He said to eat twice a week, whatever you want. And fast all the other days. Does that mean I could eat 10...

He said to eat twice a week, whatever you want. And fast all the other days. Does that mean I could eat 10,000 calories on those days?

Attached: AAA1.jpg (640x640, 64.8K)

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>10 days
>24 lbs

pick one

How are you supposed to get all your micro nutrients throughout the days you’re fasting? This seems pretty unhealthy

There are nutrients locked up in your fat. It's not great, but you're not going to suddenly break down.

how do I fast and not feel like complete shit and be moody with everyone?

I want to fast but the shit mood is what prevents it. Electrolytes?

Not the heckin' micronutrientinos!!!

Ummm...try not being a piece of shit as a person? No one feels great everyday, but they hide their emotions and meaby hit the bag after work.

If ur gonna be a cunt dont bother fasting bc its not for you.

This you realize how many calories are in a pound of fat, muscle loss included it should take 1 month to get here

I wonder about this to, especially water soluble micronutrients like Vit C, All the B vitamins, and all the electrolytes like Magnesium, sodium, and Zinc.

20,000 calories in a week is 2800/day.

Keep it to 10,000-14,000 and you'll lose weight.

Pretty sure the picture is a water fast or with that snake juice stuff, you can just take a multivit

more like 9 days 17 pounds and he was full of sodium and water weight, and if you had experience fasting you'd know this is easily doable.

buddy it looks like he's doing it for 10 days?

I've seen people eat nothing but chips and chicken nuggests for years

>what does "fed" mean?
>what is water weight?
>what is exercise?

Is this the guy who drinks piss?

Humans evolved a fat storage mechanism to be able to survive extended periods of food scarcity.

Your argument implies this system in inherantly flawed. Which, while possible, is highly improbable in the eyes of evolution.

if you're looking for a way to eat 10000 cals in a day you fat pig then just fuck off

I lost 18 lbs on a week fast tho

Assuming a body that burns 3000kcal per day a 10 day fast would burn a bit over 4 kilos of fat. So assuming he's not lying, the rest is just water weight.

I mean if you want your fasting to be completely pointless and you just want to maintain weight then go for it. You’d still be getting about the same amount of calories in a week, so I don’t know why you’d expect to lose weight. 20,000 calories a week is still almost 3000 a day which is maintenance for most men.

Why don't you just fucking workout and do cardio? Fat people are so fucking lazy, They'll do anything to not do physical work. Including not eating for 2 weeks until they faint in the shower lol.

I fucking hate fat people lol

Why does he still look fat in the after pic even though he has abs?

After the 3rd day of fasting, hunger disappears

t. fasted 21 says

is he a former fatty?

Not 3500 calories. On top of that he bloated up before the photos, so automatically cut off 10-12 pounds of that lose as water. A pound a day is reasonable while fasting, especially if you exercise

Lightning from up to down. Shadow in the neck area

>still believing in the calorie theory

That depends on what your maintenance calrories are and the types of foods you are eating. You can only digest and uptake so much food in one sitting that more than that amount just ends up in the toilet. 10,000 cal of lean red meat cooked rare twice a week most likely won't make you fat if you lift but 10,000 cal of McChickens and fries 100% will in the long term.

>Not even an argument you slack-jawed nigger.

Attached: noooo.jpg (211x239, 9.45K)

>he actually believes a pound of bodyfat is 3500 calories

>16lbs of it is just water weight bro!
fuck off. No one stores 8 kilos of water weight.

Since when has fasting become a good weight loss technique??
read the sticky

Cope harder, fatty. It's the most efficient way of losing bodyfat. Too bad fatties like you can't into efficiency. Go stick to your 'muh -200 calorie deficit'.

and how much of this do you genuinely think was fat and how much muscle?

if you lose more than 0.1% of you weight in one month you lose every single muscle in your body and die

all muscle

its also the most efficient way of losing muscle

why the fuck does fat loss have to be efficient anyway just make a plan and do it properly

>lol you lose muscle unless you eat le balanced diet

His advice assumes you are a reasonable person actually trying to achieve a healthy weight not a contrarian troll.

That said have you ever actually tried to eat 10,000 calories in a day? Not easy or enjoyable. Even eating junk food you'd have to put in dedicated effort to stuffing yourself or be an uber fat that is used to demolishing grocery isles in which case you would still lose weight on 2800 cal a day average.

they're called micro nutrients for a reason your body only needs very small amounts and it can store stockpiles of most of them so the "daily recommended" amounts are only an averaged estimation you won't die or become malnourished if you don't get those exact numbers every single day.

>muh moosle
just lift after you're done cutting and you'll get your mass back. Stop being a homo guarding his gains jealously, it doesn't matter. You'll get it all back.

I eat three small meals a day, fuck this gay shit.

sure, but you will feel like shit. both when you fast, and when you eat.

dont go full retard dude, just eat *normal* like 1800kcal a day. you might even build some muscle instead of loosing a lot

yeah, and the fat too
yoyo yoyo yoyo

Snake juice defo helps, also i drink alot of tea and coffee to supress appetite.

he had a lot of shit in his ass if he lost 7 pounds in 24 hours lol

water dude, i've dropped legit 15lbs overnight before.

When fasting your body produces elevated levela of HGH which protects agaisnt muscle loss, combine that with resistance training and the muscle loss is almost negligible. youtu.be/APZCfmgzoS0 vid with some info

f a l s e

your post honestly made me mad, 10/10

that is a lot of pee pee in your bed bro. last time i did something like that i got the spanking of a lifetime.

>they're called micro nutrients for a reason your body only needs very small amounts and it can store stockpiles of most of them
oh, i get it! so that's what you've been doing. you only need a very small micropenis for your daily use, and you keep a more substantial stockpile of penis up your gay butt.

post body lmao

That’s actually one of the most retarded things I’ve read on this board. Not everyone wants to lose weight you fucking idiot. Some people specifically want to lose fat, which is the point of a cut. You bulk to build muscle, and then you cut to lose the fat you gained, while also eating enough protein to maintain your muscle. If you’re not retarded and you do it right you’ll look better at the end of it. And it’s a much more sustainable than fucking going three days at a time without eating. You just have no discipline and can’t control your eating so you have to cut yourself off from food completely.

your mama is false nigger
it literally works like that, keep working out during fasting and you're unstoppable, stop working out and you're losing muscle mass instead of fat
also fuck you, do your research

The guys a dumb ass

ok, but how about this: shut up

That's cute, princess. You put on a pretty dress and a bow in your hair for your little tea parties?

>You bulk to build muscle, and then you cut to lose the fat you gained
Retarded and a waste of time. You can do both at the same time, not even need to fast, just eat well.

eat my danglers

>calls other people fatties
>thinks anyone else needs to lose weight
How was getting fat in the first place part of your efficient plan?

Growth hormone only builds or holds on to muscle when you feed yourself with amino acids. It's like having a crew of construction workers ready to build you a house, but they don't have any materials. They can't build shit until you feed them some amino acids.

here's how: shut up