Thanks user
What would be the difference in muscle growth if you only ate 60g of protein a day compared to 100g of protein a day if...
>For some people on Yas Forums it isn't
Right, they're the outliers.
The biggest study on DEXA and BMI done last year suggests DEXA and BMI are pretty much completely interchangeable, something like 90-95% correlation (i.e., you can predict the DEXA results with BMI). its the 5-10% that are the outliers in this grouping (really muscle-bound or something).
DEXA is only useful if you are really aiming for a specific percent.
>fit and healthy
>always some skinnyfat faggot
Sadly this
Is that 5-10% of the general population or of a certain cohort?
He was a powerlifter
the difference between normal protein intake and the max at 1.6g per kg is like 9% muscle mass.
you build more muscle when you focus on building muscle. You only really need to supplement protein if you're a competitive athlete, otherwise it's a decent waste of money for only ~9% more muscle.
although you should at least get the DV of protein.
ok he's fat but this still makes me sad because the wife looks like my fiance (well uglier but two kids'll do that to you)
Normie? Try Yas Forums. You can be 5'10" 150 lbs ottermode but you'll be laughed at in favor of some 190 lb 30% "powerlifter" fatty.
General population, it is the fat softbodies that need to acknowledge their state, not Yas Forumsizens, we tend to know if we're fat or not.