Redpill me on raw chicken

I bought a shit ton from a Mexican grocery store and don't really know what to do with it. I hate cooking, so I cut up some chicken earlier today and mixed it with some mustard, cheese, corn, and peas and it was delicious. People used to say raw eggs were unsafe but now we know that's bullshit and people eat them all the time for protein.
What's your opinion Yas Forums?

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Chicken sashimi is common in Japan and it is safe to eat. The difference is in the processing of the meat. It is more difficult for a sanitary/hygienic industrial chicken process than it is for beef. You need to basically process the chicken yourself if you live in the West.

fresh kill from the farm? same day? easy.
I wouldn't trust it from the store though, who knows what it's been in contact with, bacteria can easily live and thrive on top of it. I'd recommend slicing it up and soaking it in some lemon juice and salt for about 20 mins.

enjoy your salmonella

Thanks for the advice anons. Thinking on it, I really should have came here first before trying it cause I didn't even think to wash it first. I'll make sure to wash and soak it next time
Does anyone have some good raw chicken recipes? Maybe meatballs or something like a tartar?

>mustard, cheese, corn, and peas
jesus christ

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the difference is eggs are sealed, air-sealed
chicken ain't, it's exposed and acts as an environment to grow bacteria
the chances of getting sick from eating it are much lower than most people think but you are still running the risk

Food industry worker.

Do not eat raw chicken. It can be done safely, just like defusing a bomb can be done safely BY PEOPLE WITH PROPER TRAINING, TOOLS, AND INFORMATION.

You have none of the three.

It’s not safe though, people get food poisoning from it.

But that's the same with fish and beef, and people eat sushi and raw beef all the time. The raw chicken I had earlier was delicious and was very satisfying eating the forbidden meat. very buttery but stringy, like raw salmon.
If I wash it fitst, is it safe?

Not that user, but no, it isn't. Washing doesn't kill the bacteria that can live in chicken. Cooking can.

Holy absolute shit OP, don't fucking eat raw chicken you utter retard. Raw chicken is full of bacteria. Google salmonella ffs

>It can be done safely, just like defusing a bomb can be done safely BY PEOPLE WITH PROPER TRAINING, TOOLS, AND INFORMATION.

Rofl, eating a chicken is a serious business.

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Raw chicken is not safe to eat, and on top of that, why would you want to? The smell alone of uncooked chicken is revolting.

How can I learn to do it safely?

The smell wasn't great, I'll give you that. That's why I mixed it with mustard. The taste and texture though was really good. On why I want to, because it's easier and quicker than cooking it. I really hate cooking, especially meat. It takes forever and always comes out dry as fuck when I do it

Should probably avoid trying to eat chicken you get at a supermarket or butcher. The only times i've heard of people safely eating raw chicken were from chickens they raised and slaughtered. Probably means they lived cleaner and were killed and cleaned in quick succession.

To be honest, raw meat doesn’t taste very far away from cooked meat. Most of it is dirty though. Like if you check under a microscope, you’d be quite disgusted.

Bro, unless you're cooking a whole chicken. Pan frying a chicken breast or two should take you like 8mins. If it's dry, you're probs cooking it too long.

Don't eat raw chicken for the same reason you shouldn't eat raw eggs. Your body absorbs LESS of the available protein than if you had cooked it.

Did this nigga really just eat raw chicken without even washing it

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Just pop some chicken thighs in the oven and bake it for 20 minutes you lazy shit

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The couple minutes it takes to cook it will save you the lost time and gains from if (when) you get sick for eating it raw.

Why? It tasted very delicious raw, and saved me time. Plus it didn't turn out chewy and dry like baked chicken. I don't see the problem if I can wash the bacteria off first.

I ate (and still do) raw cookie dough as a kid and never got sick. I don't see the problem just cause it's chicken instead of fish or beef.

OP is already dead. Jannies, clean this shit up before someone finds the body and eats it without washing it

I don't like using the stove. I have like two pans, and don't like having to clean after either.

>all these retards falling for this stale b8
Coronachan isn't doing enough to wipe you faggots out

You're fucking retarded OP

The reason beef (in steak form) can be eaten rare is because beef is a much denser meat and bacteria can't penetrate past the skin. That's why you really just need to sear the outside for it to be safe (also the reason that ground beef ie hamburgers should be cooked well done).

Chicken is less dense and bacteria can penetrate the muscle all the way through, which means it needs to be cooked all the way through unless you want fucking salmonella.

OP, please don't eat raw chicken. They are really bad when raw.

If you're too lazy to cook, you can just boil them. Just add seasonings on it after cooking.

just boil em lmao

If I soak it for a while after washing it too, would that be okay to eat? Like would the lemon, salt, water mix be enough? Someone in the thread said people in Japan do it and no one gets sick so I don't get why I can't do the same.

Boiled chicken is really fucking gross though.

Yeah, unfortunately. I should've come here first before I ate it.. Now I'm a little worried about it cause any of these butcher fuckers could've touched my chicken before washing their hands.

Just cut the chicken breast in 2, making two very skinny chicken breasts and fry them on high or mid high. It's way faster, easier and tastier than regular chicken breast.

