He doesn't lift for his imaginary wife and child

>He doesn't lift for his imaginary wife and child.

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The complete lack of visible muscles and all that fat in her body is extremely disgusting

I can't have children and will prematurely die of illness, so I refuse to adopt a child and put them through that. I also doubt I will have a wife given my chosen life path. Still lift, though

>imaginary wife and child
They're real. I just haven't met them yet.

I like that outlook. It's good to think positive about those things. If more of us did that, there wouldn't be nearly as much posting about relationships on here.


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I gave up the idea of a family a long, long time ago.

I dont lift for my pregnant fiance. I lift for myself faggot

>implying I will ever have a wife

I don't think it would be ethical for me to force a child to inherit my genes

God I wish that were me

That kid is too old for shit like that. It's time to be serious

>imaginary wife and child.
2D is indeed the way to go

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>Lifting for things that don't exist



I lift for my real wife and children you weirdo.

why imagine it if it will never happen?

So you're gonna adopt a child or wtf are you saying

This is too hopeful and idealistic because life has disappointed me too many times to throw me a fucking bone but I can’t help wishing for this when I’m lonely desu

Gf just left me, bros.

>he wants two soul crushing debts

Lol when will you cucks learn

he wants a kid that is made by the BBC isnt this quite obvious?

Just focus on yourself.
Order The Art of Living: The Classical Mannual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness.


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Forget about finding "the one".
Become "the one" and eventually "the one" that God has for you will come to YOU.

Be well rounded.
Be full grown men.
Be strong.

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Ok, see Joseph Alai on YouTube, asap.

He's like 3

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I wish you good fortune for the time you have left, buddy.

If you don't mind sharing, what is your illness?

How much longer..

How much longer do I have to push bros?

How much pain do I have to endure?

I can only take so much bros..

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Lmao beta simp

>They're real

This would mean that the child is already in existence. You mean you'll be raising another man's child with his stretched out wife?

why do you care when youre a faggot?

your imaginary child is currently in your ballsack

I doubt any woman will ever love me or choose to start a family with me, but I lift in the hope that some day it will happen.

Well as of an hour ago he/she is floating down the Hudson River.

here, take it

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>appears to be early to mid 20s
Unless your family is wealthy and supports you, its irresponsible to have kids this young. Build a stable career and financial life first. Nothing is worse than resentful parents who doomed themselves to living their prime years in near poverty because they had kids too young.

Going to make it.

I know that feel bro. Keep pushing.

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I lift for her.

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Oh totally. I'm not getting one until 36 at the earliest.

>pic related
>0,001 % of what happens in a real marriage. The rest is getting on each others nerves.

Cystic fibrosis. I just turned 28 when docs originally said I wouldn't make it to my first birthday. Last year they started talking about making plans for lung transplant, so we'll see how much time ie left, but I intend to do something with it

She exists.

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if you believe all points in time exist simultaneously then they do

Please follow pic related

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He, your gf is pretty ok in the bed

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that pain will turn you into a man, if you can get used to it enough that you can endure it in all walks of life. if you can grind with no light at the end of the tunnel then you're likely to win at most things in life

No. I lift for my literal wife and child.

I'm a physician myself, so I can tell you something that you already know - you've already beaten the odds.

A girl from my country, she is 28 or 29 - got her lung transplant last year and is doing fine.

Good luck, brother.

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Is this real?

>They're real. I just haven't met them yet.
i been saying that for 20 years now

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u bet

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I fully agree. But just because the wife in this couple is mid 20s, it doesn't mean that the husband isn't older. The high IQ strategy is to wait until mid to early 30s when you're more established in your career and then marry a girl in her mid twenties

I lift to forget about my family altogether.

Fucking gains goblins.
Go home and have to spend the next 12 hours doing light cardio trying to keep my kid in line because that mother fucker has so much energy.

Low IQ. Men die earlier than women. Partnering with a woman significantly younger than you is like condemning her to at least 10 years without her life partner. Only a good strategy if you're a sociopath.

Never lose hope, King. NEVER!

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But I do user

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