
why do I work so hard to get a taste of what everyone already enjoyed 10 years ago back in highschool/college
>nice body
>own car
>own place
>slamming thotties
>going out to bars/clubs and being wanted

At nearly 30, I just feel pathetic and like I missed the train. Fucking hate this feel, bros

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I find solace in the fact that many of my peers who enjoyed this lifestyle in their early 20's (that I also missed out on) are now married/divorced and have children and want to blow their brains out. Keep slaying it brah.

It's true, you are pathetic. But what are you going to do? If you don't work towards those things now, you are still going to say the same thing when you're nearly 40 years old.
You understand what I mean?

right in the feels bro.
Shy as fuck when I was younger and I justified it with “b-but im a good guy i dont want hookups i want relationships”

Got some ho pregnant a couple years ago who got her shit railed for years by randos from tinder, etc and I want to anhero so fucking bad.

Enjoy your shit OP. Fuck what people think, do your thing even in your 30s. Trust me, this is HELL.

Look at it this way:
If you settle down right now and “grow up” or whatever, bitches will see you as this softie beta .

If you party, hook up and focus on your natural manly desires at this age bitches might say some shit here and there but they’ll still put out.

Don’t worry about it, get your experiences. The beta life is overrated

I lived a fun life like that. Literally .1% of them make anything in life. Your goal now is to get yoked, get educated, and strive to have more money. These retards get like 4 years and their happiness is over and they have a fucking business degree or become a real estate agent (just lol). Watch the vids and mire the chicks. You can still pull them at 30. If you are handsome and ripped and got cash you can pull these lil thotties easy. They are mindless husks anyway.

imagine lifting for women lmao

how are you 30 fucking year's old but still piss the point of life this hard?
I'm literally had a decade less time than you and already figured it out


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replace "I'm" with "I"

Yeah it's the worst. It almost feels like there's no point to it at all. How can you even feel good about finally having sex at 30 when everyone else has been doing it since 15?
Face it. If you weren't a young chad you're an eternal loser.

You're looking at the past and it's all a fantasy. You couldve had all that shit in high school and still be here saying how you still feel empty. Find what makes you happy in life, work, hobbies etc.

Also, a SHIT TON of people who "lived it up" in high school/college, peaked in high school/college.

now who's obsessing over past mistakes

Getting fit at 30 is so much more fulfilling and impressive than just being someone who played sports in high school and college.

All the shit you listed can still be enjoyed just as much, if not way the fuck more, at 30. People are just more interesting with more life experience under their belt. Fuckin' enjoy your new prime while those other cunts are starting their descent into a sedentary lifestyle.

>at 30. People are just more interesting with more life experience under their belt. Fuckin' enjoy your new prime while those other cunts are starting their descent into a sedentary lifestyle.
absolute cope desu. the women are now 30+ y/o hags. they were hot, young and cute before. OP really missed out.

>not wanting to get a lifetime gymbro

This idea that somewhere exists a group of beautiful, promiscuous, hyper-interesting, hyper-competent, socially graceful group of people who have amazing gorgeous parties all the time is an illusion and a marketing construct.
Read Proust.

Personal experience I went to some of those parties in college and if you're at all self aware you have a shitty time. Even endless thot pussy is not that great irl.
Unfortunately user you're gonna have to build your own path to happiness, but this is the only way anyone ever does it.

Shut up faggot and get over it and lift weight not fit related

Similar boat but managed to avoid the child, just barely. All my old friends and peers have surpassed me in every way except physical fitness, they have mortgages, cars, children etc. But when you talk to them you can see it as an outsider that they're drained. It's especially apparent with this whole lockdown, entire families are just staring at each other miserable all day meanwhile I can do literally whatever I want, but this kind of lifestyle is considered foreign and different.

I just want to die rich and alone

>Even endless thot pussy is not that great irl.
virgin cope

>now married/divorced and have children and want to blow their brains out. Keep slaying it brah.
absolute cope. most normies are totally and completely happy and fulfilled living day to day with their families.


