If you never worked out your biceps and had a 400lb squat 300lb bench 100lb press and did hyperextensions with a 80lb weight vest and 100lb dumbell flys for rear delts what imbalances/health problems would this cause? Wouldn't you be fine?
If you never worked out your biceps and had a 400lb squat 300lb bench 100lb press and did hyperextensions with a 80lb...
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Yeah but you'd look like shit
Even though you aren't pulling with your chest and biceps/forearms would using your chest muscles in the other lifts make it easier for you to pick up(pull) heavy weight from the floor if you had to?
>this video
>this what retards are lifting for
What's the point in living bros.
it turns out it wasn't women/pussy
maybe the truth is too bitter to accept and is thus ignored-- there is no meaning.
I'm going to go lift now, because I want to.
why would anyone ever want to know this? those numbers are wildly out of proportion btw. a 100lb press is easy as fuck and some guys could do that on their first day in the gym whereas a 400lb squat will take months or even over a year. there's also not a person on the planet who could ever do bent over laterals with 100lb dumbbells unless they have absolutely horrendous form
I meant dumbell flys on a bench, 100lb ohp just what I thought would be achievable after a while
>want to know this?
If they had irreparable tendonitis in their right bicep and having it fairly bad in their left
>dumbbell flys
>for rear delts
nigger what?
and should you be talking about reverse flys, no way anyone on the planet does 100bs db reverse flys with straight arms and no momentum.
>db reverse flys
Is this enough to offset benching and ohp?
tbf american women seem particularly low tier. looks like they all want to be kim k or their other instagram role models who always act like insufferable black wannabes calling themselves "queens" and trying to act as obnoxious as possible. luckily in europe this is behaviour does not exist to nearly the same extent
>No biceps
>No lat
>No side delts
>No calves
>No traps
You'll look like utter shit