Growing mint next to bed

>growing mint next to bed
>7,5 hours of sleep
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>30 min meditation before and after bed
>mirror gazing
>whim hoff breathing
>hot to cold showers

>social interaction
>pet dog/ 2 parrots
>using non dominant hand
>writing a page for the daily journal
>reading new things, philosphy
>guitar, singing
>flute, creating new music
>drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
>using pictures/recalling images from memory
>scetching common items in different positions
>strategy and action-rpg vidya
>duo lingo german
>the kazachok he danced really wunderbar

>yoga, spreading toes
>ab wheel
>farmer walk
>handstand/ overhead press
>pull up/ straight hands pushdown
>pistol squat/stair climb
>hammer curl
>rotator cuff
>skipping rope
>swimming, wall climbing on weekends

>only water
>eggs, fish, nuts
>sauerkraut, cheese
>potatoes, brown rice
>olive oil
>banana, orange, apple
>vit D in winter
>brushing teeth, melatonine before bed

>no porn
>no inhaling with mouth
>no headphones
>no shoes
>no sugar or white flour
>schrooms and weed once a year
>no other recreational drugs

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do you never write, besides basket weaving forum shitposts?

I understand that there is nothing to improve in sleep, exercise, food and drugs, right?

>growing mint next to bed

for oxygen and smell to breath through nose

is this hippie shit supposed to impress us?

youre supposed to improve it

OP here im gay btw heres my body.

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>>schrooms and weed once a year
You are a huge degenrate
don't even fucking reply to me, scum.
most of what you said is hippie faggotry
here's something you could do
Neck hangs xF

For the most part of my life i thought i was gay. I was working on a farm since age of 4, and I always adored the muscles. I didnt know you could be straight and like muscles at the same time, so i thought i had to be gay. When I actually fucked a thai boy at age of 26 I realized Im straight, who just likes the looks of people who take care of themselfs. Last time i was in the gym i pressed 40kg dummbell with one hand, standing.
Im 182cm, 84kg and never sucked a dick, or had a dick in my ass. Thanks for sharing your story, user.

For what end?
How will doing all these things help you in any way?
Do you do these things because you genuinely enjoy them or because some dimwit on /sig/ told you to?

I created this routine, because schrooms made feel pleasure in taking caring of myself.

user, if your goal is to just take care of yourself then half of these things are unnecessary and will just stress you out.

>Last time i was in the gym i pressed 40kg dummbell with one hand, standing.
cool so you're dyel?
that just means you like taking it in the ass not dealing it

Then help me improve it, so I have maximum gains for least amount of effort.
That means that my calves, forearms and pelvis posture would blow away every bench pressing normie.

I did Duolingo German for a few months, but it's just too slow. You should move on to books and TV shows if possible.

Nigga if you want to people know you're gay just say it

Ok, I will hit you from another side. Whats wrong with being gay?

Gains in what exactly?
Physical gains?

You could easily eliminate half of the items on this list. What is the point of no headphones and no shoes? To me it looks like you listened to joe rogan once and you’re just making your life harder for the sake of being harder without any tangible benefits.

Your goals are too vague, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Gains in sleep, mental, posture and mobility, food and drugs.

No headphones, because my grandfather was screaming hard, cause he was deaf. From that i had fetish in my hears exposed to loud sounds, like concerts, standing next to big column speakers and listening to loud music in headphones. I belive it made my ears smaller and created a tinnitus, which im trying to avoid. In my opinions big ears and silence is good for you.

No shoes, because my family was poor and I was wearing too small shoes when i was in school age. My toes are fucked up, especially last one and the one next to big toe. I belive that no shoes will help me improve my flat feet and mind muscle connection to my toes.

Idk about no headphones, but no shoes is actually really good. I had horrible problems with foot overpronation and ankle immobility and walking/running barefoot has given me serious gait improvements and helped to rebuild the atrophied muscles and regain ankle mobility.

>No shoes will help me to improve my feet
It absolutely does. It can also help with bunions to an extent. You should get shoegloves and start learning to run barefoot.

Why no headphones? I do everything you said barring that and the flute shit and the shrooms and weed

It helps improve flat feet, that is

for tinnitus and better hearing, ear deformation from applied pressure
flute is good for nose breathing and mouth exhaling, easier to move, store and improvise than guitar too
schrooms should be only your decision, weed helps with schroom mood for me

I have worn headphones 24/7 for the last two years with noise cancellation and low volume because I'm listening to audiobooks in English (not my native language), I've always heard like shit.
I'm planning on learning German or Russian, how have you been learning German? only duolingo? any progress so far?

I understand germans, but speaking it I always sound like hitler giving a speech, idk user.
Its better than nothing for sure.

Duolingo is enough to understand them or read their books? I don`t care about speaking, I'm never leaving my comfy European village

duolingo is just a tool, you need to want to learn it
reading books will make you much better at reading books, so just read books with translator help


My goal is to have grandkids and to live as long as possible. If youre suicidial you can tell your story.

