit fucking being mean to blahaj

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is he taking hrt?


Blaha is one of the most motivating things for me, no joke. I can´t imagine beign 40 years old and becoming something like that.

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Your gas station has Grizzly widecut lucky fucker

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Its worse than that, he used to post on a reptilian forum saying he was a fucking reptilian from another dimension

What is there to hate about Blaha? He's a dude who gives out information for free, doesn't harm anyone and lifts at home. The lies he told years ago aren't justification to hate him he's obviously somewhere on the autism spectrum.

Blaha is single handily keeping that fitmisc board afloat.