How does one get this kind of body? can it be down with only calisthenics...

How does one get this kind of body? can it be down with only calisthenics? I know in the movie he says he does 50 push ups and 50 pull ups every day and is shown doing curls with shitty form but I feel like thats not enough.

inb4 he doesn't look good, I agree he's too thin but I'm stuck at home and would like to get really defined for a change.

Attached: de niro.jpg (600x400, 67.42K)

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literally just decent wop genetics, pullups and situps, calorie deficit and really good lighting

just work out and dont eat and you will look like that sooner than you think he looks 140lbs

whats a wop?

he's prob at 120-135
remember he has no legs

without passport

This board is literally insane
Robert De Niro is 5'9, and you think this body is 120 lbs? Or 140 lbs? Or that this can be achieved by pullups and situps? Is this whole board a fucking joke?
He's CLEARLY in the range of 160-170 lbs here. Bitch retards

Yeah if you have the genetics you won't even need to do shit to look like that but most people DON'T and if op is asking, he doesn't have it. So fuck you lardasses for wrongly assessing pic's weight and thinking you can get this body by doing pullups

Then what kind of exercises and rep ranges are necessary?

Attached: 1581299408565.jpg (1440x900, 311.86K)

Don't ignore cardio
Regular lifting is ok to get this body. Getting this with bodyweight exercises is feasible but 4 times harder and I doubt a coomer like you (probably) can have the dedication and time to do that shit for 2-3 years when you can just get there in 1 year depending on your starting body.

WHAT THE FUCK i had no I thought it was just a derogatory term for south americans

Work out hard and then do a water purge for the day you of your shoot.

Why would it take 3 times longer with bodyweight? Progressive overload is progressive overload.

>One false etymology or backronym of wop is that it is an acronym for "without passport" or "without papers"

read yourself back slowly, how do you progresive overload with body weight, im particularly interested in your answer for chest and shoulders

A bench press and a push-up are effectively the same exercise. While you can progressively increase the weight you bench, gaining muscle and getting stronger, you can't increase the resistance on a basic push-up. You progress in push-ups by doing more push-ups. Except by the time you're doing a hundred push-ups in a single set, you're not gaining larger and stronger muscles, you're gaining more endurance in your arms. This is the difference between bodyweight workouts and lifting.

I assume the retard thinks the variable weight with bulking would help, but that's why lifting is better. You can jump from 10kg to 15 easier (or whatever gay measure you americans use). But with bodyweight maybe you can have a deviation of... 1 kg? 2 kg per week? and that's if your water weight changes drastically.

So yeah, bodybuilding is hardly progressive overload.

Bro there is no way he’s 160 lbs, he’s a fucking skeleton in the movie. He’s most likely somewhere around 120-130 lbs.

I'm pretty sure you've never seen a 120 lbs man at 5'9 before.

Let me pull some pics out of the internet.

Attached: 0ODbq[1].png (300x412, 296.23K)

Another one, same stats on the left
Is this really the same weight as robert deniro in taxi driver?

Attached: 83hwcy3m9zp01[1].jpg (2048x1817, 300.14K)

here's another one of De Niro in Taxi driver, looks thinner in this one

Attached: skinny de niro.jpg (480x270, 38.6K)

Attached: F9B780E4-87B1-442D-90D3-7F2B55370415.jpg (391x591, 20.35K)

De Niro is about that skinny, maybe 5 more lbs of muscle

There's just no way. I'm 140 lbs at 6'0 and I look 10 times worse than that, but maybe i have body dismorphia

That's before he started working out bro.. did you see the movie?

Well no shit you’re 6’0, De Niro is 5’9. That can be up to a 40 lb difference

I already forgot it. It has too many incel vibes

>140 lbs at 6'0
How in the fuck? I feel weak as HELL when im 170 at 6'0

The difference is that deniro was 120lbs of pure muscle, he was in the single digits of bodyfat. You're just skinnyfat

I'm same height and I looked pretty much exactly like deniro in op pic when I was 120lbs, so yeah I'm gonna assume he was 120 here. Not all 120lbs guys look the same user, body composition matters

Nigga do you even lift? Unless you're mostly made of fat 170 isn't bad for 6'0


hes a fucking skelly

He has a fat stomach and love handles even though all his ribs are visible, a skelly would at least have abs. This guy is a textbook example of skinnyfat

lmao why are you so angry? try actually being open minded you simp.

I’m 6ft7 and weigh 150, is there a way I can build muscle? Have a very high metabolism so it’s almost impossible to gain any weight

Attached: 12D45D41-2D5F-4F26-9F17-01595D3FFA6C.png (357x313, 28.18K)


yea like everyone else
do resistance training with progressive overload until you start doing high volume for hypertrophy while eating more food than you're used to eating (this means it's uncomfortable you read so use chocolate milk).
>high metabolism
words of the retards who want to blame shit on buzz terms the media told them to satisfy the mass fatburgers. just like how idiots talk about thyroid problems when they don't even know the details.
>moderately active men have a metabolism (not from exercise) of 2200 to 2800
That means 2550 Calories would be the average moderately active male's metabolism.
Your "high metabolism" of 2800 means you have to eat 250 more Calories than someone with an average metabolism to gain weight. Oh noooo 250 Calories impossible..

Weigh 140lbs soaking weight
Be able to do like 10 pullups, 30 pushups, 50 situps in one go

Does anyone have a calisthenics program i can download

Here's Bruce Lee at 5'8 128lb

Attached: XLAP014-1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 126.94K)

Nigger if that guy was any thinner he would be dead from starvation, I can count his ribs and he's got less muscle than a malnourished African child. This meme distinction between hungry skelly mode and skinnyfat is meaningless.

115 and 5’10” user here, can confirm I pretty much look like that with more hair

You're a retard who has no clue

I don't get how he weights so little. I was at 5'7 130 lbs with less muscle than him and at 12% bf. He'a clearly got some muscle on him so why does he weight less being taller? There's no way I had that much fat on him, maybe he has a very tiny frame? Or like so ridiculously lean to the point that despite having muscles he's still underweight? Doesn't look like it tho.

I'm 5'9", he is 140 at the VERY lowest here, more likely 130

You're actually correct, but jesus christ calm the fuck down, it's not that big a deal. You're gonna give yourself a stroke brosef.

>what am leverage???

>do more reps
user, stop!

Wop is a derogatory slur for Italians

It’s obvious you have no idea what you’re talking about


Attached: doom.jpg (800x800, 109.03K)

It’s the sound of an italian helicopter.

He clearly has bf% at just around 10%, and he’s ripped, not big.

>muh metabolism cope
Shut the fuck up and eat.

You do progressive overload in bodyweight by doing another exercise, another variation of the same exercise that is harder (due to less leverage or different muscle positions). Check these charts out:

god this is one of the most aesthetic builds. the fact that he's asian makes it even more of an outlier, because asian almost always look like trash


>Every muscle has to be tight

De Niro looks like shit in taxi driver though

damn dude last night when you posted this i was watching that movie. he is really defined because he only eats pop corn, candy bars and drinks cola. also he is sleep deprived

You look like your diet is shit like about 10-12% fat and you vegan by chance

Bitch i you can count my ribs ass well but im sitting at about 15% fat and weighting in at about 100kg

k fag but unlike your fat ass that kid has a sunken stomach and stick thin limbs. Retards who look at literal Auschwitz mode anorexics and think "hurr durr no abs he's skinnyfat" are the biggest retards on this board.

>eats pop corn
Greg D

S-o-y would be the proper name rather than skinnyfat.