Well I didn't see any of that
But I was in a all male class in a technical school from 7 to 5, the dick jokes were fun tho

.....uh huh. they aren't tired of the same bitch. who they married at 20.

You know what the secret to my success was with all that stuff back in those days? I drank. I wanted to get laid and be popular so I got drunk and did drugs, and you know what? It worked. I had a lot of awesome times and did a lot of stupid shit with girls. Like drunk unprotected sex.

Now I'm in my 30s and if I could go back I'd say fuck the whole thing. Didn't get me anywhere.

ha ha. yeah bro. "jokes"

Yeah I’m sure you have life figured out zoomer.

a lot of those same people who were "living it up" are usually now burnt out, fat, bald, in debt from stupidity or divorce rape, cucked, and have children that aren't theirs.
Unlike you those people peaked early, whereas you now have your shit together and can really enjoy that kind of shit without the usual problems.

what are sugar daddies for retard. Go achieve what you want because before your death bed you'll be wondering why you didn't do those things. I'm 20 younger than you sure but my position is far worse
>live with parents
>no degree
>doing some shitty college course for accounting when i hate it
>still cooming
>not having my solid routine in check

Don't feel bad. Most 10-year-olds still live with their parents.

Are you me? I cut out the cooming though

literally oldfag here,

You did miss the train user. But good news, there's another one to catch. I was married through my 20's and pretty much lost all my friends that were still partying. I didn't go to college until I was 30, and I went online while working full time.

I'm in my mid 30's now, in the best shape of my life, and the thots are still thirsty.

Don't try to act like a faggot spring breaker, you're an adult now. You can't go back to that age, and if you try to you'll just look like a tryhard boomer. But you can date women in a wider age range than a 23 year old could. You can go out for drinks at nicer places without the drama. You can own nice things and don't have to worry about faggot roomates invading your space. If anything, having a good time and meeting women is easier at this age, you just need to stop looking for feels on a hentai board and get your shit together

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my dad fucked my mum at 30 and she was 19/20 at the time. OP still has this

i meant i'm 20 now not 20 years younger

i'm trying to cut out cooming even though I knew it was a problem at 15. I know i can stop it, however, it's my reckless behaviour getting in the way i.e. not sleeping on time and sometimes tempting my self with sugar crap; and I know sugar spikes my horniness or makes me want to fap

Reminder that women are perishable goods.

Yeah fucking right, kid.

>nearly 30
Dude you aren’t even that fucking old. Don’t worry about the social norms about what age you should be settling down etc. just do what makes you happy because if you don’t you’re just gonna dwell on it forever. Get shredded, go to the club, and slay some pussy

well then I'm smarter than you if you're assuming a 10 year old is able to go to college (community college equivalent)

You're smarter than I was at your age, probably, yeah. But I was potty trained.

You just fucking go doo doo on the floor, don't you? Wherever you're standing, when you feel the pressure, you just release that doo doo valve all over your underpanties and then onto the floor, don't you?

Isn't it past your bedtime? Why are 9 year olds on Yas Forums?

Let's say you wasted your 20s. Don't waste your 30's too.

>potty trained
implying that I was never or never taught it myself. I just stay with parents due to finance, no degree which is a long story in itself and cooming due to developing the addiction at 10-11 (I blame the (((porn))) industry on that one)

I feel you man. I struggled with the same thoughts for a long time. Now I have accepted that I am on a different path. There is more to life than hedonism.

Are you implying that you potty trained yourself? Damn dude maybe you are a genius.

to get fit ignoramus

>right in the feels bro.
>Shy as fuck when I was younger and I justified it with “b-but im a good guy i dont want hookups i want relationships”
>Got some ho pregnant a couple years ago who got her shit railed for years by randos from tinder, etc and I want to anhero so fucking bad.
>Enjoy your shit OP. Fuck what people think, do your thing even in your 30s. Trust me, this is HELL.

Honestly there's nothing in the world better than being in a loving relationship with a constant supply of raw dog sex and cuddling with a quality woman that than loves you. I've been there and done the random hookups but it's just a string of passionless sex with women who don't really care about you. Frankly you sound kind of pathetic if that's your ideal.

as if knowing when you needed to go the toilet was a hard task. Maybe the average IQ of fit was true aftera ll

>I feel man

You didn't know how to use the water chair, smartass. Mommy taught you, don't lie.

