Why are incels so obsessed with height?

why are incels so obsessed with height?

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Other urls found in this thread:

gertstulp.com/pdf/Stulp et al 2013_Anim Behav_The height of choosiness.pdf

Their not, mantlets are though hence the "GROW GROW GROW" routine they all do.
Having said that, all manlets are naturally incels because girls just laugh at their 5'11 asses.
They are just as bad as cutfags who have had their penii mutilated.
Now imange being a mantlet AND a cutfag... jesus

Memes like that just look like a cope. Dont even have to give a rebuttal

are incels really this delusional?

Now imagine being an american where being cut, short, and having a small dick is the norm

6’ is the most Yas Forums height, prove me wrong:

>not tall enough to hinder gains, still able to make easy gains
>just tall enough to be intimidating without getting laughed at
> easily most attractive height, not too tall not too short
>still have enough leg room on planes, cars etc.
>most aesthetic height

You sound like an incel

I actually think manlets are retards sometimes.

Whos gains get "hindered"? Manlets and tall people gain muscle at the same rate, just tall people need more to look juicy. Tall people have a higher muscle ceiling.

truth hurts boys

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