Stat thread: post your stats

Average cooms per day: 4
Lowest coom achieved in a day: 2
Highest coom achieved in a day: 6
Fastest time to coom: 10 seconds
Longest lasting coom: 2.5 hours
Average time between cooms: 4 hours
Shortest time between cooms: 1 minute
Longest time spent without cooming: 3 days
Total coom period: 9 years

Attached: image.jpg (550x558, 33.91K)

Average cooms per day: 0
Lowest coom achieved in a day: 0
Highest coom achieved in a day: 2
Fastest time to coom: 5m
Longest lasting coom: 30m
Average time between cooms: 1 month
Shortest time between cooms: 5 hours
Longest time spent without cooming: 32 days (till now)
Total coom period: 4 years

You coom only 12 times a year? Damn dude, need to step your game up.

I edge once or twice a day, last time I unloaded was probably one month ago

Fastest time to coom: 15 seconds
Longest lasting coom: 20 minutes
Average time between cooms: 8~ hours
Shortest time between cooms: 1 hour
Longest time spent without cooming: 1.5 months

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How does one edge so frequently and not sucuumb to the coom

I need to be able to do 0 a year, then I will fully accomplish my goal

Edging is actually the same, because your body aches not for the orgasm itself, it lasts a short ammount of time, your body rages for the things that come before the orgasm, DeltaFosB is sent to you brain before the coom, so technically edging is just as retarded as fapping

Average cooms per day: 1
Lowest coom achieved in a day: 1
Highest coom achieved in a day: 8
Fastest time to coom: 40 seconds
Longest lasting coom: 4 hours
Average time between cooms: 15 minutes
Shortest time between cooms: 5 minute
Longest time spent without cooming: 15 days
Total coom period: 7 years

Attached: karim-benzema.jpg (2057x2324, 576.31K)

8 cooms in a single day? Impressive. What pushed you to hit 8?

oh fuck, well I guess I better stop then