Mint is good to prevent anxiety

Try and fast one day a week too if you can. Help reset the body and give it time to heal.
GL making it without plaging the flute.

improve it by doing away with it. life is simple. eat well, excercise, find something you enjoy doing and master it, do unto other what you would have them do to you, practice basic hygiene, make money, etc. these goofy lists are good for the time being, but your life is constantly shifting and changing, and its unrealistic to think you’ll always be doing these things everyday. just do what you know will do you well CONSISTENTLY through your entire life and you will make it.

tl:dr your list is fucking gay

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You left out the most important one:

>leaving Yas Forums

Milennials are mostly gay, because they are low test and not able to get girlfriend that is not crazy.
Most fitness crazed people were bullied or raped in the past, so they want to be able to scare people away/defend themselfs or 'have sex' with intoxicated sluts/ mentally ill twinks.
I dont agree with saying 'do unto other what you would have them do to you'. You need to avoid niggers, crack heads and single moms, mainly people who you know that will never learn to improve themselfs. They will just abuse you, as they got abused.
The goal of making money is double edged, just learn how to be self sufficient and how to spend less, there is no need to slave away 40 hours every week. And even if you are a wageslave then you should have 8 hours everyday for basic mental and fitness routine.
You can tell me more about basic hygiene, what gives the most results for least effort? Atm Im showering everyday, thats it.

I have created this
>sleeping with face mask
>hot to cold shower
>aftershave moisturizing lotion

>sun exposure
>hat and sunglasses
>no smoke or alcohol

before bed
>honey, aloes shower gels
>nettle,coconut conditioner
>deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating scrub
>herb mint facial mask
>moisturizer for bed
>brush and floss

millennial are mostly in their 30s and some 40s now

gen Z are in their teens to 20s

weed is degeneracy, but
>not opening your mind with shrooms

not gonna make it



playing starcraft and dark souls is good the brain, user


It literally prevents alzheimer

you're such a fucker kek

>no inhaling with mouth
Autism. Breathing through the mouth was gained through evolution.

because exhaling with mouth allows you to speak, inhaling with mouth is why you have crooked teeth and your throat aches after you wake up

this isnt even my final form
before bed
>long warm shower
>honey aloes body cream, nettle shampoo
>deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
>coconut conditioner, herb mint facial mask
>brush and floss
>not oily moisturizer
>melatonine, facemask for bedtime
>30 min meditation with whim hoff breathing
>no sleeping on belly, chest or face
>7.5 hour sleep
>30 min meditation with yoga
>hot to cold shower
>aftershave moisturizing lotion

hes not me, but prepare for even bigger keks

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I know that he wasn't you, user, for some reason you ain't gonna read this a lot in your thread but I fuckin like your list, user, there is literally nothing better than being fully fulfilled with your day, you have a rare mindset, not amazing, but if it is for you then screw everything else, right?

Nice plan. Quite inspirational.

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lol, where are the vein's in that dude's right thigh originating?

>melatonine before bed
Ideal dose is 0.3 mg. That means you need to break the average 5 mg pill in half , then break that in half, then again, and again.
Too high dose of melatonin fucks up your natural sleep cycle. They don't sell it in 0.3mg doses because some jew patented the dose.

Is melatonin really necessary? Does it significantly improve the quality of sleep for someone with no issues sleeping otherwise? Is it if you cannot sleep otherwise?

Shouldn't you use magnesium for sleep gains too?

my tablets are 100mcg, that would mean 3 tablets and ive been popping one


not gonna make it

using drugs because you refuse to adjust to a proper sleep schedule is weakness

unless you have fatal familial insomnia running through your family, inability to get quality sleep is externally motivated and melatonin is a bandaid at best, a drug-dependency at worse

>go to bed the same time every night, NO exceptions
>from the moment your brain shuts off until your alarm goes off, 8 hours. Not "oh 8 hours until my alarm goes off, better shut down computer"
>no phone, no computer, no book, nothing should be done in bed except sleeping and fucking. Otherwise your brain associates bed with activity instead of sleep
>no screens 1 hour before bed. Honestly an amazing way to build reading into your schedule, just shut down computer 1 hour before bed, grab a book, and read 1 hour each night. No phone. Winds yourself down, quiets the brain. The softer light of a lamp reading >>>>> the screen

Like any habit, it will take 1-2 weeks for your brain to settle into this, so give yourself some leeway when you end up groggy, tired, and restless at first.

If your troubles are beyond the scope of a good bedtime, well....good luck, and address that in therapy. I mean that.

>No headphones
Bros I'm a headphooner help.
If I'm awake they are on my head. Either music , asmr or random YouTube's people talking about shit.

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>If I'm awake they are on my head. Either music , asmr or random YouTube's people talking about shit.

Your brain is addicted to novel stimuli every second of the day. You're the generic "I need constant stimulation fix" type.

It doesn't mean you can't fix that.

Take the headphones off.

Learn to live with your own thoughts.

Do you have tinnitus? How well can you hear and understand people? How is your balance and how big are your ears?

> How is your balance and how big are your ears?




>for oxygen
indoor plants have no measurable effect on the amount of oxygen in a room.

I'm pretty sure deaf people have big ears, cause they cant hear shit. If you instead get exposed to a lot of noise daily, then ears will not grow. In 2020 everyone has small ears.
its better than nothing, and you know that plants are a natural air filter and produce oxygen anyways

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Hello, has meditation 1 hour daily shaped you in any way? I need your help.

Instad of many thoughts at the same time I have slow solid one directional monologue filled with images. Ive learned how to nosebreath when I sleep and my posture got better. Yea, its ok, you can meditate when you try to fall asleep, I recommend it.