This nigger knows.

why are you obsessed about me knowing how to shit in the first place anyway

>was loser in high school but smart and very high grades
>hoped things would change in college
>not only was social life nonexistent, but my good grades from high school didn't translate to college where i got bachelor's in science but did mediocrely, largely in part due to social isolation misery

>now 28
>friendless kissless virgin shut-in incel
>work same absolutely pathetic hospital job because i never got into graduate or even community college programs for my degree yet watch as airheaded girls go through our job and got into programs i couldnt
>have neither the motivation to get a better job nor the self-esteem to assume i can do any job besides this entry level crap and could succeed in any further schooling
>still live with parents and absolutely hate it (not a mooch, i pay rent and cook and pay my own way) yet for some reason have no motivation to move even into an apartment in the same city
>all I am is the angry, weird guy who is very funny always making everyone laugh but is very off-putting and aloof to others

Really never imagined my life would turn out this god awful. If college had gone even halfway decently for me socially and educationally, my entire life would be different. Now all I do is, like OP, think of how I missed out on literally everything my entire life and get even more miserable and further into the hole.

based boomerfag

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Look you retard. You're 30. That doesn't mean shit outside of highschool and college. You should focus on being more independent and making money so you can go out after this quarantine shit is over and get some bitches.

You will never be invited to college/frat parties again, your circle of friends is gonna slowly diminish as they enslave themselves to their wife and jobs, and that's okay.

I did not miss what you're talking about, it was a interesting experience at the time but it's just a phase in life. You didn't miss anything important except possible memories made with the bros. I don't even talk to them any more coz my career has me moving from home.

Figure out what's important for you and pursue that instead of dwelling in something you cannot change.

What you described it like the epitome for Millennials in their late 20's/early 30's. Give up on the college life brah. Time to grow up and find zoomers too fuck.

I turned 31 today. I’ve been married for 8 years, have a kid, and I own my own house. When I was young I had/did all the shit you mentioned as a skinnyfat dyel who earning barely above minimum wage. I fucked beautiful girls on my full mattress sitting on the floor, sweating it out because my apartment was cooled with a shitty window ac in the other room. When we were all done I’d drive them home in my 92 taurus.

I’ve only been working out for the last 2 years. It has nothing to do with social success. I do it because I want to set a good example for my son so he doesnt grow up to be a tremendous faggot like OP. It’s probably not possible, and I personally didnt need to do this shit when I was young... but as they say it’s about the stakes not the odds. I couldn’t imagine anything worse than my son ending up like OP.

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Ever since I found out you're 20 and not 10, I kind of want to f your b.

I feel like thats the epitome of all american ex-chads and brads. They all peak in college, marry the first girl that pays attention to them and just fucking deteriorate and get out of shape. They spend the weekend watching foot/basket/baseball all season long, pound piss-beer, slonking nachos. The american dream

so you came on here to brag about your incredible life and say how pathetic OP is when he himself said how upset he is about how pathetic he is?

>f your b
i don't speak retard please elaborate

>fucking women as a young man
>thinks this is indicative of incredible life
op is a /neverimprove/ faggot and he deserves everything he gets (which is nothing at all)

Use your imagination.

>fuck my balls
it's fine to show your sexuality but I'm not gay
>fuck my bitch
I don't have one
>fuck my bum
refer to balls
>fuck my bronchitis
ok you won't manage
>fuck my birthday
gone past
>fuck my brains
you failed miserably

>Says OP is a neverimprove faggot
>He himself was an out of shape chad who banged women with no self improvement

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Everyone knows it means fuck your butt. Now you're just flirting.

It's the classic Yas Forums comment where a guy who has had a very easy and great life goes around boasting about his life acting like it wasn't hard at all to do and insulting people who haven't lived the same way as pathetic, then wondering why people who haven't lived that way have these horrible self-defeating views of themselves