
Cognitive dissonance edition

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Doctors should actually comply to these retarded lardflakes' feelings and needs. Just tell them something along the lines of "Oh no, you are not obese or fat or lazy, you are a beautiful human being and perfect just the way you are, and you do deserve that 10 super sized big mac meals for a mid-morning snack", and let them have their fucking heart attacks. Problem solved.

Holy fuck that makes me mad
That "artificial" barrier to treatments is really about a foot of pure blubber

What certainly amazes me is the bodys capability to withstand that much weight before it shuts down. Is there say a way you can get diabetes as fast as possible? I want to say drinking a coke everyday, but even that seems to take a while. Is there a surefire speedy method is what im asking for diabetes or death by their lifestyle.

Are you a leftist, woman, or minority?
Giving up on your fellow man is fucking cringe, sure these fatties are far gone, but not past the point of redemption. Lest we forget the apostle Paul used to go by Saul of Tarsus.

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What amazes ME is the fact that at some point every morbidly obese blob of pudding has made a conscious decision that "this is fine". They have trouble breathing, they sweat profusely even with the tiniest movement of a muscle, they have trouble going through doors or fitting into a car seat, and getting up once they have fallen/taken a seat/laid down is something you would expect your local news to cover, if getting up is something that happens at all, that is. But to them that is fucking fine. No need to change the state of things.

Well it’s strange how diabetes works because you can give yourself diabetes without being obese

>i havent seen any data linking fat people aside from the massive associative pre-existing symptom connected with fat people
>you cant blame china for lying, deflating numbers and actively working against our economic and health interests because that means youre racist
These people should be put into the streets of Wuhan and left to fend for themselves

reddit is a cancer on society

Those who are beyond salvation will not heed the advice of the doctors anyway, and those who choose to better themselves are not the ones who whine about how "obese" is a fat shaming word while stuffing their maws with buckets filled with ice cream and deep fried chicken. Those who realize their own condition are the ones that should be saved, and that realization must come from within. Sure, we may lose a few of those who doctors could have converted, but I am willing to make that sacrifice.

How Yas Forums can constantly hate on fat people but then blindly follow and defend this repulsive greasy bald tub of lard will forever blow my mind. Dubs and this Greek COW dies tonight due to him being a fucking revoltingly obese PIG. When will this bulking meme disappear? Get in shape and be healthy. I HATE fat people.

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t.doesnt live it.

How are you so retarded you can’t see the difference between pic related and normal fatty? He can lift his body weight.


now kys

What cognitive dissonance? This is all true. Fat people are disgusting, accurately describing them is always a slur, and doctors hate them.

A "normal fatty" would still lift more than you or any other normal person. Doesnt mean they're not disgusting

Your dubs have failed you, coward. Now start bulking.


>Rampant fatphobia of the medical profession
Fucking half the people you see on the day to day in the medical profession are fat people. Nobody else needs to go to the doctor that much. It's mostly fat and old people.
You remember how nice the doctor was when you were a kid and broke your arm or were a healthy person who came in with like a nail through your foot or a bad infection or something?
That's because you're the first fucking normal person he's talked to all day. You're a light in my life. You make this job worth going to. Tell me about your job and your gf bro, talk to me about sports. Try to be stoic about some serious pain, I'll cry from joy because 90% of the people are shrieking from a sprained ankle because they're hoping I'll give them the D by which I mean Dilaudid.
Anyway I'm not fatphobic, I'm just in a shit mood most of the time and most of the people I see are fat. I would love to help them but they don't want to be helped. There's this bizarre idea that if you spend thirteen to thirty years developing a laundry list of comorbidities and chronic conditions, some doc should be able to give you a pill to resolve it, should be able to pluck the problem piece from the teetering jenga tower that is your lifespan without an issue.
They suffer deeply, and I think a lot of people throughout history have suffered deeply because of their own decisions, and it's always a tragedy. There's always societal shit incentivizing those shitty decisions. Of course I feel for them.

