I’ve been working out a lot but all I’m getting is a more manly body and still have so much fat. How bad is it...

I’ve been working out a lot but all I’m getting is a more manly body and still have so much fat. How bad is it? How much weight should I lose?

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You're starting to look good. Keep doing what you're doing

also post your tits

Definition of manlyness has changed over the yesrs, huh

There’s not much tit to post ha

You don't have 'so much fat'.

You could should do the regular things women find important; train legs, calves, and butt. If that is not enough you can focus on your core area.

post feet

Just post your tits ffs

Attached: 1314394053141.jpg (224x216, 20.07K)

Just imagine two deflated balloons with unevenly placed pepperoni on them
Nobody needs to see that

thats a guy right?

tits are tits roastie

there is definitely a neckbeard over on r9k who would cut his balls just for a chance to touch them

also, on topic, more squats, more cardio and you should be good.

and eat less i guess