Diminished Sex Drive

Does anyone elses sex drive plummet after dropping below 13% body fat?

Normally I stay around 14% and dip down to 10% because of boxing. After corona started I left uni and went home where I gained some weight but now my sex drive has gone through the roof. Before this I was almost never horny anymore and sex with my gf felt more like an obligation rather than something I enjoyed. Is there anyway of being ripped without this occuring?

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i know it's a meme here but i am legitimately worried i might be low test. sex drive plummeted too and ive got the same thing where sex feels like an obligation. cant even go to the doctor because of 'rona

You're all overtrained and undernourished. Since sex isn't essential, your body kills your sex drive to survive.


Seriously? I thought that would only be an issue for people sub ten percent. What about people naturally sub 15 without training?

Running does wonders to my sex drive you should try it

I'm around 10-12% and sex drive is higher than ever.

Are you eating enough fat and getting enough vitamin D (animal fat mainly) if cholesterol is low and/or vit D is low you'll lose your sex drive.

Try eating 5-6 eggs whole eggs and a steak/fatty meat 3/4 times a week for 2 weeks and viola.

Yeah like I said I'm a boxer so that means I run literally everyday
I have thought about this and tried eating more fatty meat but I didn't notice much of a difference. But then again I don't think I did it for long enough to see if it was a factor. Normally my diet is very bland, mostly white meat and carbs.

I wish I had no sex drive, life would be so much more pleasant.

if you're not eating fat and eggs you're most certainly suffering from low cholesterol. Don't fall for the memes are start eating a fatty ancestral based diet. zerocarbzen.com/original-human-diet/
I'm not zerocarb or a carnivore shill (I enjoy fermented veg and fruit before training) however I noticed once I upped my fatty red meat, butter, yoghurt, egg and organ consumption my libido went through the roof. Anecdotal sure however worked for me. Give it a try I doubt you're getting everything you need from white meat and rice/processed carbs are empty calories for the most part.

Medical student here

You need to make sure you’re covering all your micro’s

Make sure you’re getting all your daily vitamins and mineral intake through your diet.

This can easily be done while cutting.

Skim milk and oats porridge with some banana in the mix.
Rye bread with cod and avocado
Lentil soup for dinner with some spinach and broccoli afterwards

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The leanest I ever got was when I tried volume eating along with OMAD. But to get the large volume I cut fat low. At the time I was single and I was doing NoFap, so I didn't notice anything was off, until after I got off the cut and went back to eating fatty meat. I went over a couple of potholes in my car and got an erection. Only then did I realise I hadn't been hard in weeks.

what the fuck that is literally the dumbest advice I've ever heard
Talks about micros then mixes his nutrient rich food with anti nutrient full processed carbs

steak eggs and cruciferous vegetables would be far better

Thanks man I'll give it a go

Genetics, some people can just sit lower without any ill effects.

I do exactly this and mine is still low. I am going to see a doctor about it soon cuz I can't live like this

Can you tell us anything else about your lifestyle that could be affecting it?

Idk, I'm roughly 12% bf, I eat a keto diet and take a multi, lift 4 times a week for 30 mins.

The decline has been going on for like 2 years now. I had me test checked about a month ago and it was 430 ng/dl

Stomach vacuums are easier than maintaining sub 15% bf. Just a thought.

I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean

Have you tried eating fucking carbs?

Same issue, I'm usually between 9-13% bf and I have zero sex drive. I haven't been at 15% or higher for 7 years now, so I have no idea how it would feel libido wise, and there's no way I'm willing to go that high anyway. Would be nice to have a solution considering I tried everything possible that's written in this thread and all over the internet, literally no difference no matter what I do or what I eat.

Have you had your test checked

Even if you don't have washboards, you can at least get the right shape.

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Yes,I actually thought switching to keto might help but it didn't do anything to my sex drive. I saw other benefits from it tho.

Not really into bodybuilding so it isn't a concern for me

Try Maca

Then why are you worried about keeping you body fat so low?

What benefits? How long did it take you to get adjusted to keto

I box at an amateur level so low body fat is more important than looking good

>full processed
retard or just illiterate?

I also did keto, no effect on sex drive.
I tried maca, ashwagandha, citrulline, etc, no effect.

Are you guys retarded, he mentioned he left Uni and went home. Its way more likely that his sex drive plummeted there due to stress and now recovered because of neeting it up at home.

i have kinda low bodyfat but my libido is really high

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Took about 2 weeks to adjust

I don't get headaches anymore any energy levels are much more stable throughout the day. Blood pressure improved too, reduced fiber makes shits better

>rye bread
>processed carbs

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Tell that to that fatass heavyweight champion.

No, when I was a extremely skinny twink who ate 1.3k calories a day, my testosterone doubled ironically(9ng/ml) and no libido drop.

It was 5.4 ng/ml when I was skinny fat

Kinda bro-science-y

Now post a pic with your core completely relaxed.

with or without pants?

I'll leave it up to you.

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more like 5.4 notgonna/makeIt RIGHT LMAO

They don't exist.

>Normally my diet is very bland, mostly white meat and carbs.
add in some eggs, fish, avocado, olive oil and nuts

>Don't fall for the memes are start eating a fatty ancestral based diet.
Did you just tell him to not fall for memes then recommend him one of the hardest meme diets there is? Like i couldn't think of any bigger meme then what you recommended him

100% this

This, retarded students in a completely unrelated field (meds don't learn anything about proper nutrition) shouldn't try to use their laughable degree as an argument. AT LEAST he should have pointed out how to detroy phytic acid and implemented minimum 30-40% animal protein. Prolly just a vegan larper.

OP here, doubt it because I am still doing uni work at home and I was enjoying myself way more at uni

At this point I'm considering mainlining horse-killing amounts of test and tren to get my libido up. Tired of pushing rope. Quite possibly this was the thing that cost me the best relationship in my life. Well, that and jealousy caused by the feeling of inadequacy.

Why the fuck would someone ever eat that trash. You’re fucking retarded m8, just utterly retarded. I’m smarter than you too. You have an ez major compared to mine, Small brain

My standard BF is below 10%. Most recent caliper measurement was 8.6
Whatever a normal sex drive is, when I had a girlfriend it was very high. Now I just jerk off

That’s not really low, that’s ideal

for me its not the body composition but a sustained calorie deficit that causes this.

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It's literally factual. Libido drops off with a caloric deficit in virtually all animals, probably because without that adaptation populations would keep reproducing during a famine and starve to death. It has nothing to do with body fat %.

So you recommend slowing down my cut

>medical student here

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I had the same problem but then I watched some softcore porn without masterbaitng and now I'm alright

some of this has already been said but each of these helped, all done between 18-25%BF. as you can see, it pretty much has to do with overtraining or not getting enough recovery. also went to doc first, T levels were confirmed in "normal range"
>changed routine from 6x/week PPL to 4x/week upper/lower
>went from 0 cardio to 2x/week, mostly 15-20 minutes of HIIT
>increased fats 10%, decreased carbs 10%
>D E L O A D week every 4-6 weeks
>vitamin D supp worked okay but going out in the sun seemed to work better
>more consistent sleep schedule. instead of some days getting 5 hours and some days sleeping 10 hours i aimed for 7-8 hours every night.

no significant change in workout performance

>sex isn't essential
try telling that to people who have gone weeks without sex due to corona

sex isn't essential you fucking incel. get a girlfriend next time.

or telling it to people hoping to maintain a healthy relationship with any girl