What would be the difference in muscle growth if you only ate 60g of protein a day compared to 100g of protein a day if...

What would be the difference in muscle growth if you only ate 60g of protein a day compared to 100g of protein a day if you're 72kg and lift?

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Do you think their genes would cancel out and make those kids grow up attractive after puberty? Is that how it works if both paren ya are fat enough on one spectrum?

>Fit and healthy
>face fat af
What is "fit and healthy" to a normie?

It is for murilards/bongs

Almost a third of the muscle growth

Attached: bjsports-2018-March-52-6-376-F5.large.jpg (1280x900, 79.33K)

Not wider than you are tall?

Where's that come from? I'd like to read the study it's from and see if I can get any other information out of it. Seems useful.

Welcome to the new western world,
where overweight on the BMI scale is normal, and obese on the BMI scale is overweight

>inb4 huur duuur BMI is not a good measure


For some people on Yas Forums it isn't. I wish they did DEXA scans on everyone as part of regular checkups, but that'd be way too expensive.

Thanks user

>For some people on Yas Forums it isn't
Right, they're the outliers.
The biggest study on DEXA and BMI done last year suggests DEXA and BMI are pretty much completely interchangeable, something like 90-95% correlation (i.e., you can predict the DEXA results with BMI). its the 5-10% that are the outliers in this grouping (really muscle-bound or something).

DEXA is only useful if you are really aiming for a specific percent.

>fit and healthy
>always some skinnyfat faggot

Sadly this

Is that 5-10% of the general population or of a certain cohort?

He was a powerlifter

the difference between normal protein intake and the max at 1.6g per kg is like 9% muscle mass.

you build more muscle when you focus on building muscle. You only really need to supplement protein if you're a competitive athlete, otherwise it's a decent waste of money for only ~9% more muscle.

although you should at least get the DV of protein.

ok he's fat but this still makes me sad because the wife looks like my fiance (well uglier but two kids'll do that to you)

Normie? Try Yas Forums. You can be 5'10" 150 lbs ottermode but you'll be laughed at in favor of some 190 lb 30% "powerlifter" fatty.

General population, it is the fat softbodies that need to acknowledge their state, not Yas Forumsizens, we tend to know if we're fat or not.

>$50/mo for 9% more muscle is a waste
you're a nogainz faggot retard

BMI + waist measurement should be enough. No need for a DEXA.
Navy method is more practocal for measuring body fat anyway, and is within 1-3% for most people.

what if you took bcaa and creatine? wouldn't it be far more than 9%

>died at 27
Was he really that healthy? Coronavirus kill range is way later. He got two kids at his age though, that's probably two more than I'll have at that age

> Daily energy intake (kcal/day) was gathered from 23 studies with 29 conditions and did not change with the prolonged RET and protein supplementation nor was it significantly different between the protein or control groups (Δ protein group: 50±293 kcal/day, Δ control group: 70±231kcal/day, p=0.71).
This is a good study. Thanks, user

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BCAAs and creatine are three different amino acids i.e. they are essentially a protein supplement

almost no difference. the only thing that really matters is calories

Pretty sure the daily mail is doing this on purpose now.

Attached: le fit and healthy face.jpg (210x193, 21.01K)

>dies with coronavirus
>not from
Modern Journalism isnt worth a damn, fuck these fear mongers.

BCAAs are useless
Creatine helps you to be more explosive/to perform better

nothing would really change

Yeah I know what you mean. I'm 28 and have one step child.

BCAAs are a scam

that is, taking them alone. Eating food high in BCAAs like chicken breast and beef is good, but just BCAAs are a scam.

about 99% of the supplement market is a scam.

look up research done on a certain supplement before you go out and buy any

any info on ultrasound fat analysis?

i have a bodymetrix system. it's about 3% lower reading than an impedance analyzer. i read 12% via bodymetrix but i would read about 15% with impedance.

the DV is for women of average weight and lifestyle
dunno about you but I'm not sedentary, a woman, or the weight of an average woman

creatine works tho

creatine isnt an amino acid its a phosphate carrier molecule

>Fit and healthy

user I...

