Hello Yas Forums. I'm a transgirl who wants to add some mass in my lowerbody. i don't want to get big, and i think adding too much weight would make my upper body more muscular too, which is not what i want
i wanna have a more feminine figure
What would be the best routine and diet?. Any idea?
Trap body
Other urls found in this thread:
ur gonna get fucking roasted toasted and boasted on this board, trust me just don't come back
also squats?
Just do any women’s body weight fitness routine, particularly squats.
also sauce?
this, try squats and a lot of glute work outs, like hip thrusts and bridges
Congratulations reviewbrah
>ur gonna get fucking roasted toasted and boasted on this board
i just want lo get advice user
how does it look like?
I'm dumb
>also sauce?
see filename
>this, try squats and a lot of glute work outs, like hip thrusts and bridges
sets? reps?
i don't look like reviewbra
would fuck your throat desu
you can fap to me satan user
Hi baby girl .
I’m a guy with a big Dick who knows how to fuck. I’m located in Florida right now. Would you like to come to me? Or me to you?
did they cut your upper lip off to make way for part of your buci?
It's you tranny cunt
You'll never be a girl
You'll never age like a girl
You'll never have kids
You'll always grow up as a man and will bald and smell like one
Die faggot scum
i have a bf user. but you can fap to me. I have chaturbate but I won't post it but mods would delete the thread.
I just want to know how to get plumpier in my butt
Unironically SS + GOMAD
You're fucking sad
post butt
Willow please give me sex
This is the only correct answer in this thread. Whole milk in that quantity esteogenizes which leads to more feminine muscle growth and fat deposits. You have to be consistent with the lifting though
this is my body right now for refference.
check filename for more
Post benis.
what would be the caloric surplus? i don't want to get fat in my belly
Who is this? I must coom!!
Strong Curves. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to it so you can see the results.
This is a board for men and women to better themselves and be free from degenerate thought. Fuck off and don't come back.
neckhangs x f
it's me wjllow!
Kinda looks like the Egg Man
Hi senpai I’m in Virginia start driving faggot
>it’s me willow
this tells us shit, where else do you post ?
it's wjllowo in ig, twttr cht ur b8
also just do squats bb, body weight is fine and go deep , also it won’t hurt to walk on a treadmill or stair master for cardio / lower body development
also when do you go live next
Slit it. Now. You know you'll eventually will you fucking mentally deranged piece of dog shit.
I post when on twitr
what would be the reps? the sets?
Neck rope hangs
squats 5 x 10
high knees 3x 30 seconds fast
plank 5 x 30 sec
also any basic stretch routine to become more flexible
>sets? reps?
just do 3x10-12 like any other beginner
anal stretch 1XF
Looks like Dobby from Peep show
only valid answer
kys degenerate shit
We all know that if she was pretty, all the transophobes ITT would be craving for her femcogg.
>if she was pretty
by tranny standards shes 7.5/10
pic related being 10/10
Pic related is 10/10.
On the scale of mental and physical garbage?
Go back before you kys
Do gear to stop looking like Steve buschimi
How wrong does a man's life have to be so that he wants to debase himself but turning into a girl?
It's incurable mental illness.
>Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the expected roles of their assigned gender.
>People with gender dysphoria may often experience significant distress and/or problems functioning associated with this conflict between the way they feel and think of themselves (referred to as experienced or expressed gender) and their physical or assigned gender.
>Gender dysphoria is not the same as gender nonconformity, which refers to behaviors not matching the gender norms or stereotypes of the gender assigned at birth. Examples of gender nonconformity (also referred to as gender expansiveness or gender creativity) include girls behaving and dressing in ways more socially expected of boys or occasional cross-dressing in adult men. Gender nonconformity is not a mental disorder. Gender dysphoria is also not the same being gay/lesbian.
>While some children express feelings and behaviors relating to gender dysphoria at 4 years old or younger, many may not express feelings and behaviors until puberty or much later. For some children, when they experience puberty, they suddenly find themselves unable to identify with their own body. Some adolescents become unable to shower or wear a bathing suit and/or undertake self-harm behaviors.
Probably being autistic and being effeminate, ostracized/abused during developing years
>cuts mass from lower body
>now wants to add mass to lower body
make up your mind already. you'll be pleased to know that you're acting like a woman.
transwomen have better pussies than cis women. cis women's pussies have been festering for 20+ years into a crusty, stinky mess. transwomen have fresh new pussies, cut to their specifications.
Not OP but can I add crunches or other excercises to build stomach muscles as well?
You're gay
I dont understand that shit. What the fuck does identify with your body even mean?
I always assume transgirls are beta males who have accepted that their pathetic and want an easy ride as a girl instead.
Based osrs poster
I eat a big plate of human genitals for breakfast every day (mostly penises with a labial garnish)
Degenerate to English translation:
>Hello Yas Forums. I'm a degenerate porn addict who wants to train my ass to take bad dragon dildos. i don't want to get big, because that would give me away as clearly a criminally insane man, which is not what i want because I want to get into women's dressing rooms and expose my dick there because like the incel I am I get off to their disgusted reactions.
lmao have sex
>having pic like these saved on your computer
yikes cringecel you will never see a vagina in your life
delet pic from your hard drive pleese !
Ok this post is based
Try rope dropdowns 1x1 until failure