Stop drinking it.
You’re addicted to it.
It ruins your REM sleep.
You need it to get anything accomplished.
Your blood pressure is high.
It gives you anxiety.
It can cause stomach ulcers.
And your breath fucking smells.
Stop drinking it.
You’re addicted to it.
It ruins your REM sleep.
You need it to get anything accomplished.
Your blood pressure is high.
It gives you anxiety.
It can cause stomach ulcers.
And your breath fucking smells.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bro, I'm fuckin there. Just finished my stash. I'm so motherfucking done with this dumb ass bean.
It's gonna be warm and sunny for the next week straight. I am going to eat a big breakfast, down some painkillers, and hike til I'm happy every damn day.
>no, i'm sleeping just fine thank you
>no, i did my workout and run today without needing a coffee
>no, haven't had anxiety for years, and that was from marijuana use
>it can but it hasn't
>and i clean my teeth and swig mouthwash after my morning coffee
your thread is shit and you are shit
and when I don't guys love my coffee breath anyway (I'm gay)
well thats good for you user
dont know why you needed to tell us you're gay, but you do you
But I like the taste
Fourth day completely without. Been weaning off of it for a while. Before I sold my coffee maker I would do several huge mugs per day at home and at uni, definitely too much and often with an empty stomach.
Looking to reset that tolerance and only use it for exams and other occasions where needed. Had a month break before and was astonished by the stimulant effect of the first mug. It's fucking awesome, you just develop tolerance way too quick.
>fuck this degenerate shit man, fuck coffee!
>this is the start to me new life! Its gonna be new clean me.
>get up, takes some painkillers, and take a nice healthy hike!
lmao wat
user..i... i like you
Thanks Adolf. Love u2
Caffeine withdrawal makes you feel bad but long hikes in the sun with no headaches make you feel good
I take caffine pills now to make my teeth whitening last and a solitary cup of coffee for the ritual. I'm having the best sleep of my life. I think the drowsiness from coffee and such is largely just having inconsistent doseage. With the pills 200 mg a pill 2 a day one at 6am and one at noon and I'm high energy as fuck but actually tired by the time 10pm rolls around. So at least from perspective a consistent and strategically applied amount is better than none or inconsistent consumption
>you develop tolerance way too quick
or you were drinking some low grade coffee. Get some real premium coffee that you can actually feel
what about this stuff instead?
i guess substituting one drug for another is okay as long as its temporary
They feel good because you’re on painkillers lmao
Okay, take a gourd and put a straw in it. That's the l so now it's Gould and that's fucking Jewish
How about tea?
It has no effect on me if I drink it before 6pm
fucking schizo poster.
decaf masterrace here with a bag of caffeine powder on the shelf.
>drink coffee because it tastes nice
Addicted cucks can get out
caffeine doesn't effect my mental so when i don't drink it i feel no downsides
as pre workout makes my cns feel a little sharper so my lifts feel more fluid
only reason i drink it and is probably a placebo anyways
>he can't drink coffee at night
ah that's good cop of coffee mmh
i don't even taste the added collagen
alright time to head to bed, see you all in the morning
don't forget to put salt, sugar and collagen in your coffee
good night
I only had one today, bros! And I'm working from home!
The trick I used is to give myself a time of day when I can take my first sip. This is important because I can make my coffee any time I want (for instance with my breakfast out of habit). Then I choose the time I take my first sip. This is when I 'officially' start drinking my coffee. So a few days ago I had my first sip at 8:30. It's okay. I then decided that the next day I could only start drinking coffee at 8:45. Then I sticked to it.
I move the acceptable time to start drinking coffee by 15 minutes every day. It's enough to stick to and be a progress. At this point I can start drinking coffee at about 10:30 am but I can see it easily moving to noon if I stick to it. The best part is there is a point during the day when I don't even need coffee. So I started dropping the last one I usually had at around 3PM.
Eventually I may actually have my first sip of coffee during the day at 3PM at which point I might as well just drop it completely.
Such little willpower and self-awareness to even slightly admit that having coffee as part of a routine might be an addiction. I'm not judging you though because I know that the realization of these vices masquerading as personality traits, or worse, virtues, is something nearly super-human.
Help help
there definetly is difference in sleep quality when you drop it
i should do it again desu
but you notice the difference like 2 weeks after you drop it
I got you bro
coffee is for my health. I always drink coffee before cardio. It will enhance performance slightly. Coffee used to be ban in the Olympic.
1. It's the world's largest cash crop
2. Virtually all Western adults are addicted
I simply do not trust coffee studies, that's all there is to it.
What a based man
>i believe what i want to believe
>fuck the evidence
typical trump supporter
Green tea has theanine to counter caffeine, so no anxiety or jitters and you can drink way later than coffee and still sleep
no, I'm addicted to drugs because I'm not a pussy FAGGOT
reality is boring, even if you work hard on something you like. coffee fixes that blindspot
I was off coffee for 4-5 months cause I started getting anxious for other reasons and thought the coffee would heighten that anxious feeling so I began to avoid it. I said fuck it and started drinking this week.... One cup had me tweaked. I really do love the taste of a black up of coffee. I'm just going to drink one a day maybe another for super busy work days but yeah taking breaks from it is great. Good to know you can just stop if you want to. I didn't notice anything when I stopped.
Different caffeine buzz. I have a gourd and some yerba mate. It's comfy to share with bros.
Fuck off mormon occultist
What about *cough* *cough* caffeine gels while cycling?
Actually my resting heart rate is 46 even after a cup
total bs, my stomach health is improved by about 60-70% since i gave up coffee completely, never have the sensation of being on edge or like my energy levels fluxuate from sky high to rock bottom between so much as an hour or less
coffee is shit for health
a gay guy thats overly health conscious and express an argue of sharing with others, is this something new ?
missing out
Heal my son
Cold turkey in the morning baby. Hoo buddy. Let's go let's go
I haven't had caffeine in 3 weeks. Sleep has improved, energy levels have stabilized, been having vivid dreams almost every night.
I'm not planning on having caffeine again, although I missed the taste very much
drink sencha instead
Only as a preworkout
How do I stop? I'm at three cups a day.
Slowly cut down then switch to green tea
All quitting is cold turkey quitting
>You’re addicted to it.
Not anymore
>It ruins your REM sleep.
If you have no control and drink more than a cup after 1pm
>You need it to get anything accomplished.
I feel like this is true to some degree
>Your blood pressure is high.
This is not true.
>It gives you anxiety.
>It can cause stomach ulcers.
Hmm only if you abuse it
>And your breath fucking smells.
This is true
walk the path of the righteous