BMI is not a good measure at all I'm 6ft2 and weigh 190 pounds and I'm on the edge of being overweight. I definitely look like a lanklet right now and my goal weight is 220 to look balanced out. That would put me at almost obesity. It's not even close to being a good measurement for anyone. Pic of my hand and wrist for reference

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We don't speak brazillian here fuck off beta.

I have deliberately tried to gain weight for months and I'm not as fat as this guy

>I have deliberately tried to gain weight for months
I used to think this was extremely difficult a couple years ago but now I realise its easy
200g of peanut butter is over 1100 calories
6 slices of bread is 1500 calories
no end of other shit you can eat that only takes a few minutes a day
bmr isn't going to be much higher than 1800


hahaha another one fell for the GOMAD

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Look at it this way: he reproduced, and was therefore biologically successful.
Unless this guy was obese and had diabetes... he shouldn’t be dying in late 20s... unreal it’s killing ppl this young.

>6 slices of bread is 1500 calories
what in the fuck?
dude i make french toast at home like thrice this week to eat with my chicken and i make 5-6 pieces, and the whole thing including eggs milk oil butter etc isnt more than like 800 kcal

He dies with coronavirus symptoms. It didn't say he died from coronavirus.

Learn how to read before criticizing journalists who make a living dabbing on your illiteracy...

terribly sorry its 2 slices averaging 45g each for 279kcal for wholemeal bread which would be 10.6 slices

fit and healthy my arse, surprised he didnt eat the baby

Fat people with robust skeletons can look great if they manage to tame their cravings and lift.

Wtf the American Navy one tells me I'm 16% and I have an 85cm waist. That can't be right

I remember celebrity gossip articles from years ago where they describe middle aged actors with dadbods as "toned"

yeah he's got a chubby face but on the left he doesn't look super obese or anything. I'd be surprised if he died of the regular flu. Shit's scary, maybe because I'm 27 too

They're doing this on purpose, right?

I can tell from your forearm that you're not anywhere close to a lanklet, fatty

It's also the study supplement companies came up with the "1-1.6g per POUND of bodyweight" even though we clearly know lb is not equal to kg and it's for fat free mass. Anyone telling 1g per lb of bodyweight is a dunce. Maybe it's different if you're a roider but my gains did not change between the 1.6g per kg of FFM to 1g per lb of bodyweight.

Lots of stories of people dying young.

1. They get cherry picked.
2. Mortality rates are still all over the place. I don't what it is, but the WHO.and Harvard rates have been dismissed as "way too high!!!!" More because it means very bad things than for good reasons. Data is all over the place and we don't know how errors are skewed.

I've been to Ecuador and in the cities you do see chubby people, but it is less than the US. Ecuador has a median age of 27 from everyone pumping out kids. They have corpses piling up in the streets.

Western governments in general have only run publicly with very low estimates of IFR that don't include healthcare collapse. US in particular is using only highly optimistic brackets.

Think about it. 100,000 is their "bad scenerio." But that is literally just two bad flu seasons. It wouldn't be a huge impact.

So why the closures? Because if you run their models with outside IFRs that use interaction effects and no quarantine you get millions dead.

The US optimistically looking at 100-220k dead has massive closures continuing built in and optimistic fatality rates and it is STILL that high.

>Once testing is dramatically expanded fatality rates will plummet.

No one is denying that but Italy massively expanded tests and for weeks their fatality rate hasn't moved much.

It could get much, much worse if the millions of uncounted cases the US is betting on don't exist and this thing is more fatal

The daily mail's audience is mostly middle-aged/elderly people who are far more likely to be overweight/obese than younger people. So they know exactly what they're doing when they push these headlines. Scares the shit out of their baby boomer readers and keeps them paying attention to the daily mail.


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oh no no no

>the study supplement companies came up with the "1-1.6g per POUND of bodyweight"
That doesn't seem real that THIS is the study that they are making that claim

Are you mentally challenged or blind?

My gut tells me this has been around for awhile and just now getting measured. But a hunch is worthless info. I caught a second late flu with fever and respiratory issues in early Jan. Self quarantined, got better. None of family sick. I'm dying to know if I already caught it... and there's no test that will tell me.
So anything below morbidly obese is a non factor, and if you go to ER like this guy you've got a 1 in 4 chance of dying. Basically if you get hospitalized start writing up your will.