Just LEARN to cook chicken you retard. It's literally the easiest meat to cook. If it's pink inside it's undercooked.

use seasonings, white man.


it can be good if poached nicely with seasoning and herbs then followed with a quick hard sear

If you're that intent on making yourself sick fucking go for it, maybe coronachan will get you too and leave more resources for the rest of us

I know HOW to cook it, it just is a waste of time and turns out dry. I'd rather eat it raw than have to suffer eating dry and chewy chicken. I just want some tips to prepare raw chicken and some good recipes man.

apparently you dont if its "dry and chewy" spend 10 bucks on a meat thermometer and cook it to 165

this whole thread is b8 not sure why im here desu

Obviously you don’t know how to cook because your chicken is dry.

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You can't get corona from chickens and I've been self-quarantining so I'm not scared. Just trying to find a use for all the chicken I bought that is super easy and quick, like the raw chicken recipe I provided in my first post. .

>Chicken sashimi is common in Japan and it is safe to eat.
I lived in tokyo for two years and never saw such a thing.

no, even freshly slaughtered chicken prepared in a sanitary environment is not safe to eat raw
they sit in their own shit all day, their skin and flesh is porous, unlike red meat, so they sponge up their own shit and piss into their meat. birds are absolutely fucking disgusting and riddled with e coli while they're still alive

I don't want to buy a thermometer to cook, that's retarded. That would take more money, time, and patience. I'm not about to that every single time I have a craving for some chicken.

Damn, could some anons just give me recipes and tips for preparing store-bought raw chicken? It's been nearly 12 hours since I ate it and I feel totally fine.

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I promise you if continue to do it you will get sick. Why do you think we’re lying to you? YOU WILL GET SICK FUCKTARD.

Literally nothing will happen

You know what, I'm not fucking convinced cause everyone told me raw eggs and cookie dough was unsafe when I was growing up and I never ever got sick. Why should I believe raw chicken will do the same?

Eww okay, that's fucking gross. Would soaking it after washing it help make it cleaner/safe to eat though?

Look man I’m with you, I even eat raw cookie dough. But chicken is different. If you want a real number, the CDC estimates there’s 1.35 million cases of salmonella each year in the US. They also say symptoms can take 5 days to appear, so you’re not even in the clear yet. You could still get sick. But here just read the shit yourself.

You're fucking disgusting op. Just. Cook. The. Fucking. Chicken. you lazy retard.

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You're going to get salmonella. Washing your chicken does nothing. Almost every chicken tested has salmonella. Cooking it is the only way to kill it. I'm an epidemiologist. I won't tell you hoe to live your life, just know that salmonella is no walk in the park.

Why instead of trying to learn special techniques to eat chicken raw don't you just learn to cook?
Most of the skills are transferable and will make all the other things you eat better.

OP is the exact type of poster that turns nice people who were excited to help newbies into bitter cunts.
They ask a question, get great answers for free, but instead of saying thank you they start arguing.

OP, just kill yourself, don't wait for the salmonella to do the job for us

Bacteria isn't just on the surface of meat l, it's right the way through it.
When you die the bacteria your immune system was keeping in check can multiply freely. Ontop of that bacteria that come into contact can more easily permeate through

Grow up you baby. You don't like it because your shit and refuse to learn. Did you like a squat the first time you did one?
Also it take 10 seconds to clean a pan.

Looking forward to millions of dead, idiotic Americans.

Well now I feel bad :/ I wasn't convinced before this thread not to eat it, cause desu it was very good tasting and I do still feel fine, but a lot of good-hearted anons seem to genuinely care about my health and safety. I'm gonna look more into it before continuing to eat the raw chicken. Sorry anons if I seemed like an asshole troller.

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You wouldn't need to use it every time, just until you learn to do it by timing and eye.
No you can't cook. When people talk about cooking they mean the skill not just burning food or leaving it in a pan till it's safe.

fucking white and Asian people. with their shitty cuisine, what the fuck is wrong with you eat normally holy shit

Eat raw chicken and chase it with Jack Daniels like the Marines do

Do you not understand how chance and probability work?
I also eat the occasional bit of cookie dough, it's pretty low risk cause outside of the USA where you clean the natural barrier off eggs (why we don't refrigerate them) the salmonella and other bacteria can only be on the shell.
If you crack them properly there is almost no contact, if you eat it soon the bacteria can't multiply as much and there is only a low chance of salmonella being on it anyway. Doesn't mean it won't happen though. The chance with raw chicken is higher.
If I said to you that sticking a fork into the plug socket had a chance to kill you would you turn around and say 'i did it a bunch of times as a kid and it was fine'. No youd understand that you got lucky or had something else protecting you (like the electricity being off).
It's the same with the chicken, you are rolling the dice and each time you do it you risk being one of the dumb fucks who gets incredibly sick because they can't understand the basic ideas of chance and probability.
A die has 6 sides, it doesn't roll a 6 every time.

My nigga, a class was added to my major because of people like you.
If you don't know jack shit about food, then follow the advice of people that actually know what they're doing, and just cook that shit, you lazy fuck.
It would surprise you the amount of stupid people that gets seriously sick because of chicken.

if you're really fucking dead set on eating chicken raw, you can either freeze treat it by putting it in the freezer for over a week, or you could cook it using acid like vinegar. putting raw meat in acid will give it a "cooked" white texture anyways though, so you'll just get weirdass sour chicken