
You want to actually become a man and acquire FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH? Now's the perfect time to get a KB and start training. Heavy KB swings will make a man out of you and improve your other lifts now that you're kicked out of your gym.

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kettlebells are just bad dumbbells

kettlebells are useless

i already have functional strength from my job
dont need meme balls to improve that

>haha look at the handle, how am i suppose to bench that?
look everyone, i found a little boy. Don't tell me you can't stand on your two feet and press a weight above your head with one arm... Maybe you should stick to your hammer curls.

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Fun fact: you can do kettlebell swings with, just mabye, a fucking dumbbell.

Or you could just, you know, overhead press a fucking barbell? And make twice the gains in both strength and size.

You really are a faggot OP.

>Heh, I don't need to prove myself. I already get a workout from sweeping up the shop!

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>I don't need to prove myself. I already get a workout in by sweeping up the shop!

>You can only choose one or the other, you can't do both!! And besides, everyone has access to gyms right now!

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Look at the facts
> its proven that doing kb Swings every day produces more hormones in body and gives better gains
>kettlebell are the easiest way to train fast muscle fibiers without getting injured
> they are the Best for shoulder strength and health
>get up is the Best full Body exercise you can do
> doing swings can get your Deadlift up
>great to train muscle endurence
> Best for core strength
>Best for training your legs without getting your back or knees injured

So in general:
> kettlebells are the Best for general strength and health
> if you add them to your gym training as accesory you will get more mass and strength and will be less likely to get injured

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Exactly. If anyone wants to actually improve their barbell lifts while the gyms are closed, then doing kb training is the answer. Go find a fitness equipment place that's open and get a kb.

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they're still just bad dumbbells bruv

You think that because you've never done any kettlebell exercises. Try doing a swing with db and a kb and then tell which is better. It depends on what you're doing. You can say db's are just bad kb's if you're focused on doing exercises like swings. They're for a different purpose.

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Why use them when I've already swallowed the calisthenicspill?

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I was gonna get one but target didn't have any. Probably was the only time I'd ever be desperate enough to buy one, oh well, I'll stick to my dumbbell routine and pull ups.

>He uses LOLtlebells and not a real functional training tool

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I just did 1 handed swings with my 100lb dumbbells and they worked great

what's it like being gay

>toothpicks for legs
hard pass negro


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You'll eventually hit a wall with calisthenics if you don't add weight. Use body weight as an accessory.

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holy shit kettlebell faggots btfo forever LITERALLY how will they ever recover?

No you didn't.
Wait for that flimsy plastic to break and send your dumbbell flying. Wait to try to do anything actually heavy with that crap.

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Too bad no one who uses kettlebells can actually lift heavy newfag.

80lbs is not heavy.

Then I'll probably only need to get them in 3 years once I've done 5 one-arm pullups and a single one-arm HSPU

>kettle bells will help with your lifts
i have never heard of this until this post

I don't know if you've noticed, but you haven't lifted a barbell in a couple weeks. how are you coping? Wait until the gyms reopen and the Chads who trained with kettlebells during quarantine take your barbell from you and overhead press your squat.

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>all points sound like opinion without actual evidence

Post source, I’ve considered kb to keep from losing my oly gains, but you are promising a lot, but the only lads I see doing kb stuff is soi and cross shitters

>kettle bells significantly increase all bar lifts
>decide to start doing bar lifts instead
i dont understand this

Well, I would like to personally welcome you into the fitness subculture. With enough time and hard work, you will learn.

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With how expensive kettle bells are you might as well just buy a barbell

its basically going to be like going from Boxing to Judo. You aren't going to be practicing the same skills but you might use similar movements that use same muscles. But in reality, you will be working out in something new and make new gains.
You should get the idea of keeping all your oly PRs out of your head if you dont have a home gym

>learn to troll as badly as OP
holy shit this thread is lame as fuck. you aren't even harassing anyone in here with ridiculous statements

Any good kettlebell routines?
How many / what weight do I buy?

I’ll probably just buy a barbell then it’s not too much more and then I can just cancel my gym membership, all I’ll need is blocks for do heavy squats and jerks, I’m trying compete so I don’t want to waste money and time on something that won’t transfer well

Guess what? This might be hard for you to wrap your head around, but you can do both kettlebell and barbell work. You just unintentionally revealed your narrow-mindedness by assuming it's one or the other. And if you haven't noticed, gyms are closed right now, and it might be beneficial for you to train with what you can get your hands on.

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Your skills in oly lifts would carry over to kettle bell shits but it wouldn't be the same the other way around. It would be like thinking joining a crossfit gym would be a good idea over just staying with an olympic coach

Guess what? This might be impossible for you to understand but kettle bells don't help with barbell lifts.

It depends on where you're starting. You can just start with one 24kg and go from there. The staple KB exercise is the swing. It's a great workout that will strengthen your core and posterior chain. The Turkish getup is another KB staple, but you can do a lot with only one KB.

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Get a pull up bar with some dumbbells instead. It offers everything kettle bells do but more.

I have those things. I want to challenge myself with something new. I've already noticed KB gains after only 2 weeks. I was throwing my coworkers 4 year old so high while she was mirin'. You can't do the same movements with a DB.

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Thanks user
I thought about getting a pull-up bar but I don't know if my doorframe would handle it, I live in an old apartment

Fuck off, pavel

Thats incorrect, user. Strength endurance helps with barbell lifts.

You have a KB routine? I started with Onnit i need something new

Also turns you into a sexual jackhammer.

I've been doing cleans, shoulder press, swings,
preacher curls, overhead extensions, and shrugs. For legs I will do one legged DL, goblet squat, lunge, and jumps. It's tiring, but it feels great. My gloots are sore.

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EVERY website I look at is sold out of kettlebells

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i have one (1) 10lb kettlebell.been doing bottoms up presses snd my wrist stability has improved tenfold, but its not heavy ebough to be of much use for anything else. any suggestions?

Is simple & sinister a meme program?
I've been doing it for a couple weeks now, since being quarantined, and it feels like it's not enough?
I'm doing it 6 times a week, btw

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what are your goals? lol
what weight are you using?
how long does it take you to do it?


Do you have any fitness equipment place near you? They're probably open bec business is booming for them.
Probably get a heavier kettlebell? Or try a new complex. Just make it hard for yourself and focus on contracting your muscles.

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Is that a garbage bag filled with human excrement?

Call Pavel soi or a crossfitter one more time, I dare you motherfucker.

Everything is based on books of Pavel Tsatsouline who used to work with soviet scientists and is a father of kettlebell in USA.

just try them, what have you got to lose

>everything is based on the opinion pieces of one guy that made money off of his books that push for kettlebell sales
think for yourself you fucking npc, there is 0 benefit to using a kettlebell when you have any other form of free weight available even diy cement dumbbells are more useful.

Is that the strayan tranny, Heinz Mouncey?

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