Nope fatty. I will never voluntarily make myself fat and unhealthy

you gotta live it you fucking loser cuck

is this what happeneds when you fail to live it?

I do live it. Im sure he "lives it" too, but he wont much longer because he is obese and will die of a heart attack/stroke soon
I'm not a cuck, I'm a purebred alpha

>purebred alpha
>posts on Yas Forums

I mean it is hereditary right? But how would you get it without being obese, all i can think of is just eating sugars, barely any protein/inbalanced diet etc

I'm afraid so. Sad.

You HAVE to live it.

Post body with timestamp :)

You'll never be a purebred alpha. This bored fucks you so much that you can never be.

How does one "live it?"

>asking how to LIVE IT

No they wouldn’t? I was fat and I lift more now than I ever did. You don’t even know what you’re talking about retard.

>he doesn't know

Digits or no digits you´re a faggot

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>a coke every day
not even near close enough, I think you'd probably need to get into the realm of like 3 or 4 a day to even start to elevate your risk.

If you really want to give yourself a lethal dose of sugar some popsci article I read at some point put the lethal dose for coca cola at around 42 liters, but good luck drinking that much in a short enough period to die.

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that happened to my little brother at a pizza buffet once, they were bringing out the new pizzas and he was getting in line and some whale man about ran him over trying to get there first.

I disagree with pic related. Food quality and choices play the biggest role when it come obesity. I do think quantity is what separates the obese from the morbidly obese.
The waste of tax payer money to treat these people is fair criticism but let's be real, they are not taking up the same foodstuffs that healthier folks are. Most of that is just garbage.


I saw something like this happen once at Shartmart, some little old lady got hit by a fatass beaner on those motor carts.



I present my favorite lolcow, Amy Ramadan

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Does she sit on those chairs together?

t. twink

Fuck off redditor

>t. dyel fag

Reddit delende est, asshole of the internet

>Reddit delende est

you remind me of those fat asses in high school who never touched a weight but said they could squat 500 easy

Is there something wrong with you people??
You're on a board called Yas Forums (that means fitness btw) in a thread called Fat Person Hatred. Why are you all defending this fat fuck lmao. I never thought I'd get this much hate for it. This guy is a FAT FUCK. Imagine how good he could look and how beastly he could be with his strength if he didn't negate it all by choosing to be obese

Not being a loser fuck would be a good first step

it's a meme you stupid faggot but he is still cool with me

Hes already strong, incredibly so. Hes just not shredded or aesthetic. Just look up Kyriakos grizzly, the guy can lift like 800 pounds and move almost 2000 pounds. That is the bloatmaxx; disregard aesthetics and literally everything else. YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT.

You're living for others. He gives 0 fucks about looking good and does it for himself.
Why haven't you posted your body yet faggot?

In case you wanted it

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Who would've guessed she's a communist.
Why are all the fat fucks communists? Shouldn't they follow their traditional fasting diet?

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Twitter attracts the absolute worst
Nuke this fucking website immediately

How surprising

Drunk obese people passed out is the most disgusting thing iver ever seen if you guys want some real motivation

anyone left of center 9 times out of 10 is in it for gibs, direct or indirect


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Well aware user, I stumbled across this specimen today
Maybe stumbled is the wrong word, perhaps walked into would suit better
Bro I saw this heifer at a house after a night out just let loose with her vomit while her head was tilted back, no attempt to move or anything. One of the most disgusting things I have ever seen

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Oh boy she's a fucking lardmine. Here's the article she's talking about.

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I'm not living for others. Don't you find it ironic that an obese (and by extension) unhealthy person is paraded like a god on a website dedicated fitness? It's hilarious. Maybe I was too quick to say I hate the guy, I dont hate him, I pity him. I do however hate all you fat enablers shoving your fat agenda down my throat fuck you.
I haven't posted my body because I'm on a train, faggot, post your pot-belly in the meantime

>sex work is work

Doubt she would be able to get a career going even if it was legal.

Quit dodging homie, I'm waiting